KENT: “When we come to the study of Bry., we find it is a most persistent remedy; its complaints develop slowly, i.e. , slowly for acute conditions…..They increase into violence, but the violence is not the first flash as in Acon., or Bell., and hence it conforms to a type of disease with continued fever…..The complaints come on after taking cold, not the first few hours, as in Acon. Or Bell., but the day after the exposure he begins to feel uneasy and he sneezes and the nose discharges, there is rawness in the chest, and in a day or so he has a chill and comes down with some inflammatory trouble, pneumonia or pleurisy.”
 ”There is an extreme state of irritability in Bry.; every world which compels him to answer a question or to think will aggravate him.”
 ”Sluggish, aggravated from motion, aggravated from being talked to, wants to lie still in bed; very great irritability, which is as extreme as that found in Nux or Cham….Following the early sluggishness, there is later a state of complete stupefaction in Bry., in which he becomes quite unconscious, as in typhoid.”
 ”In rheumatic complaints in pneumonia and in typhoid conditions, when he is roused from this stage of stupefaction he is confused, sees images, thinks he is away from home and wants to be taken home…..The delirium is of a low type; it is not the flashing wild excitement of Bell. Or Stram.; it is the very opposite; he talks and wanders and does not say much unless he is disturbed.”
 ”In a damp climate, Bry is one of the most frequently indicated remedies.”
 ”The face is mottled and purple, with congestion on a marked Bry. State. The eyes are red and congested; he is listless, does not want to move, to speak or to do anything, because all these things are motion, are efforts, and they make him worse.”
 ”Hot, bloated, red face.”
 ”Constant motion of the mouth as if the patient were chewing, in brain affections of children.”
 ALLEN: “Complaints: when warm weather sets in after cold days; from cold drinks or ices in hot weather; after taking cold or getting heated in summer; from exposure to draft, cold wind; suppressed discharges of menses, milk, or eruption of acute exanthema; fevers caused by getting wet.”
 ”Children dislike to be carried or to be raised.”
 ”Cannot sit up from nausea and faintness.”
 ”Great thirst for large quantities, at long intervals.”
 Tongue has a thick, yellow coating; mouth and lips dry and peeling off (Chin., Ipec.); everything tastes bitter. Desires things which are refused when offered. Feels best when lying upon painful side.
 CLINICAL: Meningitis (acute stage); acute infectious fevers; acute pleurisy; pneumonia (after Acon., Ferr.-p., Ver-vir.); typhoid; influenza; measles; rheumatic fever; bronchitis, etc.
 POTENCY: All potencies work.
 Complementary       : Rhus-t
 Antidoted by             : Acon., Camph., Cham., Chel., Coff., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus-t.
 Follows well              : Acon., Nux-v., Op., Rhus-t., Sulph.
 Followed well by       : Ars., Bell., Hyos., Nux-v., Phos., Puls., Rhus-t., Sil., Sulph.
 Incompatible             : Calc.
 Compare                   : Ant-c., Arn., Ars., Bell., Cham., Cina, Ipec., Nat-m., Nux-v.,
 Op., Phos., Podo., Puls., Rhus-t., Sulph.
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Range of Use. – Rheumatic fevers; typhoid fevers; bilious, intermittent and typhus fevers; shining swelling of individual parts; ailments arising from having a chill; a chill caused by anguish; general coldness of the body; hysteric spasms; pain on moving about, and drawing through the whole body; erysipelas and rash; itching, smarting and burning pimples

