-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
Complementary/Holistic Medicine for Cholangiocarcinoma Cancer – It’s Your Life, Live It!

Gall bladder

Biliousness in general:
Sick headache, vomiting and purging of bile; or nausea; loaded tongue, bitter taste, no appetite, cross humour, etc.
Medicinal treatment
Bryonia alba
For bilious feelings in hot weather, or when bilious vomiting comes on after drinking.
Dose. -Two drops in a tablespoonful of water every four hours.
When there is free and copious vomiting, with a headache as if the head were braised.
Dose. -As Bryonia.

Mercurius solubilis
When there is great drowsiness, yellow complexion, and pains about the liver, or feeling of compression in the head, or with lumpy, hard stools.
Dose. -Two grains, as Bryonia.
Nux vomica
If there is great giddiness, with constipated bowels and crampy headache.
Dose. -As Bryonia.
Podophyllum peltatum
For offensive breath, foul tongue, and putrid taste in the mouth, with constipation.
Dose. -Three Drops, as Bryonia.
Pulsatilla pratensis
When the bowels are relaxed and there is chilliness, and the attack has been caused by rich or fat food, pork, etc.
Dose. -As Bryonia.

Accessory treatment
It is best in most instances to promote vomiting by drinking freely of warm water, or by tickling the back part of the throat with the finger or a feather. While feeling bilious, take but little food, and let it be light and simple; a small quantity of beef tea and dry toast, etc. If of a bilious temperament, drink repeated glasses of cold water, take a cold bath daily, use friction over the stomach and bowels with the flesh brush or coarse towel, eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, and but little pastry or made dishes, and take active exercise in the open air. -See Indigestion and Vomiting.

Bilious colic
Symptoms. -Generally those of a disordered stomach: bitter taste, furred tongue, nausea and vomiting, thirst, severe cutting and twisting pain in the bowels, frequently followed by bilious vomiting and diarrhoea, the evacuations being mixed with bile, after which the symptoms gradually abate.
Medicinal treatment
If the colic is very painful, with spasmodic, crampy feelings in the bowels, or if they are distended and feel very tender.
Dose. -Three drops in a little water every quarter of an hour to two hours.
Mercurius solubilis
If there are shooting or violent pinching pains, especially in the centre of the abdomen, with nausea.
Dose. -Two grains dry on the tongue, repeated every half hour.
Nux vomica
Is a valuable medicine to commence with, especially if there are violent cramp-like pains, constipation, or pains and weariness in the thighs.
Dose. -As Chamomilla.
Pulsatilla pratensis
Especially if there are spasmodic or cutting pains, or looseness of the bowels, or shivering.
Dose. -As Chamomilla.
Accessory treatment
Plenty of warm diluting drinks, friction and hot water applied to the abdomen with flannels. Five drops of the strong tincture of Camphor on a lump of sugar every ten minutes or quarter of an hour, will sometimes afford relief when the pain is very severe.

Bilious diarrhoea
(Frequently a curative action, which need not be checked).
Medicinal treatment
Arsenicum album
If very violent.
Dose. -Two drops every too or three hours in a dessertspoonful of water.
If the evacuation is like stirred-up eggs and there is much pain.
Dose. -Three drops, as Arsenicum.
Mercurius solubilis
In ordinary cases of bilious diarrhoea, the most useful remedy.
Dose. -Two grains as Arsenicum.
Pulsatilla pratensis
If there are watery, green, or bilious slimy stools, arising from indigestion or a disordered stomach. -See under Diarrhoea and Indigestion.
Dose. -As Chamomilla.
Accessory treatment
Simple warm diluting drinks will frequently prove useful, as barley-water, linseed-tea, thin gruel, etc.

Bilious headache – sick headache
Symptoms. -Nausea, swimming in the head or violent aching pain, not infrequently coming on in the morning and continuing (unless arrested by medicine) until relieved at night by sleep. It occurs to persons of delicate digestion who give too close attention to business, or are excessively fatigued, worried, or anxious.

Medicinal treatment
Iris versicolor
When severe and attended by vomiting of acid, bitter, bilious matters, and diarrhoea.
Dose. -Two drops every two hours in a dessertspoonful of water.
If there is great nausea and vomiting, and a bruised feeling in the head.
Dose. -Three drops, as Iris.
Nux vomica
When the pains are as though a nail was driven into the head; or there is great giddiness, confusion, and faintness; or if it is worse in the open air.
Dose. -As Iris.
Pulsatilla pratensis
If there are semi lateral pains, which are relieved by compression, or by being in the open air.
Dose. -As Iris.
Sepia officinalis
When there are semi lateral pains of a shooting and boring character, with great nausea and vomiting, or with great weight in the head.
Dose. -Two grains every three or four hours.
Veratrum album
In violent headaches with omitting and pale face, or with throbbing pains.
Dose. -As Iris.

Accessory treatment
Cold wet bandages to the forehead. -See under Biliousness in General, Headache, and Indigestion.
Bilious vomiting
Generally a relief of nature, and need not be checked unless very severe. Arsenicum, Ipecacuanha, or Pulsatilla, may be given.
Dose. -Twp drops every two to six hours, in a little cold water.
Iris versicolor
For vomiting of acid, bitter, bilious matters, with severe pain in the head, and diarrhoea.
Dose. -Same as last directed.

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