– Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.






Liver. Spleen











Lungs (r. apex) or base


Blood vessels

Skin. Nerves

Connective tissue

R. side



Warm damp weather

Room. Air. Sun

Wraps. Fire. Bath




Fasting. Overeating

Night. Morning

After midnight and noon

Rest. Lying down (dyspnea)

Touch. Pressure

Motion (headache)

Mercury. Quinine. Lead

Nervous shock; grief

bad news , worries

disappointed love

Moon changes

Fats. Heavy food







Open air


Motion. Exertion



Walking about,

in open air

Sitting up



Accelerated. Glandular. Tubercular. Exudative

Toxic. Cachectic. Atrophic. Gouty. Hot. Cancerous

All iodides are nutrition remedies, and therefore germane to scrofula, vegetative disturbances, diabetes, glandular troubles (including endocrinal), indurations, fissures, tumors, phthisis, cancer, arteriosclerosis, even thrombosis, cataract, leprosy, osteomalacia, necrosis.

All iodides are great “absorbents of drains”; they busy themselves in dissolving accretions; second only to fluroides.Thus they are indispensable in the last-repair-stage of constitutional treatments (overhauling) e.g. in diabetes, t.b., gout etc.

The Halogens (Iodides, Fluorides, Chlorides and Bromides) cover all the four miasms (though with syphilis uppermost, like Syph.). They are active, intense, warm blooded and are powerful irritant of mucous membranes.

Make-up : Dark hair (light hair, Brom.); dark yellow tawny skin; exceedingly thin, dark complexioned, black eyed with enlarged lymphatic glands. Patient with a history of goitre in the family or partially cured goitre in themselves.Tubercular type. Oxygenoid. Haggard, hungry and hot. Young persons who grow too rapidly, with weak chest. The aged. Warm-blooded notwithstanding emaciation. Intolerance of external heat (due to increased oxidation); wants a cool place to move, think, read, write and work in.

Children : Alert. Intense restlessness, fidget. Sudden impulsive irritability; break out suddenly (for no apparent cause) into violence. Florid thin with rheumatic troubles.

Highlights : Intensely rapid action. Rapid acceleration of the pace of disease processes; acute as well as chronic; finally ultimating in atrophy. Rapid metabolism (oxidation, combustion, wasting). Diseases characterized by a loss of absorption. Rapid deterioration.

Sluggish vital reaction; hence chronicity in many of its aspects. Acute exacerbations of chronic inflammations. Tendency to congestion. Local torpidity; little or no pus. Painlessness.

Low cachectic conditions with profound debility and emaciation in overgrown boys with weak chests. Great emaciation in spite of voracious appetite and voluminous eating, ”it makes them poor to carry it.”


Glands : Hypertrophy of all glands; thyroid, testes, ovaries, prostate, lymph nodes (except mammary which later on dwindle). Nodular. Hard. Swollen and indurated glands after bruises; with cancer. Torpor and sluggishness of glands. Painless glandular swellings. Cold swellings. Scirrhous swelling of inguinal glands. Tabes mesenterica; mesenteric glands felt as knots. Simple goitre. Cervical adenitis (tubercular). “While the body withers, the glands enlarge.” Glands grow in proportion to the dwindling of the body and emaciation of the limbs. Growths : New growths and hyperplasias. Scrofulous and syphilitic indurations, effusions and tumors. Lymphatic tumors in various parts. Ovarian cysts. Cervical and uterine cancer. Sarcoma; conjunctivae. Hepatoma. Irradiated cancers with Iod. symptoms, Rad-iod.

Mucous Membranes : Exudative; or dry. Exudation : grayish (ash- colored); white velvety; plastic; membranous; fibrinous. Acute inflammations; throat, liver, spleen, intestines, kidneys, eyes, glands. Discharges: hot, acrid, watery, fetid. Pus: thin, ichorus, salty.

Atrophy : The end result of all pathological processes. Of breasts, uterus, ovaries, testes, sub-cutaneous fat, nerve and brain tissue; glands; old people. Atrophic catarrh of MM.

Emaciation : Withered oldish look. Infant loses flesh, gets marasmus even without apparent (or substantial) cause; though eating well. E. of single parts; gradual or rapid; almost to a skeleton. Cachexia; stemming from tubercular dispositon (Ars- i.,Carb-s.); malarial; quinine (Nat-m.).

Tension : In abdomen, testicles, neck, chest, throat.

