Homeopathic medicine for infertility in female

Best Homeopathic medicine for female infertility:

Failure to get pregnant after one year of serious efforts can define as infertility. Whereas Infertility can be due to female or male causes or in some cases both. On the other hand, studies reveal, one-third of infertility cases are due to female factors. Of course, 95 percent of females successfully conceive without treatment after trying for 2 years. Female causes of infertility can cure with Homeopathic remedies permanently. Homeopathic medicine for female infertility is discussed extensively in this article.

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3 Homeopathic treatment for infertility in females – Medicine indications:
Homeopathic medicine for infertility in female
Female infertility causes:
  • Anovulation
  • Irregular and absent menses
  • Obstructions in female reproductive system
  • Bacterial and fungal Infections
  • Failure of an Egg to Mature Properly
  • Failure to implant egg on placenta
  • Endometriosis or Chocolate cysts
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Ovary insufficiency
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Systemic disorders

The symptom of Women Infertility from Homeopathic Repertories:

  • Mind, Depression sadness, infertility, from –Aurum metallicum, Natrum Muriaticum
  • Breasts, Atrophy, of, and ovaries with infertility –lodium
  • Painful menses causes Female, Dysmenorrhea, infertility in – Natrum Muriaticum, Phytolacca Decandra, Sepia
  • Frequent Female, Menses, in general, too early, too soon, infertility in –Cantharis, Sulphur
  • Menses Female, in general, late, too, infertility in –Phosphorus
  • Profuse Menses, Female, in general, infertility, in- Cantharis, Millifolium, Phosphorus, Sulphur
  • Scanty Menses Female, in general, infertility, in –Cantharis
  • Pregnancy, Miscarriage spontaneous, abortion, tendency, to frequent and early, ovum expelled at every menstrual period causing infertility –Viburnum
  • Non-retention of semen from Female infertility, – Natrum Carbonicum
  • Ovarian atony from Female infertility, – Eupatorium Purpureum
  • Profuse menstrual flow from Female infertility, – Calcarea carbonica, Merc Solubulis, Millifolium, Natrum Muriaticum, Phosphorus, Sulphuricum acid, Sulphur
  • Sexual desire, excesses with Female infertility, – Cannabis Indica, Kali bromatum, Origanum Majorana, Phosphorus, Platina
  • Sexual desire, without, Female infertility, – Agnus
  • Sycotic Female infertility – Medorrhinum, Thuja
  • Discharge acid, from Female infertility – Natrum Phosphoricum
  • Vagina discharge, with Female infertility, – Caulophyllum, Kreosotum, Natrum carbonicum
  • Weakness, from Female infertility, – Caulophyllum, Merc Solubulis, Silicea
  • Hair, general, mustache, women, in – Corticotrophinum, Natrum Muriaticum, Sepia, Thuja, Thyroidinum

Homeopathic treatment for infertility in females – Medicine indications:

Aurum Metallicum – best medicine benefits in Homeopathic treatment for infertility in females with depression:

Women with high goals in their life easily went into depression and suicidal due to infertility need this Homeopathic Medicine. In fact, it is also very good medicine for anovulation treatment in homeopathy with hard tumors in ovaries. Furthermore, Arum metallicum is greatly helpful for female infertility treatment in Homeopathy with underdeveloped ovaries.

Natrum Muriaticum – best homeopathic medicine for female infertility with sadness:

This Homeopathic Medicine greatly benefits in female infertility with averse to sex. In fact, the women experience severe pain during coition need Natrum Muriaticum homeopathic medicine for female infertility. On the other hand, dryness of the vagina causes infertility in Natrum Muriaticum. For that reason, it is good homeopathic medicine for sterility in women with dryness of vagina. On the contrary, women not getting pregnant with leucorrhea get benefit from this homeopathy medicine.

Iodium – female infertility homeopathic medicine with atrophy of Ovaries and Breasts:

It is a very good Homeopathic Medicine for anovulation treatment in homeopathy. In fact, it helps in the cure of atrophy of ovaries. Iodium is also a good homeopathy medicine to increase AMH levels with hormone imbalance. Infertility is due to conditions like hyperthyroidism also curable with Iodium. On the other hand, a hard swollen uterus with acid leucorrhoea indicates Iodium for female infertility treatment in homeopathy.

