KENT: “There is a general amelioration from cold and aggravation from heat.”
”In brain troubles, if you put an Apis patient with congestion of the brain into a warm bath, he will go into convulsions, and consequently warm bathing is not always ‘good for its’.”
In brain affections of children, “the child gradually goes into a state of unconsciousness. Lies in a stupor, one side of the body twitching, the other side motionless, rolling head from side to side; head drawn back rigidly; pupils contracted or dilated, eyes very red, face flushed, a stupid state of semiconsciousness. Child lying with eyes partly closed, as if benumbed.”
”It is suitable in congestion of the brain, meningitis, or cerebrospinal meningitis with opisthotonos when all the symptoms are aggravated from heat.”
”Very often the head is rolling and tossing, the teeth gnashing, and the eyes flashing with threatening convulsions, the child carrying the hand to the head at times, a state of semiconsciousness, and the child screams out with that peculiar scream which is known to mean congestion of the brain.”
”The complaints of Apis are attended with violence and rapidity. They come with great rapidity, rush on with violence, until unconsciousness is reached.”
”It is often called for in scarlet fever when the urine is loaded with albumin.”
”Bad effects of acute exanthems imperfectly developed or suppressed (Zinc); measles, scarlatina, urticaria.”
”Heat, with inclination to uncover; more or less violent headache, and generally a continuous deep sleep (Op.); chilliness on moving or uncovering during heat (Arn., Nux-v.)
”Burning, hot, dry skin all over, particularly felt in abdomen, epigastrium and chest and hands, with muttering and unconsciousness; alternate hot and dry skin or cool in some places and hot in others, with occasional spells of sweating.”
”Great oppression and burning in the chest with smothering.”
The tongue in acute attacks is dry, red, with a raw, sore, painful tenderness; does not care to talk or protrude it.
CLINICAL: Meningitis; exanthematous fevers; small pox, scarlet fever, measles; cerebrospinal fever; pleurisy; typhoid; yellow fever.
POTENCY: 6 to cm.
The action is sometimes slow, and is shown by increased urine.
Compare: Ars. (chilly, thirsty, desires warmth.)
Arn. (bruised soreness); Bell; Lach. (in typhoid.)
Sul. ( in tubercular meningitis); Zinc.
Inimical: Rhus-tox.