Blood : Congestions. Ecchymosis. Hemorrhages (from nose, bowels, lungs, uterus). Pernicious anemia.

Dropsy : Oedema pedis, hands; face (below eyes); cardiac; hepatic; renal; knees; anasarca.

Joints : Arthritis; deformans. Gout.

Bones : Rickets. Curvature of bones. Nightly bone pains. Necrosis. Caries. Osteomalacia.


Powerful excitement of all nervous system. The nervous system is affected (secondary to absorption). The state of erethism : nervousness; restlessness; twitching; subsultus tendinum; trembling.

Weakness : Excessive. Fainting, on going upstairs. Loss of power to breathe. Cardiac. Tubercular. () eating.

Locomotor ataxia (tabes dorsalis); gait unsteady, hand does not reach straight.

Abdominal reflex, chorea.

Injuries : Cellular inflammation often following a punctured, incised and slight wound. Abscess at umbilicus after a fall, child voracious and emaciating.

Mind : Apprehension : Fear of people; shuns every one even the doctor; thinks he is well. While passing in the street he tries to avoid meeting his best friend. Fears everything will result in some disaster. Apprehends an accident from every trifle. Feels unfit for anything. Unbearable apprehension about nothing at all; waiting in terror for an expected telephone ring; undesirable restlessness and apprehension for no cause. Fears he will go crazy.

Anxiety : A peculiar kind of physical and mental anxiety that comes on if he tries to keep still, and the more he tries to keep still, the more the state of anxiety takes hold of him. Anxiety with a thrill that necessitates a change of positon or place. A wander- lust, a vagrant (like Arg-n., San., Sul., Tub.). Travelling is to him a tonic(Kali-i.). Must keep in motion day and night, otherwise he is overwhelmed with destructive impulses.

Impatience; never sits down nor sleeps at night. “If I rest, I will go mad.” Restless agitation. Great hurry, worry and flurry (Medo.). Impatience; feels cannot act fast enough for want of strength; hence is keen to finish off before. Wants to execute or express all their ideas and thoughts at once. Present anxiety and depression; no reference to the future. Anxiety for others, little about oneself.

Impulsiveness : Sudden dreadful impulses to run and to do violence; to kill oneself or others ; beats or quarrels without any rhyme or reason; constantly must be on the move or do something; lest he may kill somebody, destroy things etc. Finds his escape through work ; sluggish notwithstanding inclined to mechanical labour. Threatened insanity. Impulsive insanity.

Mind very sensitive; wants to cry. Scrupulous and timid with blunted sensibilities. Fastidious. Dejected or intolerably cross. Every little nervous annoyance causes trembling. An internal agitation like that which follows bad news or remorse after a quarrel, with inability to fix attention. Melancholy. Hypochondriasis. Illusions of moral feelings. Forgetful. Despondent.

After nervous shock (disappointment in love, grief etc.) : loss of appetite, vomiting, emaciation, loathing of life, stupor.

Select Particulars

Head : Chronic congestive vertigo of the aged; with prostate hypertrophy. () eating. V. with red face, palpitation, hysteria, nervousness.

Headache mostly on the l. side with paralytic feeling in arms; ()eating. H. alternating with dysmenorrhea and metrorrhagia.

Apoplexy : chronic congestion to brain from hypertrophy of r. ventricle or from compression of blood vessels around neck from struma.

Acute hydrocephalus. Tubercular meningitis; patient glandular. Meningitis may develop after iodoform application on wounds.

Atrophy of nerve and brain tissue.

Hair falls out. Iodine (e.g. in fish) makes hair beautiful.

Eyes: Ophthalmia, esp. from taking cold. Catarrhal, scrofulous affections of the eyes. Lids oedematous. Violent lachrymation. Enlargement of little glands of lids. Sclera dirty yellow. Iritis, esp. if syphilitic. Ulceration of cornea. Acute dacryocystitis. Eye troubles of nephritis (retinopathy).

Eyelids (esp.r.) so contracted that it looks like looped into a festoon. Eyes prominent. Staring with wide open eyes; lids seem to be retracted. Pupils dilated. Convulsive movements and quivering of the eyes; of the (lower) eyelids.

Vision : Dimness of vision after application of iodine to any part of the body. Diplopia. Sparks and scintillations before the eyes.

Ears : Chronic catarrh of the eustachian tube, tonsils inflamed. Deafness, chronic; after glandular or throat affections, adenoids. Adhesions in the M. E. or granular enlargement. Reverberations in head. Noises: roaring; as in a mill.