See Also Iodium Homeopathic Materia Medica

Sepia – Homeopathic medicine for PCOS infertility with dysmenorrhea or painful menses:

This is also a great female Homeopathic remedy having aversion to sex. This Homeopathic Remedy helps to cure hormonal imbalances. For that reason, it is a great homeopathy medicine to increase the AMH level. The main cause of sterility, in this case, is an inability to have orgasm and frigidity. In addition, it is a useful Homeopathic medicine for PCOS and infertility with severe leucorrhea and vaginitis. The menstrual irregularities like scanty menses, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea are curable with Sepia. As a result, it is a useful homeopathic medicine for PCOS infertility. On the other hand, the prolapse of the uterus often causes infertility in sepia women. This medicine is useful for female infertility treatment in homeopathy for those who complain about beating down sensation.

Cantharis – Homeopathy for Endometriosis and infertility with too frequent menses:

This Homeopathic medicine is most specific for frequent menses with urine complaints. In fact, unbearable pain in uterus during menses indicates cantharis homeopathy for endometriosis and infertility. On the contrary, high sexual desire with infertility indicates this Homeopathic remedy. Cantharis can cure Gonococcal pus discharges in the fallopian tubes. As a result, it is most indicated homeopathic medicine to open blocked fallopian tube.

Phosphorus – Medicine for Anovulation treatment in Homeopathy with too late menses:

Ovarian cysts are the chief indication of this Homeopathic Medicine. For that reason, this Homeopathic medicine helps in PCOS infertility. In addition, infertility caused by fibroids and tumors of uterus frequently indicates this Homeopathic medicine. Furthermore, bright red menstrual discharges suggest this Homeopathic remedy for recurrent miscarriage.  This Homeopathic medicine stimulates ovulation in lean, fair, and attractive women. Therefore, it is a great benefit for anovulation treatment in Homeopathy.

Millifolium – Homeopathic medicine for sterility with profuse menses:

Irregularity in menses is the cause of PCOS. For that reason, infertility with PCOS indicated this Homeopathic medicine. On the other hand, profuse bright red menses guide us to use this Homoeopathic medicine for female infertility. In addition, varicose veins, enlarged veins in the uterus with severe pain full menses help us to select this medicine in female infertility treatment in homeopathy.

Viburnum – Homeopathic remedies for recurrent miscarriage:

Cramping pains from abdomen going down thighs particularly indicates this Homeopathic medicine for frequent miscarriages. In addition, pain from the back around the pelvis is an important key point for the selection of Viburnum in sterility homeopathy treatment. Of course, anterior muscles of thighs often affected with uterine complaints suggest this homeopathic remedy for recurrent miscarriage. On the other hand, frequent and early miscarriage is the point overlooked in this case. Moreover, Very conscious of internal sexual organs also guide us to use this homeopathy for unexplained infertility.

Natrum Carbonicum – Medicine for sterility homeopathy treatment:

In this case, sterility from the weakness of the vaginal sphincter is an important factor to use this remedy in infertility. In fact, a sensation of motion as from fetus in uterus indicates Natrum Carbonicum homeopathy for unexplained infertility. Skin eruptions, especially on thighs, buttocks, and back, guide us to use this homeopathic medicine for female infertility. To put it differently, aversion to certain persons is the characteristic mindset of Natrum Carbonicum Homeopathy women suffering from Infertility. Aversion to drink milk is the important point that direct us to use this Medicine for anovulation treatment in Homeopathy.

