– Jan Scholten


Ferrum Sulphuricum

Firm Clothing

Standing one’s ground Beauty, grave, harmony

Perseverance Joy

Beatings Love and relationships

Irritability Jealousy

Group analysis

The remedy which most closely resembles Ferrum sulphuricum is Mag-s. They both have problems with relationships, with many quarrels. But Ferrum feels that the relationship has to work the way they want it to. They feel the pressure to get it right, and they exert the same pressure on their partner. Their partner has to live up to certain standards.

Ferrum may have the feeling that he or she is the only one who is making all the effort, that their partner is not doing anything towards keeping their relationship going. Because they have the delusion that their partner is not committed, they are constantly pressurising them to put more into it, which actually has the result of putting their partners off. And so we can see another vicious circle being formed.


A 35 year old woman comes because she suffers from tiredness (

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