Nose: A confirmed subject of catarrh. Subject to colds in the head. Subacute and chronic catarrhs. Cold extends downwards from head to throat and bronchi. Dry coryza becomes fluent in open air ; also a fluent hot coryza with general heat of skin. Nose red and swollen; much sneezing. Discharge: fetid, grayish, whitish. Pain at root of nose and frontal sinus; influenzal.

Ulceration in nose with bleeding crusts; carious ulceration (ozaena). Loss of smell. Acute nasal engorgement with HBP.

Face: Miserable, withered, brownish, sallow or dusky look. Greasy. Circumscribed redness in chest affections. Lips bluish, with swelling of superficial veins. Oedematous swelling of face under eyes. Mumps.

Mouth : Gums : loose and bleed easily. Little blisters. Absorption of gums and alveolar processes. Aphthous patches in whole buccal cavity. Ulcers: painful, ash colored, inflamed, bleed easily. Profuse fetid ptyalism. Salivation : mercurial; sweetish; with liver, spleen, pancreatic troubles; during pregnancy.

Tongue : white at edges, brown on centre; hard, furred. Biting constriction of tongue, changing to burning.

Stammering from incomplete control of tongue.

Throat : Swollen submaxillary glands. Uvula swollen. Sore throat; from syphilis or mercury, (

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– T. F. Allen.

General Effects
Acute catarrh of all mucous membranes, especially of the eyes and nose. Salivation. Enlargement of lymphatic glands, followed by atrophy, especially of testicles and mammae, and general emaciation. Polyuria, nephritis and albuminuria.
Emaciation. Restlessness. Trembling of the limbs. Muscular twitchings. OEdematous swellings. Weakness so great that one can hardly speak. Great excitement of the whole nervous system. Violent pains; worse at night. Clinical. Chronic cases, not febrile, generally characterized by great appetite and rapid emaciation. Acute cases, with high fever. Localized inflammations very frequently require Iod., which seems to be adapted to febrile conditions accompanying parenchymatous inflammations of the various organs and tissues. These patients are usually very thirsty, but not of necessity restless; certainly not anxious like Aconite.
General despondency. Irritability, with sadness.
A feeling of rush of blood, with throbbing. Pain as if a tight band were about the head. Headache; (

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– Pierce W.I.