Eupatorium Purpureum – Anovulation treatment in Homeopathy with atony of ovary:

In this case, uterine leucorrhoea caused by exhaustion and chronic metritis is the guiding symptom to use this medicine for infertility. Sterility chiefly from ovarian atony especially indicates Eupatorium Purpureum homeopathy medicine to improve egg quality. On the other hand, abundant Leucorrhoea, leaving no stain is also an important key point for using this homeopathic medicine to open a blocked fallopian tube. In addition, cutting pain two inches above left ovary is the most characteristic indication of this homeopathy medicine to increase amh level

Platina – Homeopathy medicine for conceiving fast with excess sexual desire:

Hypersexual and Nymphomania females suffering from infertility greatly benefit from this Homeopathic medicine. In addition, early masturbation is another key point to use this medicine for homeopathic treatment for infertility in females. Severe itching of the genitals with infertility suggests us to use this medicine for anovulation treatment in homeopathy. On the other hand, Hypersensitive, painful to touch, prevents coitus or examination along with infertility guide us to use this homeopathy medicine for unexplained infertility. In this case, Cysts and tumors in ovaries cause the slow development of ovaries. For this reason, Platina is the best homeopathy medicine to improve egg quality.

Dysmenorrhea and early menses make Platina a unique homeopathy remedy for endometriosis and infertility. On the contrary, infertility with profuse, dark-clotted, and stringy menses is most characteristic in this Homeopathic medicine. Of course, painful bearing-down and sensitiveness of the parts indicate this remedy in sterility homeopathy treatment.

See Also Platina Homeopathic Materia Medica

Agnus Castus – Homeopathic medicine for sterility for those without sexual desire:

Excessive sexual desire in the women finally leads to loss of function chiefly indicates this Homeopathic medicine for female infertility. Agnus castus greatly benefits to cure symptoms after suppressed gonorrhea. As a result, it is the best homeopathic medicine to open a blocked fallopian tube. Moreover, Urethritis with infertility indicates this homeopathy medicine for not getting pregnant.

Thuja and Medorrhinum – Homeopathic medicine to open blocked fallopian tube:

Thuja and Medorrhinum are most prominent medicines for Gonococcal side effects in Homeopathy. For that reason, these Homeopathic medicines greatly benefits to open blocked fallopian tube. Thuja is very good remedy to cure Cysts in ovary. Under those circumstances, it is an important Homeopathic medicine for PCOS and infertility. This Homeopathic medicine frequently indicated for tumors in ovary and uterine fibroids. Henceforth, Thuja Homeopathy benefits in recurrent miscarriage. Pain in left ovary during menses, extending to left inguinal region is another key point to use this homeopathy medicine for infertility in female.

Kreosotum – Homoeopathic medicine for sterility with vaginal discharges:

Corrosive offensive leucorrhea between menses is the indication of this medicine in Homeopathic treatment for infertility in females. On the other hand, burning, itching, and swelling of internal and external parts also guide us to use this Homeopathic remedy for recurrent miscarriage. In addition, violent pain during coition, gives aversion and fear of sex indicates this remedy for female infertility treatment in homeopathy. Hemorrhages after coition chiefly suggest Kreosotum for sterility homeopathy treatment. Menstrual flow intermits, ceases on sitting or walking, reappears on lying is especially the guiding symptoms to select this Homeopathy medicine for not getting pregnant.

Silicea – Medicine for Anovulation treatment in homeopathy with weakness of ovary:

Menorrhagia along with fistulas and abscess are the important indications of this remedy to use for female infertility treatment in Homeopathy. In addition, frequent Bartholin’s cysts is another key point to select this remedy for sterility homeopathy treatment. On the other hand, lack of assimilation of food chiefly affects the ovaries. Therefore, Silicea benefits for anovulation treatment in homeopathy. Furthermore, the offensive leucorrhea indicates this homoeopathic medicine for female infertility.

Thyroidinum – Homeopathy medicine to increase AMH level with mustache in women:

This Homeopathic medicine Thyroidinum mainly used for balancing the thyroid hormone. Insufficiency in thyroid hormone can cause slow development of ovaries. Not only ovaries, it influences the other hormones like AMH. For that reason, Thyroidinum is the important Homeopathy medicine to increase AMH level. This Homeopathic medicine corrects thyroid hormone imbalance, by all means, is the best in infertility female treatment.

Homeopathic medicine for conceiving baby fast:

The medicines above all are best to help in conceive a baby. In fact, the symptoms must match to use this homeopathy medicine for conceiving fast. On the contrary, we cannot specify a Homeopathic medicine for conceiving baby fast at a glance. The reason is, first, we need to trace out the problem with your constitution. Second, it needs to select the best homeopathic medicine to conceive based on your constitutional symptoms.


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