Thyroidinum 3x Homeopathic Remedy uses In Hypothyroidism:

This article on Thyroidinum presents about the uses of Thyroidinum 3x along with Thyroidinum 6x, Thyroidinum 12x, Thyroidinum 12c, Thyroidinum 30x, Thyroidinum 30c or Thyroidinum 30ch, Thyroidinum 200c or Thyroidinum 200ch

Indications: Hypothyroidism and its symptoms like general and muscular weakness, easy fatigue, sensitive to cold, digestive problems, obesity, mood changes, migraine, goitre, etc.

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 Thyroid gland secrets hormones thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3), through which it controls several functions of body such as using energy, making proteins, response to other hormones, etc. Deficiency of thyroid hormone, which is known as hypothyroidism, may affect all body functions and the severity range from mild sub clinical states to severe myxoedema. Hypothyroidism may be due to primary disease of the thyroid gland or lack of thyroid stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland. Symptoms of hypothyroidism are of wide range including weakness, fatigue, cold intolerance, constipation, weight change, depression, menorrhagia, dry skin, bradycardia, anaemia, etc.

Thryoidinum 3x Homeopathy

Thyroidinum Homeopathic Medicine is a proved homoeopathic drug.Thyroidinum 3x is officially covered by Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India.This remedy has long been used in homoeopathy to treat the symptoms of hypothyroidism, which covers most of the symptoms mentioned above such as general and muscular weakness, easy fatigue, sensitive to cold, digestive problems, obesity, mood changes, etc. It is also found beneficial in migraine in which there is an insufficiency of thyroid gland. This drug exercises a general regulating influence over the mechanism of the organs of nutrition, growth and development. It is useful in goitre, especially of exophthalmic type.

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 250 mg tablets of Schwabe’s Thyroidinum 3x can be used alone or as supplement to other medicines.

Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed, 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Children should be given one tablet twice daily and when symptoms improve 1 tablet a day. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.

Side effects of Thyroidinum Homeopathic Medicine: No side effects of Schwabe’s Thyroidinum 3x are known.

Contraindications of Thyroidinum Homeopathic Remedy: No contra-indications for the use of Schwabe’s Thyroidinum 3x are known.

Interactions : No interactions between Schwabe’s Thyroidinum 3x and other products are known.

Presentation: Bottle of 20gm.

Boericke W. in his Materia Medica gives us explanation about General symptoms of Homeopathic Medicine THYROIDINUM as follows:

This includes the uses of Thyroidinum 6x, Thyroidinum 12x, Thyroidinum 12c, Thyroidinum 30x, Thyroidinum 30c or Thyroidinum 30ch, Thyroidinum 200c or Thyroidinum 200ch

Thyroidinum is Prepared from Dried Thyroid Gland of the Sheep.

   Deficiency in Thyroid Hormone produces the symptoms of anaemia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache, nervous tremor of face and limbs, tingling sensations, paralysis. Increase in Thyroid Hormone lead into Heart rate increased, exophthalmus and dilatation of pupils.

IN MYXOEDEMA AND CRETINISM its effects are striking.
Rheumatoid arthritis. Infantile wasting. Rickets. Delayed union of fractures. In half grain doses twice a day over a considerable period said to be EFFECTIVE IN UNDESCENDED TESTICLE in boys.

Thyroid exercises a general regulating influence over the mechanism of the organs of nutrition, growth and development. Thyroid weakness causes decided craving for large amount of sweets.

Thyroid has use in psoriasis; and TACHYCARDIA. Arrested development in children. Improves the memory.

Thyroidinum is useful in curing GOITRE. Excessive obesity. Acts better with pale patients, rather than those of high color.

It is also helpful in Amblyopia. MAMMARY TUMOR. UTERINE FIBROID. Great weakness and hunger, yet loses flesh. NOCTURNAL ENURESIS. AGALACTEA. Begin treatment early in pregnancy. Dose 1 1/2 gr. 2 to 3 times daily.

Most effective in cases of Hyperemesis gravidarum VOMITING OF PREGNANCY (give early in morning before patient gets up).

Is particularly cured the Sensation of faintness after acute diseases, i.e. weakness. Easy fatigue, weak pulse, tendency to fainting, palpitation, cold hands and feet, low blood pressure, chilliness and sensitive to cold. (Thyroid 1x 3 times daily.)

Thyroidinum has a powerful diuretic action in myxoedema and various types of oedema.

All other potencies of thyroidinum like Thyroidinum 6x, Thyroidinum 12x, Thyroidinum 12c, Thyroidinum 30x, Thyroidinum 30c or Thyroidinum 30ch, Thyroidinum 200c or Thyroidinum 200ch are having very much similar action.