“The element Iodine exists in nature only in the combined state. Sea water is the great source of it, whence it is appropriated by marine plants and animals. It is contained in cold-liver oil to the amount of .03 or .04 per cent.” (Am. Hom. Phar.). Our strongest solution or tincture (really the 1st) contains one per cent. and must be kept in a glass-stoppered bottle. Hughes, while not questioning the value of an easily- digested animal oil as an article of food, asks if the presence of Iodine in cold-liver oil does not give it a medicinal value as well? Hahnemann, who first introduced Iodine into our materia medica, says: “Even in the higher and highest degrees of dynamization” (referring to the 30th) ” Iodine is a very heroic medicine, which calls for every precaution of the good homoeopathic physician; when misapplied in allopathic hands, Iodine is frequently seen to cause the most fearful destruction of the body and life of patients” (Chr. Dis.). You must keep mind that our study to-day of Iodine is necessarily incomplete, as it should include its chemical combinations with Calcarea, Potash, Mercury, etc., the symptomatology of these salts having much in common with that of Iodine, modified more or less by the various bases.
Iodine affects nearly every organ and tissue in the body. It causes an acute catarrh of all mucous membranes, especially of they eyes and nose. It at functions and increases the secretions of all glandular structures, causing hypertrophy, to be followed later by atrophy, especially of the testicles and mammae. It produces general emaciation and the more emaciated the patient the more is Iodine indicated. “It is particularly important to observe,” says Allen, “that it controls inflammations (with high temperature) of many, if not all parenchymatous structures, particularly the lungs, when the indications permit its exhibition.” Iodine inflammation is accompanied, in particular, with plastic exudation (120). Cases requiring Iodine, when not febrile, are apt to have great appetite (119) but rapid emaciation. The appetite is ravenous and while many of the symptoms read better after eating (174) it is only a temporary relief and the hunger especially soon returns. In spite of the amount of food taken, they lose flesh rapidly, or as the laity express it, “it makes them poor to carry it,” and Iodine is of especial value for emaciation ending in marasmus (129), and particularly, emaciation of glandular tissues, breasts, testicles, (188) etc. It is indicated in numerous wasting diseases, especially in scrofulous patients, with all that the word scrofula implies. The lymphatics are large, hard (82) and usually painless, and, as Farrington points out, with the exception of the mental condition, “torpidity and sluggishness is a characteristic of Iodine.” In persons of a scrofulous diathesis, Iodine is especially to be thought of for those with dark hair and eyes (88). Mentally, the Iodine patient is despondent, apprehensive and restless and “may feel,” says Talcott, “that the brain is stirred up, and that he must keep in constant motion, or go insane;” but during fevers and wasting diseases we often find excessive irritability and sensitiveness to real or fancied wrongs. It is a valuable remedy in tubercular meningitis (133) and in hydrocephalus (119). Iodine is to be thought of in persistent headaches, associated with vertigo on active exertion, and for congestive headache, with sensation of a band around head (105) and with dizziness, and noticed especially in old people. In the ears it is useful in chronic deafness, with adhesions in the middle ear or with glandular enlargement; or in deafness with chronic catarrh of the Eustachian tube (63) and roaring in the ears (65) and usually with inflammation and swelling of the tonsils. In inflammation of the tonsil of the tonsils it is of especial value for acute conditions, the combinations of Iodine being more frequently indicated in chronic enlargement or hypertrophy (192). It is valuable for acute fluent coryza (37), with profuse hot discharge (39) making the nose sore. In these coryzas there is fever, lachrymation, sneezing, etc., more or less stoppage of the nose at night (40) and profuse flow in the open air (37) and with headache at the root of the nose or over the frontal sinuses (95). It is to be thought of in syphilitic iritis (74) and in syphilitic and mercurial (139) ulceration of the throat, with swelling of the lymphatics. Iodine is very valuable in goitre (83) or bronchocele and especially so in t he beginning or when the tumor is soft. It is also of value later on, Hering saying: “Inveterate cases of goitre; the harder they feel, and the more other symptoms are wanting, the better indicated.” Many cures have been made with infinitesimal doses of this remedy and many a mineral spring has made its reputation for the cure of goitre from the minute amount of Iodine that it contained. Allen warns us against the local application of Iodine to the goitre, saying that while the tumor has been reduced, there have followed alarming pulmonary symptoms. Salivation (163) is prominent under Iodine and Hughes speaks of it “in the salivation of mercury as well as in that of pregnancy” (155). It is to be thought of in enlargement of the spleen (173), due to liver troubles, and accompanied by salivation. It is of value in diseases of the pancreas (149) both acute and chronic, with salivation,a nd in acute conditions with fatty diarrhoea. Iodine is useful in jaundice (122) after the abuse of mercury (139) or from cirrhosis of the liver, and of especial value for tabes mesenterica, or a tubercular degeneration of the mesenterica glands (83), found particularly in children of a scrofulous diathesis, with distention of the abdomen, enormous appetite yet rapid emaciation,a nd exhausting diarrhoea (58), stools frothy (59), foamy, “whey-like” (Hering). In diabetes (56) Iodine would be of value where we had canine hunger, yet rapid emaciation, and especially when due to some diseases of the pancreas. It is to be thought of in incontinence of urine in old men (199), with hypertrophy of the prostate (155). It is of value not only in atrophy of the testicles (188) but also when they are swollen (188) and hard, usually without pain, and it has cured many cases of hydrocele (119) when taken internally. In the female sexual organs we often find as accompanying indications, atrophy of the breasts and ovaries. There may be amenorrhoea, or the menses “may be too early and too profuse”(Minton) (135), and we frequently have a chronic excoriating leucorrhoea (126) “most abundant at the time of the menses” (Hering). Uterine haemorrhage is common, sometimes after every stool, and it is a remedy useful in chronic metritis and cancer (202). Of the ovaries, the r. is more apt to be affected (147) and besides atrophy, it is of value in inflammation (148) and for cysts of the r. ovary. A characteristic sensation of this remedy in female sexual troubles is a pressing, wedge-like pain from the r. ovary down towards the uterus (148). The cough of Iodine is hard, dry and croupy, with sawing respiration (25). It is of value in true croup (52), and in those cases where there is inability to swallow you need not fear about getting equally good results by olfaction; so put some Iodine in the steam-kettle and let the patient inhale the vapor. To quote directly from the Handbook: “A large number of cases of ‘membranous’ croup have been cured by the lower dilutions; our experience is that it is indicated in the early stage with more or less fever, with dry skin and a very dry cough, great difficulty in respiration; it follows closely after Acon.; if Acon. has been given and the patient is not the cough, the patient is still dry and hot and the cough is still croupy, then give Iod.; it is, however, rarely useful after the febrile excitement has disappeared or if the patient perspires freely.” In whooping cough it would be indicated when there was rapid emaciation and great Aconite. In pneumonia (150) Iodine is one of our most valuable remedies. Like Bryonia, it is indicated after the Acon. stage has passed, although the fever is still high, and hepatization has taken place; but unlike Bryonia, it lacks the sharp, cutting pains, and instead of perspiration, the skin is dry. It is particularly valuable in the pneumonia of scrofulous subjects, or in those having a tendency towards phthisis, and in pneumonia at the apex. A thought that we can keep in mind is, that Iodine has an especial affinity for the apex and Phos. of the base of the lung. “It was formerly supposed,” says Allen, “that left-sided pneumonia indicated Iod.; but it is now known that it is equally useful in pneumonia of either side.” In phthisis it is of value with the rough voice, dry skin, emaciation and night-sweats (185); also remember it in the last stage of phthisis (149), where it seems to act, more or less, as a tonic. Iodine is of value in pericarditis complicating pneumonia or rheumatism (162) and it is one of the remedies useful in hypertrophy of the heart (110). While occupying a minor position in Hahnemann’s Chr. Dis. and in Allen’s Encyclop., Hering raises to the highest place the symptom, sensation as if the heart were being squeezed (113). Iodine is useful in articular rheumatism, with nightly aggravation, the joints hot, shiny and swollen and very painful. The pains are shifting (149) or wandering, attack the meninges of the brain and finally the heart (162). It is useful in gonorrhoeal rheumatism (161), in affections of the joints following mercury or syphilis or due to scrofulous affections, and in synovitis of the knee-joint (125), housemaid’s knee. I use Iodine in the tincture.

