Dr. BERNARD H Views on Aesculus Hippocastanum uses, for constipation:
We need to know the character of the Stools in the case where Aesculus Hippocastanum Homeopathic medicine benefits for constipation. The stools are Large, dry, hard, and expel with difficult, dark in color. Stools come out in the form of balls. The first part is hard, black, the last about natural consistency. However, the stools are white as milk sometimes and hard, knotty, dry.
Let us see how it will be the mindset of Aesculus Hippocastanum patient before stool:
The patient will have a constant desire to pass the stools. Sensation as if a foreign body was in the rectum, or as if the rectum was full of small sticks. Constipation with fruitless efforts at evacuation, and violent pains though the hips and sacrum. The Constipation patient of Aesculus Hippocastanumwill experience heat and contraction of the rectum. In addition, he experiences a sensation as if it was prolapsed. Dryness and itching of the anus is often the symptom attending with constipation. Moreover, the tension of the mucous membranes and the neighboring integuments is present. Pain, constriction, weight, pricking, and itching, with tenesmus of the rectum and anus, the pains irradiate to the posterior surface of the body
Let us watch the Aesculus constipation patient symptoms during stool:
Continuation of many of the symptoms enumerated above. The patient will have a sensation as if the folds of the mucous membrane obstructed the intestine. Which was threatening to rupture under efforts at defecation? Aesculus Hippocastanum is the best Homeopathic medicine for Haemorrhoids or piles with a slight bloody discharge but with intense pain. Inability to expel the stool from the weakness of the rectum along with shivering, while at stool is the great feature where Aesculus Hippocastanum works best to cure constipation.
Symptoms of constipation in case of Aesculus Hippocast patient – after stool:
The patient of constipation who needs this Homeopathic remedy feel colic at the umbilicus. He also experiences severe pains that are tearing at the anus. Reddish, painful, and burning haemorrhoidal tumors is its topmost indication. Bleeding piles; Prolapsus recti et ani; Burning and contraction in the rectum are some attending symptoms. In addition, the patient of Aesculus Hippocastanum constipation also complains us itching at the anus and a sensation of excoriation; Backache.
Concomitants or attending symptoms of constipation in this case of Aesculus patients:
The patient of constipation who requires of Aesculus Hippocastanum also will have the following symptoms.
- Depression of spirits, Vertigo. Nausea, vomiting or violent retching.
- Throbbing in the abdominal and pelvic cavities; passing fetid flatus.
- Urine dark, muddy, passed with much pain.
- Pain and a sensation of paralysis in the kidneys extending to the hips, with aggravation from rising. This pain is not intense, but rather a sensation of painful weakness which is aggravated by exercise and relieved by repose;
when the patient attempts to walk or to attend to his usual occupations, the pain at the lower portion of the back appears and he is compelled to rest.
Overall of Aesculus Hippocastanum is the topmost Homeopathic remedy for chronic constipation associated with haemorrhoids.
Dr. Hughes says about the use of Aesculus Hip for Constipation:
When the haemorrhoids are only secondary, that is to say, dependent upon congestion of the portal system or of some other intra-abdominal part, Aesculus is probably inferior to Nux vom and Sulphur for constipation. When they associated with varicosis elsewhere and bleed freely, Hamamelis is a better remedy for constipation. However, when the only concomitant symptom and the only appreciable cause of their development is constipation, and when there are severe pains but little loss of blood, Aesculus will in all probability effect a cure. I have also cured with this medicine a case of intense pain at the anus after stool, resembling that caused by fissures.
Hempel and Arndt * write about of Aesculus Hippocast Homeopathic medicine for constipation:
Chronic constipation begets hemorrhoids, and usually, a radical cure of piles is out of the question unless you correct this predisposing cause. The curative effect of Aesculus Homeopathy upon cases of chronic constipation furnishes us with the rationale of brilliant cures of piles performed with it. It usually happened often in a comparatively short time, after other efforts of skilled prescribers had utterly failed.
Meyhoffer has employed this drug with great advantage in a case in which pharyngo-laryngitis coexisted with hemorrhoids and constipation.
We have confirmed the recommendation of Aesculus Hippocastanum Homeopathy in chronic constipation connected with a haemorrhoidal diathesis, in the case of a man thirty-five years of age, who had suffered from chronic and hereditary hemorrhoids. In addition, who, independent of inveterate constipation, carried upon his face a mask of acne Rosacea; the relief was marked and permanent.
An example of Constipation cured by Aesculus Hippocastunum – Case Study:
C. E., a young man of active habits, complained of hemorrhage from the anus after stool. The bowels constipated, and only moved every two or three days, and accompanied by great effort and pain. The blood was dark-colored. He also suffering from seminal emissions with erections, towards morning, followed by a desire to urinate. Aesculus Hippocastanum 3c, four pills every two hours, removed the trouble within a week.
The Dosage of Aesculus for Constipation:
Dosage of this Homeopathic remedy for constipation depends on the acute or chronic nature. In addition, the intensity of symptoms also decides the dosage and potency. Aesculus Hippocastanum 30c, 200c, and 1M potency are frequently used powers. Mother Tincture of Aesculus Hippocastanum which means ‘Q’ is also very effective in the cure of constipation and piles. Just two pills of 30c, 200c, or a single pill of 1M are enough to cure the case of Constipation permanently.