
Alumen [Alumn]
Predisposition to tonsillitis,catarrh of fauces and throat; throat sore and dry when talking or swallowing fluid; prickling sensation in both side of throat and great dryness with constant desire top drink.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Burning in throat; tendency to gangrenous ulceration of the tonsils, discharging offensive mucus,() between acts of deglutition; burning soreness, with ulcers in fauces; catarrhal deafness.
Colchicum [Colch]
Tonsils inflamed and swollen, here and there spots covered with pus; difficult swallowing; throat dry with flow of watery saliva; nausea and discomfort in abdomen.
Conium [Con]
Enlarged tonsils without any tendency to suppurate.
Cuprum-met [Cupr]
Tonsils, palate and fauces red and inflamed, dull, piercing pain in left tonsils, () from eating and drinking COLD water; destructive ulceration of tonsils, uvula and soft palate; stinging soreness in throat.
Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]
TONSILLITIS HERPETICA WITH membranous EXUDATIONS, inflammation of uvula and pharynx , foul, yellow tongue fauces covered with ropy mucus (often mistaken for true diphtheria); Eustachian tubes blocked up; pains shoots from ear down throat.
Kali-nitr [Kali-n]
Tonsillitis in strong plethoric persons; sore throat day and night, with inflamed velum palati uvula’ foetid odor from mouth;stinging pains during deglutition.
Kali-mur [Kali-m]
Acute and chronic swelling of the tonsils which are covered with a whitish coating ; hawking up cheesy lumps having a disgusting odor and taste.
Lac-caninum [Lac-c]
Tonsils inflamed, shining and very sore swollen so as almost to close the throat; suppuration from left to right or changing from side to side,or both tonsils equally affected , whole posterior portion of throat oedematous; tonsils enlarged; pricking cutting pains from from empty swallowing great dryness of tonsils at night; throat sensitiveness to touch externally ash-gray exudation.
Lachesis [Lach]
Throat purplish, patient very nervous; least touch unbearable tonsils swollen, left (

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