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on the skin; spots as in malignant fever; ulcers, with feeling of coldness; disposed to be drowsy, and yawn in the daytime; unable to sleep before midnight; thirst so intense during sleep as to awaken; vexatious dreams; delirium at night; talking and walking in the sleep; chilliness and coldness of the body when in bed; shaking chill, with heat in the head; red face and thirst before; vertigo and headache and stretching; general dry heat, internally and externally; intermittent fevers, with coldness prevailing; inflammatory, bilious, typhoid, milk and childbed fevers; profuse sweats; morning and evening perspiration, with a sour smell; restlessness of mind, and dread of future; a good deal of crying; irritable, vexed, vehement; delirious talk about business; head dull, confused; great fulness and heaviness of the head, with digging pressure in the direction of the forehead; pressing in the brain, either from within outwards, or from without inwards; inflammation of the brain, headache worse when in motion; pressure in the eyes in the evening; burning of the eyes; inflammation of the eyes and lids, and particularly of new born infants; itching tetter upon the lids; painful and red swelling of the lids; stick together after sleeping; dread of light; intolerance of noise and humming in the ears; inflammation up within the nostrils, and bleeding at the nose from suppression of the courses; chronic dry discharge from nose; red and burning; swelling of the face; lips cracked; pain in the teeth at night in bed; drawing, jerking, sensation as if the teeth were loose and elongated; dryness of the mouth and throat; stinging pains in the throat; flat, insipid and foul taste in the mouth; everything tastes bitter, either at the time or after taking it in the mouth; between meals or early in the morning; violent thirst after drinking beer; longing for wine and sour drinks and coffee; enormous appetite, or loss of appetite after eating a mouthful; bitter and sour risings from the stomach; gulping up the food; inclination to vomit, especially after eating food well liked; empty efforts to vomit; vomiting undigested food from the stomach, and glary liquid, bitter vomiting of blood: pressure in the stomach as from a stone, after eating; heartburn; stitching pains at the pit of the stomach when treading or making a wrong step, or when lying on the side; burning in the stomach during motion; pain in the right side; painful sensation when being touched, or coughing or drawing a breath; inflammation of the liver; abdominal spasms and cramps; inflammation of the bowels; loud rumbling in the abdomen; constipation; costiveness of long standing; diarrhoea; violent colic attending the discharge of undigested food; small quantity of urine, red or brown, and hot; an irresistible desire to urinate; suppression of the courses, and at other times too early, and profuse bleeding from the uterus; puerperal fever; hoarseness; cough; titillation of the throat; spasmodic and suffocating cough, with vomiting food from the stomach; cough with stitches in the sides of the chest, with aching pains in the head as if it would fly to pieces; yellowish expectoration, with pure blood or blood-streaked mucus, with little lumps of blood; difficult breathing; paroxysms of asthma; pressure at the chest as from a load; stitches in the chest and sides of the chest when coughing, or when drawing a long breath, or lying on the back, or in motion; palpitation of the heart; milk fever; pain in the small of the back, like a painful stiffness; stitching in the back and small of the back; rheumatic stiffness and tightness in the nape of the neck; tearing in the shoulder joints and upper arms, with tightness and stitching and swelling of the parts; swelling of the arm at the elbow-joint; pain in the wrist-joint as if sprained, when moving it; swelling of the hands; drawing pains in the thighs; stitches in the thighs from the seat to the ankles, with intolerance of contact or motion; perspiration; stiffness and swelling of the knees; tensive stitching and tearing in the calves of the legs down to the ankles; swelling of the legs down to the feet, pain as if sprained; swelling of the feet, with redness, heat, and stitching pain; sensation of parts being stretched during motion.

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Bryonia is a plant remedy. It belongs to the typhoid miasm, which lies between the acute and the psoric. In my experience, the main feeling of Bryonia is the feeling of a loss, which has to be made up very fast. One of the commonest ways of making up a loss is by business. Here you invest what you have, take risks and try to increase your wealth. The concentration is totally on business, so much so that the Bryonia person talks and dreams of business, and in delirium will mention what money has to be put where and what business transaction has to be completed.
The Bryonia person is very industrious, busy and determined, and works at a feverish pace. He becomes dry, insensitive to the emotions and feelings of others. He talks little and doesn’t like to be disturbed. He reads things concerned with his business, converses with business people, and his attitude in the clinic will also be rather business-like.
As a result, one could mistake Bryonia for Calcarea fluorica, but the theme of Calcarea fluorica is to preserve what one already has, and therefore Calcarea fluorica does not take any risks. Bryonia however does take risks. Again, the complaints of Bryonia are more acute and will impede movement, whereas Calcarea fluorica will develop a slow, chronic illness which can make one dependent.
One may also compare Bryonia with Veratrum album, but Veratrum is concerned more with the loss of position than with the loss of money. So egotism, extravagance and show become the theme in Veratrum, but are not so much seen in Bryonia.
– Fear of poverty.
– Talks of business.
– Busy.
– Delirium, busy.
– Delusions, fancies, is doing business.
– Industrious.
– Disturbed, averse to being.
– Talk indisposed to, desires to be silent, taciturn.
– Dreams: business.
– Dreams: being busy.
– Dreams: exertion: mental and physical.
– Dreams: exhausting.
– Avarice.
– Desires warm milk.
– Desires soups.
– Loquacity, of business.
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P. E.-Root.
N. O.-Cucurbitaceæ.
N. H.-Europe.
Properties: In medicinal doses it assists other sedatives to control fever, when indicated. In large doses it is a hydragogue cathartic.
Physiological action: In full physiological doses it is a powerful hydragogue cathartic, being so irritating that it may produce gastro-intestinal inflammation. It excites the peripheral nerves and capillaries to such an extent as to produce irritation and even inflammation. In toxic doses it will cause dizziness, lower temperature, pulse becomes weak, cold perspiration over the body, delirium, dilated pupils and a general depression of the nervous system.
Indications: Hard, quick pulse; short, quick, harsh, hacking cough, quick, sharp, cutting, stitching pain, aggravated by movement, transient pain increased on inhalation. Flushed face, especially the right cheek. Frontal pain extending to basilar region; orbital or supra-orbital pain; hemicrania; headache of rheumatic origin. Being of special use in inflammation of the serous and synovial membranes, it can be readily seen why it is indicated where pain is aggravated by motion of the affected parts.
Use: In acute serous and synovial membrane inflammation, with or without exudation. Retards exudation and encourages absorbtion if exudates have formed. A remedy of great value in the treatment of all acute inflammation of the thoracic viscera, in which case it is alternated or associated with other indicated remedies. The remedy in pleurisy and pneumonia and influenza. In rheumatism in any part of the body when indicated. When there is pain in the liver, of a cutting nature it has proved of value. Bryonia should never be given in as large doses so as to get its hydragogue cathartic effect. The average dose of v of xx drops in 4 ounces of water, teaspoonful every 2 to 4 hours answers for all medicinal purposes.