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[…] Thyroidinum 200 equally important, is useful in Goitre cases as the Homeopathic remedy when Iodium 200c did not work properly. Thyroidinum, as a matter of fact, stimulates the thyroid gland to function itself naturally. A single dose is enough to enhance the function of thyroid gland. The Regular constitutional remedies like Iodium 200 for thyroid gland work properly after a dose of Thyroidinum 200. […]

Biswanath Panda
Biswanath Panda
6 years ago

Swelling of right lobe of Thyroid gland

Swelling in the right lobe of the Thyroid gland for last one and half years. for last ten months, I am consuming the following Medicines.
1. Thyrodinum 200,
2. Calcaria Flour 12X,
3 Fucus Ves Q.
After taking these medicines the swelling is not increasing or decreasing.
The TFT test is Normal. FNAC test: Follicular Neoplasm.
Please prescribe medicine to cure or decrees the swelling size.

Drdevendra Kumar MD Homeo

I agree with you liora, Unsuitable Homeopathic medicines will produce severe adverse effects. Allopathic physicians may not able to diagnose the real problem or they will give number of names to the disease. But single dose of the same remedy in same or higher or lower potency can only antidote the side effects of proving s of Homeopathic remedy.

7 years ago

I had TERRIBLE side effects from this remedy–unrelenting headaches/migraines and severe myalgia. Unfortunately, it took months to figure out what was causing it since it took a few weeks of taking the prior to onset of symptoms. However, when I ran out and my naturopath was away, the constant pain subsided within days. I resumes when she returned, not expecting the instant and dramatic return of the migraines and other symptoms. I had gone through extensive testing and several needless procedures to treat my pain and all I had to do was switch my thyroid medication. Please do not rule… Read more »

7 years ago

Dear Sir, I'm Mohammed from Gulbarga, Karnataka. And I'm suffering from thyroid since 5 years now my weight 93 kgs, my age is 41 years old male.
1. I'm gaining weight.
2. My TSH is 35
3. I've dandruff.
Cold & body pain

Please look into my matter, do needful


Drdevendra Kumar munta
Reply to  Mohammed

Graphites 30 weekly 2 pills for one month, phytolacca berry Q daily morning and evening 4 drops in half cup of water.

7 years ago

hypoThyroid problem","ihv been taking throdinium6x along with biochemic combination of silicea,cal-flour and cal-phos.They were suiting me but suddenly the medicine is not showing any results and thyroid levels have increased.What can be done to increase the efficiency of thyrodinum"

Drdevendra Kumar munta
Reply to  muki

Dear muki,

I suggest you to increase the potency of thyroidinum, take THYROIDINUM 12X for some days along with same bio-chemic. and let me know the status after one month.This time you come up with your case history.

Drdevendra Kumar munta

I suggest you to take a dose of THIOSINAMINUM 200c – 1 dose (2pills) and let me know the status after 10 days.

7 years ago

> > > am
> > > > suffering
> > > > > from vertigo+tinnitus. It worsen
> > > > > during the month of
> > > January-February.
> > > > Other symptoms
> > > > > are Hypothyroid, stomach upset,
> nausea

7 years ago

i have hypothyroidism i have difficulties to loose weight my heart beats sone times very fast

Drdevendra Kumar munta
Reply to  fotini

Dear fotini,

I have gone through mail, don't worry your symptoms will get down slowly, this medicine will help also in reducing your weight along with other weight reduction methods.

I suggest you to take a single dose (4 pills) of KALI CARB 200c,(Homeopathic medicine) and let me know the status of Symptoms after 15 days,

I will suggest you the follow up remedy according to your status of symptoms.

Don't take medicine daily, take only single dose at one go and observe the status of symptoms for 15 days

7 years ago

Good evening, I 43 years and for a long time I have constipation with stool delayed, reduced in volume and soft. I'ma naturally irritable, I like fat, coffee, wine and tobacco. I had gallstones, anal fissure, throat irritation kept smoking, and a very dry skin especially on the right hand ichtioza and especially in winter. Swelling in legs in standing, autoimmune thyroiditis with hypothyroidism using levothyroxine to 100 mg, i am dreamy ,I approach difficult people, I get angry easily and i want to be loved. I want a normal stool, i am irritated when they are not happening. Nux-v… Read more »

Drdevendra Kumar munta


I have gone through your mail.I suggest you to take a dose (4 pills) of ALUMINA 1M, take only single dose and don't take medicine daily. Observe the symptoms for 15 days. Let me know after 15 days.

Drdevendra Kumar munta

Dear Kheya Ghosh,

I have gone through your mail, I suggest you to take CALCAREA CARB 0/1 , (50 millesimal potency)daily for one month and let me know the symptoms after one month.

Please follow the below link for Instructions on How to use 0/1,?