Homeopathic medicine for Constipation and Piles

Homeopathic medicine for Constipation and Piles:

Constipation and piles are usually occurring in combination. However, they may not be together. Not every constipation patient may have the piles (Hemorrhoids). In the same manner, all the patients with piles many not have constipation. In this case, if we go through our Homeopathic repertory there have 12 first grade Homeopathic medicine for Constipation and Piles in combination. Total we have 271 Homeopathic remedies for Constipation and piles together.

Homeopathic medicine for Constipation and Piles

Top Most Homeopathic Medicines for Constipation and Piles:

Here we have the list of Homeopathy medicines benefit in the treatment of piles and constipation. That is to say, a total of 12 Homeopathic Medicine for Constipation and piles.

  • Aesculus Hippocastanum
  • Arsenicum Album
  • Causticum
  • Collinsonia Canadensis
  • Graphites
  • Lachesis
  • Lycopodium
  • Nitric acid
  • Nux Vomica
  • Phosphorus
  • Sepia
  • Sulphur

Let us discuss about the important indications of these Homeopathic medicines for constipation and hemorrhoids:

Aesculus Hippocastanum – Best Homeopathic Medicine for Constipation and protruding piles:

In general, large, painful, purple, protruding piles with constipation indicates this Homeopathic medicine. Of course, venous congestion in the rectum causes piles and constipation in the case of Aesculus Homeopathic medicine. Another key point is rectum pain as if filled with needles or sharp sticks chiefly guide us to use Aesculus Hippocastanum for piles and constipation.

Aslo see Aesculus Hippocastunum for Piles

Arsenicum Album – Homeopathic remedy for constipation and piles with extreme weakness:

This Homeopathic medicine particularly helpful in constipation cases with great weakness. Of course, the weakness after fever, chronic diseases and particularly after antibiotics is the chief indication of this Homeopathic Remedy. Likewise, the constipation and piles produced by weakness get benefited by this Homeopathy medicine. On the other hand, nausea, sour and offensive stool are indications for Arsenicum album in constipation and piles.

Causticum – Homeopathic remedy for Constipation and Piles with Paralysis of rectum:

This Homeopathic remedy in general is great Homeopathic remedy for constipation due to weakness of rectum. Gradual paralysis of rectum that leads into constipation and piles indicate Causticum Homeopathy. Causticum Homeopathy is particularly helpful in those who passes stool easier when standing. In other words, constipation better by standing indicates Causticum Homeopathic medicine.

Collinsonia Canadensis – Homeopathy medicine for Constipation and Piles with pain like sticks inside rectum:

This is the remedy we should not overlook while treating constipation and piles. Particularly the feeling of sticks inside the rectum indicates this Collinsonia Canadensis Homeopathic medicine for constipation and piles.  Of Corse, constipation related to heart troubles is another key point in these cases. Constipation and piles from hard stools especially call for this remedy.

Also see Collinsonia Canadensis for Piles

Graphites – Homeopathic Remedy for constipation and piles with anal fissures:

This Homeopathic remedy particularly useful for constipation piles when there is suppression of skin disease. In addition, It benefits for constipation with eczema. On the other hand, constipation and piles with suppressed menses indicates Graphites homeopathy for women.

Lachesis – Homeopathic medicine for Constipation and Purplish congested Piles:

In general, bleeding piles (Hemorrhoids) with constipation indicated this Homeopathic remedy. Lachesis on the other hand is a hot remedy. Particularly this Homeopathic medicine is useful for women at menopause with constipation and piles.

Lycopodium – Homeopathic medicine for Constipation and piles when travelling:

In this case, Constipation and piles usually when away from home indicates this Homeopathic medicine. Of course, fright, excitement, and anticipation are other symptoms guide us to use this Homeopathy remedy for constipation and piles.

Nitric Acid – Homeopathy Remedy for Constipation and piles with Violent stitching pains for hours after stool:

This is a homeopathic remedy must be remembered for constipation and piles with cancerous conditions. Of course, severe pain in the rectum after stool indicates this Homeopathic medicine for piles and constipation. In addition, fissures and fistulas along with ineffectual urging for stool guide us to use this remedy for constipation and piles.

Nux Vomica – Homeopathy remedy for piles and Constipation with constant ineffectual urging for stool:

It is one of the great remedies for constipation and piles in Homeopathy. Of course, prolapsed piles and severe urging for stools during urination indicates this Homeopathic remedy. In addition, Pain in abdomen relieves after stool guide us to use Nux Vomica Homeopathy for Constipation and piles.

Phosphorus – Homeopathy medicine for Constipation and piles with Bleeding pile:

The important indication for this remedy is bleeding during stool. On the other hand, Sensation as if the anus remained open suggests us to use Phosphorus Homeopathic medicine for Constipation and piles.

Sepia – Homeopathy medicine for Constipation and piles during pregnancy:

This Homeopathic medicine is particularly useful for constipation and hemorrhoids of pregnant women. On the contrary, prolapsed rectum with constipation and piles also call for sepia Homeopathy. Of course, Sepia women often experience a sensation of itching and lump in her rectum with Constipation and piles. Cancerous conditions with hemorrhoids and constipation can also treat with Sepia Homeopathy.

Suphur – Homeopathy medicine for Constipation and Burning piles:

Redness, Moist, and eruptions around rectum in general indicate sulphur Homeopathy for constipation and piles. To point out sulphur constipation is relieves with cold application. Burning piles particularly during night with itching very well responds to sulphur Homeopathic medicine.

Here all Homeopathic medicines works better in 30ch, 200ch, and 1M potency. However, the dosage must confirm with your Homeopathic physician.

This is in brief about the top Homeopathic medicines for constipation and piles. Let us know us through comments if we overlooked any.

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