Best Homeopathy medicine for mucus in throat

Best homeopathy medicine for mucus in throat

During an acute respiratory disease, a good productive cough is an indication that healing has begun. Homeopathic remedies for excessive phlegm are extremely useful in prevention and cure.
best homeopathy medicine for mucus in throat

The article on Homeopathic remedies for excessive phlegm dedicated to mentioning the below points.

  • mucus clear homeopathic remedy
  • homeopathic medicine for phlegm in throat
  • The homeopathic medicine for phlegm and excessive mucus in the throat
  • homeopathic medicine for mucus in chest
  • best homeopathy medicine for mucus in throat
  • excessive phlegm homeopathy


Homeopathic medicine for large quantities of phlegm or copious expectoration:

Euphrasia is best homeopathy medicine for mucus in throat. In fact, profuse soft coryza with burning lachrymation is guiding symptoms of Euphrasia for phlegm. Moreover repeated, lasting bronchitis and sensitive to damp cold indicate the use of Dulcamara Homeopathy for phlegm.
Dulcamara is also a good homeopathic medicine for mucus in the chest.

In addition, purulent, thick lumpy, white yellow expectoration, on the other hand, calls for Calcarea Sulfurica. In fact, Calcarea Sulfurica is utmost useful homeopathic medicine for phlegm and excessive mucus in the throat.

Extremely painful cough especially call for Hepar Sulphuricum for mucus in throat. Moreover, Hepar Sulphuricum is an excellent homeopathic medicine for phlegm in the throat.

Stannum Metal is also a best homeopathy medicine for mucus in throat. The important clues are extremely exhausting expectoration and chronic bronchitis.


Homeopathic medicine for phlegm and excessive mucus in the throat – Difficult to expectorate:

Rumex is a very good Homeopathic remedy for phlegm in the chest with difficult to expectorate. The important hint of the Rumex, in this case, is constant tickling and hay fever. On the other hand, vomits big quantities of mucus that is worse at 11.30 P.M and allergic coughs indicate Coccus Cacti. It is also a very good Homeopathic remedy for phlegm and excessive mucus in the throat.

Homeopathic medicine for chest congestion and cough -Remedy Finder

Causticum is also a well-known homeopathic medicine for mucus in the chest. Mucus that is very difficult to expectorate. Moreover, scanty mucus compared to cough with burning hoarseness indicates Causticum. Apart from difficult expectoration nausea, vomiting, hiccough, bloody and asthma point toward Ipecac. It is also the best homeopathy medicine for mucus in throat.

Senega is wonderful homeopathic medicine for phlegm in throat. In fact, suffocation by tough mucus and chronic bronchitis direct us to use Senega.

 Best homeopathy medicine for mucus in throat with Phlegm Color Bloody:

Ipecac is best homeopathy medicine for mucus in the throat with bloody expectoration. The important indications are the chest full of secretions, but difficult to expectorate. Moreover, Asthma along with mucus in throat and nausea guide us to use Ipecac. In addition, lungs congestion and burning pains in the chest are the indications for Ferrum Phosphoricum for excessive phlegm homeopathy. Moreover, Ferrum Phosphoricum patients are weak with bloody expectoration. Whereas sudden hemoptysis calls for Phosphorus. It is also the best homeopathy medicine for mucus in throat.

Homeopathy Constitutional Remedies for Cough

 Grayish expectoration or phlegm – mucus clear homeopathic remedy

Argentum Metal is an excellent homeopathic medicine for phlegm in throat. In fact, easy expectoration like starch suggests Argentum metallicum for excessive phlegm. The great weakness in the Chest and larynx is also a prominent symptom in Argentum metallicum patients.
Senega is also a wonderful homeopathic medicine for phlegm and excessive mucus in the throat. In addition, profuse mucus in old age people with emphysema point to Senega homeopathic medicine for phlegm in throat.

 Greenish phlegm or expectoration – homeopathic medicine for mucus in chest

Kalium Bichromicum is best homeopathy medicine for mucus in throat. The guiding symptoms to use Kalium Bichromicum are worse by use of voice, with a sore, raw larynx, and chest weakness. In addition, sinusitis point toward especially kalium Bichromicum mucus clears homeopathic remedy.
Kalium Iodatum is another homeopathic medicine for mucus in the chest. The peculiarity of phlegm, in this case, is like soapsuds. In addition, expectoration worse in the morning with pneumonia is an important symptom. Asthma and maxillary sinusitis are further indications of Kalium Iodium homeopathic medicine for mucus in the chest.

 White phlegm or expectoration – best homeopathy medicine for mucus in throat

Kalium Muriaticum is most useful homeopathic medicine for mucus in the chest. In addition, chronic serous otitis along with phlegm specifies Kalium Muriaticum. Moreover, excessive phlegm in children, which is thick and tenacious, indicates Kalium Muriaticum.

Causticum, in fact, is for difficult and scanty expectoration. Teasing cough that must be swallowed specify Causticum for excessive phlegm in Homeopathy.

 Yellow phlegm or expectoration – homeopathic medicine for phlegm and excessive mucus in the throat

Pulsatilla is an excellent excessive phlegm homeopathy remedy. The peculiarity in pulsatilla patient with phlegm is a dry cough at night and loose in the morning. Thick, tenacious mucus on the other hand call for Hydrastis. Point is that Ancient bronchial catarrh with excessive phlegm guides us to use Hydrastis Homeopathic medicine. Moreover, Hydrastis is best homeopathy medicine for mucus in the throat with sinusitis.

References: Bouko Levy M., Homeopathic and Drainage Repertory

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Manas Vaish

    I have mucus in throat from 20 days
    No pain
    Cough very less
    White mucus in throat
    Age 33

  2. debbi miller

    I have had dilated cardiomyapthy for the past 14 years. I was recently diagnosed with emphysema. I have thick mucus white can be lumpy. Mostly feels like pluy on base of neck and that my airways are being closed off. I am an experienced homoeopath and have done most of key remedies as a 12c potency with the exception of seneg. Need to order it. At this point my heart is getting worse i have also had a pacer/diffibulizer since the beginning. I need help. I have paid dearly
    3 other homeopaths who didnt come clise to helping. I am also now in O2 24/7

    1. drdevendrakumar

      Dear debbi miller,
      You need to use SPONGIA 200 in your case of Cardiomyopathy.

      1. Shar-la Leo

        I have constant clearing of throat. Especially in morning, aggravated by foods I’m sensitive too. Dairy, food preservatives etc. But even if none, morning clearing of throat has to happen. Otherwise it blocks me from speaking clearly unless I clear it. It has green to yellow in it sometimes. Mostly in morning. I have had chronic viral problem for years but I’m better now except this throat clearing. Sometimes its really takes effort to bring up. Hope you can recommend something. I thought Kali bich?? I am fairly thirsty too, which I try to sort with minerals and water. But generally dry constitution and cold extremities

        1. drdevendrakumar

          Yes, really Kalium Bichronicum is a very good remedy to try in this case.
          please take 2 pills and wait for 15 days. no need to take daily.

        2. Shar-la Leo

          Thank you… Great

  3. Elena

    Father in law, 82, at home under hospice care, with metastatic melanoma cancer. On morphine. Has a mucus cough with yellowish discharge. His cough is never dry. Thinking Hydrastis.

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