– Jan Scholten

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Kali Fluoratum

Principles, duty Glamour, glitter

Closed Money, cars, clothes

Optimism Sex

Work, task Hard, fast, hurried

Family Psychopathic

Superficial contacts

Group analysis

With the help of the group analysis method it is still possible to get a picture of this remedy. It is a picture full of contrasts, however. This is not surprising, because there are quite a few contrasts between Kali and Fluor. For instance, Kali is steady and dependable in his relationships, whilst Fluor wants to break off his relations. We find this contrast again in their family ties: Kali attaches great importance to them, whilst Fluor couldn’t really care less. If we follow the group analysis we get the theme that Kali fluoratum feels obliged to allow everyone their freedom. Family members and partners should have their freedom. As far as their partners are concerned, this freedom should extend to sexual relationships. These people don’t mind their partners having extra-marital relationships. They feel it to be their duty to allow the other person room to experience and to grow. They remain faithful to their partner in all circumstances. A variation on this theme could be the opposite situation: they feel it is their duty to break off the relationship. In this case they also stick to their principles, but their principle is that they decide when and why to break off a relationship. They are inclined to keep their relationships rather non-committal, as they don’t like to be too tied. But their sense of duty tells them that they do have to be steadfast. The message they send out is: ‘You can go ahead and do what you like, I will always be like a father to you’. In this way they stay with their partner for a long time, until they suddenly think that the other person has gone too far. Then they feel duty bound to finish the relationship, and this decision is final. This pattern can also be played out in other relations, for instance at work. Yet another theme is that they feel it is their duty to give sexual pleasure to the other person. This reminds us of the situation of a prostitute. She would be a person who does her work with a great deal of dedication, as she wants to give people their money’s worth. The classic type of gigolo also fits this picture. Or, in a slightly different profession, the social worker, who wants to help her physically and mentally handicapped patient in their sexual desires. Another example could be in the case of incest, where the child feels it to be her duty to cooperate. In this case the forbidden aspect of the incest is not so much the key, as for instance in Nat-f.

Related to this theme is also the situation where the task to be sexually pleasing is a duty in the marriage. In some cultures it is the duty of the woman to please her husband, whether she likes it or not. Sexuality then becomes something formal, something to be endured, rather than to be enjoyed. This makes for unemotional, superficial contacts.

A final variation on the theme has to do with money. One could say that they have the duty to show off with money. If they do their duty others will certainly notice and appreciate their success. A typical symptom of Kali-f appears to be that they are rather casual about money. They are very generous, as if they have to give other people plenty of space in money matters, as if they have to act as a loyal and generous because of their sexuality or their money. They have a strong desire to ‘belong’, to be counted as a full member of society. But they fear that this is impossible for them, because they feel so ridiculous. They have the delusion that nobody takes them seriously,that nobody would want to start a business with them.

They feel socially very inferior.

This fear can also be expressed in the area of sexuality. They feel that their penis is too small, or that their body is unattractive and silly, and that nobody would be interested in them.

A variation on this theme is that they may be very childish in the way they deal with money. Although they have a great desire to glitter and show that they have a lot of money, they do this in such a childish way that they soon lose everything. And this looks even more ridiculous. A typical example would be that of a gambler. He thinks that by gambling he is showing everyone how clever he is to earn a lot in a very short time, and in reality he is losing nearly all the time and his debts are mounting.


(taken by Rienk Stuut)

A man, aged 30, came because of swollen glands in his neck. He was afraid that he had cancer, because a friend of his had also had this and he later proved to have cancer of the testes. Before he had these swollen glands, he did have pain in the testes for a while. He is also afraid of aids, because he has had many casual sexual relationships. His glands are hard and painful.

He is allergic to house dust and mite. This makes his eyes burn, with itching at the back of the throat. It also makes him aggressive: he gets attacks of anger and he smashes and throws things around. His complaints are worse when he is busy or when he is being hurt. This makes him angry, but he says: ‘I ignore my feeling of being hurt’.

Temperature: cold.

Childhood: he was a quiet and timid child who could spend all day playing with coca-cola bottle tops. Later on the other side of his nature came to the foreground. He could be very aggressive and impulsive. The aggression was often directed against himself: he would walk into a glass door, or he would cut his wrists. He took a lot of drugs: hash, cocaine, opium, alcohol. He likes taking risks: once he tried what would happen if he took off the handbrake while his car was standing on a steep hill.

His parents come from different social backgrounds. His mother ran away from home to marry his father. They were poor, but ‘the outside world didn’t have to see that’. This has made him very class-conscious. He believes that ‘once a beggar, always a beggar’. His parents’ house was full of ‘kitsch’.

MInd: he has a very strong sexual drive, which is sometimes difficult for his girlfriend to keep up with. She doesn’t always feel like his long sessions, but sometimes does it just to please him. This touches him so deeply that he often cries like a child. He does not like any show of affection after making love, it makes him shy, like a little boy and his head starts to itch. Once, during an orgasm, he suddenly saw a picture of a three- wheeler race he took part in when he was a little boy. He was in a winning position, but he forgot to change lanes and was disqualified. This in itself was quite fair, he thought, but he was deeply disappointed by the reaction of his parents. They swore and shouted at him, calling him a stupid idiot. Since then he has always had the feeling that he must score success, also sexually.

In reality he is very shy, but he doesn’t show it, he ‘puffs himself up’ and becomes aggressive.

He is very irresponsible with money, he gambles and has many debts.

Relationship: When he had his first girlfriend he was very afraid to let go of her, because ‘who else would ever love me?’ In spite of this attitude, many women fell for him and he desperately needed this too.


The aggression is very much in the foreground. One could think of Hep, Merc, or Nit-ac. But these remedies had no effect. Fl-ac might be suitable but doesn’t fit because of the coldness and the desire for a steady relationship. During subsequent consultations it became more and more clear that the aggression was overlying a deep feeling of shyness and inferiority. This reminds us of the Baryta’s. When we combine the Baryta with the Fluor element, we get Bar-f. Then it all suddenly fits: the social position of his parents, his attitude towards money, and his steady relationship with the many casual contacts in between. One could call it all a childish way of wanting to make an impression.


After Bar-f he started to put his life in order. He paid off his debts (also to his homoeopath!), took a job as a dustman, and his relationship improved enormously. His complaints disappeared completely.

Picture of Baryta fluorata

Essence: the idea that they are socially inferior and ridiculous.

Mind: They feel socially inferior and are very afraid that they don’t count for much, that they will be laughed at. They are also afraid that they won’t be able to get a good job, or that they will lose their job again. Their awkwardness and childishness are often the cause that these are indeed the things that go wrong. Their feeling of inferiority may stem from the fact that they come from a lower social background.

They may try to earn money the easy way, starting to gamble in the hope of winning a fortune. But in there childishness they forget that they are losing continually on the way. They get into debt and everyone will look at them with pity.

As far as relationships are concerned, they also feel inferior. They feel that they are not attractive, that they look ridiculous, especially with respect to their sexual parts, the size of their penis or their breasts. In order at least to get someone, they choose a partner who is not that high on the social ladder either. But this makes them feel ridiculous again, because they feel that they can’t show themselves in public with such a person.

General characteristics:

Location: Right sided.

Temperature: warm. () outside.

Time: () violent shaking.


Glandular swellings (3), abscesses, fistulas.

Affections of the teeth, caries.

Arteriosclerosis. Varicose veins.

Inflammation of the joints with deformities, (

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