
Aconite [Acon]
Patient almost frantic with pain; throbbing pains from taking cold with determination of blood to head; stitching jerks or shocks; heat in face, red cheeks,great restlessness; Coff., being insufficient; especially suitable for children.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Violent toothache on going to bed at night, () when walking in open air; gums bleed readily and recede from teeth; touching the tooth with the tongue causes pain as if the nerve torn; gnawing pain in carious teeth.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
RHEUMATIC TOOTHACHE OF INTERMITTENT TYPE; tearing in roots of teeth after eating (left side) posteriorly; teeth covered with mucus; gums bleed as if scorbutic.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Jumping pain in left upper molars;sudden involuntary biting teeth together; swelling and redness of gums and cheeks, with sore pain and stinging in teeth; violent pains in gums which belled easily.
Apium-grav [Ap-g]
Toothache of left molars, (>) by holding cold water in mouth; dull sore pain in left upper and lower teeth.
Aranea-diad [Aran]
TOOTHACHE EVERY DAY AT SAME HOUR,(>) by smoking tobacco; () running about and holding cold water in mouth., but () by lying on painful side.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Toothache in pregnant females or in carious teeth of scrofulous or rachitic children; pains in hollow teeth,especially around loose stumps; pressing drawing jerking looseness; drawing, pricking, rooting gnawing throbbing pains with swollen gums which are sore, bleed easily throb and pain ; worse from warm or cold drinks,or excited by draught and cold;fistula dentalis on lower jaw; offensive smell from teeth.
Camphora [Camph]
Cutting with painful looseness of teeth, which seem too long; slimy and tenacious saliva in mouth; pains relieved by DRINKING COLD WATER, but not by holding cold water in the mouth, which aggravates.
Carbo-an [Carb-an]
Rending tearing pains caused by SALT FOOD,WITH BLEEDING GUMS AND SORENESS OF TEETH,which become loose and very sensitive to the least cold; sensitive on chewing;toothache on going to bed, during day and during sleep, (

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