

Ambra [Ambr]
Foetor of mouth; pressure in stomach and hypochondria, itching in chest; sour smelling urine; COUCH WORSE WHEN MANY PERSONS ARE PRESENT: hollow, spasmodic barking cough, worse from talking or reading aloud, with frequent eructations and hoarseness.
Aconite [Acon]
Clear ringing or whistling whooping-cough, excited by burning sticking in larynx and trachea; generally without expectoration; rarely during day expectoration of mucus, wit coagulated blood.
Anacardium [Anac]
Fits of vexation cause paroxysms of cough; dyspnoea accompanies and succeeds the coughing spell; the coughing shakes the patient thoroughly; paroxysms every there or four hours, excited by ticking in throat; at night, without expectoration during day, with expectoration; during day, with expectoration of sweetish, flat-tasting mucus, or yellow, purulent, and acrid; cough (

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