– Jan Scholten

Magnesium bromatum has not been described yet.


Magnesium Bromatum

Pacifism Guilt

Aggression Restless, escape

Fear of loss Passion, instinct

Pain Psychotic

Group analysis

Although this remedy had not been described anywhere, it proved to be possible to prescribe it successfully, based on the group analysis method. The central theme which comes up is the feeling that they are guilty of starting or provoking quarrels. They are very sensitive to quarrels and will always try to make peace. For instance in the situation of children whose parents are fighting, such a child will feel guilty and think that it is because they are being difficult, or because the parents have to spend so much money on them.

A variation on this theme could be that Mag-br people are aggressive, just to express themselves, or just to see what happens when they give free rein to their instinct. These are the sort of children who will suddenly get aggressive and start beating or kicking others. After that they will just stand there and see how everyone reacts. One gets the impression that they are mentally disturbed, because they do this without any obvious reason.


A woman, aged 30, comes with complaints of the sinuses and a lot of fears.

The sinus problems are mostly on the left, giving a feeling of heaviness and pressure behind the cheeks, worse from bending down. She also has headaches with it. The upper respiratory tract on the whole is giving her problems: sore throats, coughs and constant colds () rubbing.

The fears started when she had a nervous breakdown 6 years ago. She had attacks of hyperventilation with pressure on the chest. These panic attacks could happen anywhere, anytime, but mainly in the weekend or in the evening. It was as if she had strong feelings of fear, aggression, sadness and loneliness, all stored in her chest.

She is very tired and feels as if she has to give a lot, but has nothing left to give.

Past history: anaemia.

During pregnancy she was very tired too, and she therefore didn’t breastfeed her baby.

General characteristics:

Location: left sided.

Temperature: cold, but (

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