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-G. H. Clarke

Dry mouth

Splitting headache worse on the slightest motion. Dry mouth and tongue. Dry, very painful cough, scanty expectoration. Must support the chest while coughing. Pleurisy with stitching, tearing pains and serious or fibrinous exudate. Acute meningitis in adults. Tongue and lips dry and cracked. Thirst. Restlessness.
Frontal headache, vertigo, epistaxis. Fever.1. Cough, with pain in the chest. Inflammation of trachea, but not of the bronchi. Slight serous expectoration. Lungs hepatized. Pleurisy with serous exudation.2. Liver sensitive to pressure. Watery or serous stools. Colic.3. All synovial membranes injected, with serous effusion.4.

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Congestive headache with feeling of bursting or splitting, relieved by pressure and increased by stooping.1-4. Splitting headache, bilious disturbance, dry mouth and tongue and nocturnal delirium.1-3-4 Acute meningitis of adults.1-4. Dry, severe cough, caused by tickling sensation behind the sternum. Scanty, serous or blood-stained mucous expectoration. Pains severe, must support the chest while coughing.2. Pneumonia with some pleuritic involvement. Bronchial tubes almost free from mucus.2. Pleurisy with serous or fibrinous exudate.2. Pericarditis, acute, with exudation.4. Stitching and tearing pains in serous and fibrous tissue, not apt to change location.4. Joints much reddened and swollen. Pain increased by motion and relieved by pressure.4. Usually the lips and tongue are dry and cracked. Thirst. Restlessness, but much pain upon movement.1-4.

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General Symptoms
Worse from, and aversion to, least motion even of an eyelid or of talking, better from, and desires, perfect quiet and rest and not be paid any attention, coupled with irritability and great thirst for large quantities especially at long intervals.

Faint on rising up in bed, or even attempting to raise head from pillow. Mouth, lips and throat extremely dry, lips parched; nursing children will not nurse until lips are moistened. tongue white, or white down center. Easy perspiration, Better lying on affected side, the reverse of Bell. pressure and heat, except eyes and teeth. Worse cold, touch and mental excitement. Pains sharp, stitching, like Kali-c. (Ran. bulb., cutting), lancinating. Everything puts one out of humor; hasty; peevish. Face dark red. Taste bitter, and to food. Pulse full, strong, hard and rapid. Nausea, on sitting up. Stools dry, hard and black as if burnt. Desires something but knows not what; children desire things, but refuse them when offered. COMMENT.

Mind :

Unconscious, a.m., on rising

Unconscious, a.m., on rising. (L): Talks of business; delirium at daybreak, thinks one is away from home and wishes to be taken there; fears poverty; quiet during chill; sighs during sweat; unconscious, on rising up. delirium usually begins 9 p.m. and lasts throughout the night, while that of Bell. begins at 3 p.m. and lasts until midnight. Worse on rising a.m., while Cham. is worse 9 a.m. Anxious uneasy feeling compels one to move; moves, yet screeches with pain. Better cold air, like Puls, wants windows open after which he goes to sleep. Desires both mental and bodily quiet. Worse if crossed, or from visitors.


Head or back pain < movement

Pain, a.m. in bed, on first moving; pain, from ironing; pain above left side eye, to occiput and finally over whole body amelioration lying on left side; pain in occiput, a.m., on waking, to shoulder while lying on back, better noon, and, in occipital protuberance, aggravation motion; bursting pain a.m., on first opening eyes. (L): Heat of heat, during chilliness; pain in heat, during constipation; pain in occipital protuberance; pressing pain, on coughing, and, in forehead, on stooping, and, over eyes, on motion; stitching pain, on stepping. All heat pains are aggravation motion, exertion and a.m. Pain in heat with all complaints requiring Bry. Pain on first waking and moving even an eyelid, eyeballs sore, and a bruised feeling over (Nux, on waking,, before moving). Natr-m. has head ache in a.m., and oily sweat, sour, on face, while the same sweat of Bry. is more general over head, and the lips dry and cracked.

Dry, burning, itching tetter on lids; burning pain in canthus, night; cutting pain on opening eye; vision, blue haze. (L): Inflamed choroid, pain; aching on motion of eyes; burning pain in canthi; pressing pain on moving eyes; sore bruised pain on moving lids. Eyeballs sore to touch and motion, like Gels., but Gels. is thirstless. Bry. dioica is a popular drug for “black eyes” locally (Led. cc internally).

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