Homeopathic medicine for Otitis Media

Homeopathic medicine for Otitis Media:

Middle ear that affected by a group of inflammatory diseases can call as Otitis media. It is one of the most frequent traumas of infancy. This kind of infection is frequently seen in those with a family history of tuberculosis and gonorrhea.  Of course, early vaccinations make this condition much worse. Tonsillectomies have replaced in recent pediatric medicine by tubes in the ears. Only the otitis caused by bacteria somewhat requires the use of antibiotics. In fact, most cases of otitis are called “viral” or “allergic” and are recurrent in spite of antibiotic treatments. Antibiotic therapy has created systemic mycotic disorders and provoked a weakening of the entire immune system. Otitis media is, in fact, well responds to Homeopathic treatment. Properly selected Homeopathic medicine can cure otitis media safely and permanently without side effects.

Homeopathic medicine for Otitis Media

This condition will not allow the patient to respond to their current daily stresses such as cold, heat, wind, fears, and pathogens, etc. Homeopathic medicine is the only way to cure this pathology, especially if it is related to Eustachian tube or adenoidal obstruction. 

Homeopathic Treatment for Acute External otitis; furuncle of the exterior canal 

Calcarea Picrata especially works on chronic eczema of the external ear. The next best remedy for a similar condition is Myristica. Repeated furuncles mainly benefit with Arnica.

Homeopathic Remedies for Otitis media: at the beginning 

Aconitum is a Homeopathic remedy for the sudden pain that developed due to acute infection in the middle ear. Ear infections after dry cold weather are usually curable with this medicine. Fever is common in cases of otitis media at the beginning. Intense thirst and absence of sweat with restlessness are the symptoms to prescribe Aconite for otitis media.

Throbbing pain and paroxysmal fever on the other hand indicates Belladonna for Otitis media. Least jar, noise, and light are the intensifying factors of pain due to infection in the middle ear.

Pyrogenium is the topmost remedy for infections that form pus anywhere in the body. That is why it is called the Homeopathic medicine for infectious syndrome. Otitis media with pain all over the body especially indicates this remedy. Otitis media that follow after Influenza-like symptoms respond very well to Pyrogenium. Chronic fevers of Otitis media are certainly curable with this Homeopathic medicine.

Five essential Homeopathic medicines for Otitis media:

Arsenicum Album is the best Homeopathic remedy for Otitis media. It can identify by restlessness. Moreover, the great weaknesses that follow all the acute conditions especially need this remedy. The persons who suffer from congested tympanum with dark blood discharge from the ear certainly benefits from this Homeopathic medicine. Otitis media pain relief from very warm local applications. Pain in and infection in the middle ear usually after midnight indicates Arsenicum Album.

Capsicum is especially for the burning pain of Otitis media. The threat of mastoiditis is very high in this case. The pain in the middle ear usually increases by cold and relieved by heat.

Chamomilla is the most indicated Homeopathic remedy for Otitis media mainly at the time of teething in children. The most specific symptom of this remedy is the redness of one cheek. Irritating diarrhea that accompanies the Otitis media need this Homeopathic remedy. Children with full of hate because intolerant to pain require Chamomilla for Otitis media. The only relief from pain is being carried.

Ferrum Phosphoricum is the best Homeopathic remedy for Otitis media pain, particularly at night. Great weakness with sweat follows the infection. Congested tympanum with bright blood is the symptom that shows the importance of this Homeopathic medicine. Fever is always very mild. However, diarrhea follows the pain in the middle ear infection.

Pain in particular at night that relieve by cold applications is the indication of Pulsatilla for Otitis media. Yellow thick and bland discharge from the ear is the most specific symptom. Pulsatilla patients can identify by their weeping tendency, on the other hand, it relieves by consolation. Little jealousy nature is also observed in these patients.

Homeopathic Remedies for Mastoiditis:

Otitis media if it is chronic can lead to a mastoid bone infection. Surgery and heavy antibiotic therapy are not always sufficient to control infections in the bone. Homeopathic remedies have an action on the ossicles, mastoid caries, and chronic infections. Homeopathic remedies bring about excellent results and some remedies are particularly interesting to clear the Eustachian tube inflammation.

  • Fetid (offensive) recurrent ear discharge especially indicates the Aurum Metallicum. Sinusitis is also common.
  • Chronic painless discharges that relieve by cold applications mainly require the Homeopathic remedy Silicea.
  • Profuse burning discharge relieves by heat is the symptom often seen in Fluoric Acid.

Homeopathy for Mastoiditis related:

Hydrastis, Kalium Bichromicum, Kalium Iodatum, and Viola Odorata are the remedies in general useful for Eustachian tube infection.

Chronic catarrh with deafness is needed to prescribe Manganum Aceticum. Every coryza ends with bronchitis especially curable with this Homeopathic Remedy. Asthma attacks particularly in damp weather, for those it is a good remedy. Laryngitis is also another condition that responds to this medicine.

Mercurius Dulcis especially helps in the treatment of tympanum thickening and rigidity. Ill-looking looking people mainly benefit from this Homeopathic remedy. Diarrhea is the symptom that accompanies middle ear infections.

Kalium Muriaticum is the Homeopathic medicine for chronic catarrh with swollen lymph nodes. Chronic tonsillitis with recurrent grayish patches is also an important symptom. Canker sores and thrush are other areas where this remedy is most effective along with otitis media.


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