Homeopathic treatment for Ovary Diseases In general

Homeopathic medicine for Ovary Diseases In general:

The pathology of the ovary must be related to the other menstrual and endocrine disorders of the breast, leucorrhea, eczema, etc. In addition, it needs to relate the cause of ovarian diseases to the general evolution of the patient along their line of life. In terms of functional pathology (menses, premenstrual), the ovary may produce tumors. Early care with homeopathic medicine, in case of diseases of ovary, will help the woman avoid surgery.

Homeopathic treatment for Ovary Diseases In general

Some of the ovarian diseases or disorders are:

  • Endometriosis
  • Cysts
  • Ovarian Epithelial Cancer
  • Germ Cell Tumors
  • Ovarian Low Malignant Tumors
  • Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD)

In this article, we discuss the Homeopathic medicines useful for the diseases related to ovaries in general.

Homeopathic Remedies for Ovarian Pains: No particular side 

Helonias is the most essential remedy in a sad woman that related to ovarian and uterine disorders in pregnancy. Painful and tender nipples many times follow the problem of ovaries. The bearing-down sensation is one specific indication. Metritis, inflammation of the wall of the uterus also indicates this Homeopathic remedy.

The next best Homeopathic remedy that has bearing-down sensation with ovarian diseases is Murex. Women especially have a habit of must keep legs tightly crossed. Ovary diseases with a sinking sensation in the stomach show its importance. Easy sexual excitement by least touch is its peculiarity.

Colocynthis helps in ovary diseases where hard pressure and heat relieve her complaints. Bending forward also gives relief. All of her ovarian complaints are intensify from anger and restlessness.

Homeopathy Remedy for Ovarian Diseases: Right ovary, in particular 

Suppressed menses with Ovarian Diseases indicates the Homeopathic remedy Apis. It is the first-grade medicine for the edematous conditions of the ovary. Stinging pain relief by local cold guides us to use this medicine. Edema of labia especially needs Apis for Ovarian Diseases.

Bryonia mainly helps in ovarian diseases that lead to suppressed menses with headaches. Stitching pain in ovaries relieve by the least movement is its peculiarity.

Cenchris Contortris is for the sensation of suffocation during menopause with Ovarian Diseases. Morning excitement and evening depression with palpitations especially call for this Homeopathic medicine.

Shooting and burning pains with bearing-down sensation, on the other hand, suggests Palladium for Ovarian Diseases. Proud and moody women with diseases in ovaries mainly need this remedy. pelvic organs(bladder, uterus, and rectum)  that are prolapsed and congested is the special indication of this medicine. Constipation before and diarrhea during menses is another peculiar symptom. Hemorrhoids that accompany the Ovarian Diseases many times need this Homeopathic remedy for permanent cure.

Lycopodium is an excellent Homeopathic remedy for Ovarian Diseases with profuse and too long menses. Women with menses too late also need this remedy. Eczema and varicose veins are other clinical conditions often seen with Ovarian Diseases in the case of Lycopodium.

Homeopathy medicine for Ovary Diseases: Left ovary, in particular 

Lilium Tigrinum is the essential remedy of nervous disorders (nervousness) from the uterus and ovarian causes. Bearing-down sensation with an urgent desire for stool chiefly indicates this Homeopathic medicine. In addition, Sexual excitement with Ovarian Diseases is very high is the peculiarity of this remedy. Early menses often needs the help of Lilium Tigrinum.

 Ovarian Diseases with all the congestive disorders as if menses should come, direct to Lachesis. Diseases of ovaries at climaxes, such as during menopause period especially benefit with this Homeopathic remedy. Coccyx and sacrum pains always follow the Ovarian Diseases. Cannot bear any constriction is its important indication.

Platina is the topmost Homeopathic medicine for Ovarian Diseases with oversensitive genital organs. Hysterical spasms with numbness and coldness especially call for this medicine. Premenstrual syndrome with troubles in the ovary is also an indication of Platina.

Thuja is the Homeopathic remedy for diseases in the ovary with recurrent polyps. Ovarian pains are of burning in nature. The inflammation of ovaries is also common. All of these ovarian complaints are associated with night sweats. Tumors and condylomata of ovaries especially indicate this Homeopathic remedy.

 The nest best remedy for ovarian diseases with burning leucorrhea is Argentum Metallicum. Osteoarticular (Joint problems) disorders are most often encountered problems with ovarian diseases here.

Homeopathic Remedies for Ovary Diseases that Extending to: 

Thighs especially indicate:

  • Apis, Argentum Metal, Bryonia, Lilium Tigrinum, Podophyllum, and Thuja

Down the limbs:

  • Apis, Lilium Tigrinum, Palladium and Thuja

Back in general suggests:

  • Aesculus, Mercurius Solubulis , Platina, Podophyllum, Sepia, and Sulfur Flavum

Apis, Colocynthis, Lachesis, and Platina are the best Homeopathic remedies for cystic tumors in ovaries.


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