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-Boericke. G.W

+ Iodine.


Rapid metabolism: LOSS OF FLESH with great appetite. Hungry with much thirst. Better after eating. GREAT DEBILITY, THE SLIGHTEST EFFORT INDUCES PERSPIRATION. Iod. individual is exceedingly thin, dark complexioned, with enlarged lymphatic glands, has voracious appetite but gets thin. Tubercular type. All glandular structures, respiratory organs, circulatory system are especially affected; they atrophy. Iodine arouses the defensive apparatus of the system by assembling the mononuclear leucocytes whose phagocytic action is marked, at a given point. Lead poisoning. Tremor. Iodine craves cold air. ACUTE EXACERBATION OF CHRONIC INFLAMMATION. Arthritis deformans. ACTS PROMINENTLY ON CONNECTIVE TISSUE. THE PLAGUE. GOITRE. Abnormal vaso-constriction, capillary congestion followed by oedema, ecchymosis, haemorrhages, and nutritive disturbances are the pathological conditions at the basis of its symptomatology. Sluggish vital reaction, hence chronicity in many of its aspects. Acute catarrh of all mucous membranes, rapid emaciation, notwithstanding good appetite, and glandular atrophy call for this remedy, in numerous wasting diseases and in scrofulous patients. Acute affections of the respiratory organs. PNEUMONIA, rapid extension. Iodine is warm, and wants cool surroundings. Weakness and loss of breath going upstairs. ADENOID VEGETATIONS. Tincture internally and locally to swollen glands and rattlesnake bites.


Anxiety WHEN QUIET. PRESENT anxiety and depression, no reference to the future. Sudden impulse to run and do violence. Forgetful. Must be busy. Fear of people, shuns every one. Melancholy. Suicidal tendency.


Throbbing; RUSH OF BLOOD, and feeling of a tight band. Vertigo; worse from stooping, worse in warm room Chronic, congestive headache of old people. [PHOS.]


Violent lachrymation. Pain in eyes. Pupil dilated. Constant motion of eyeballs. ACUTE DACRYOCYSTITIS.


Sneezing. Sudden violent influenza. Dry coryza becomes fluent in open air, also a FLUENT HOT CORYZA with general heat of skin. Pain at root of nose and frontal sinus. Nose stopped up. Tendency to ulceration. Loss of smell. ACUTE NASAL ENGORGEMENT associated with high blood pressure.


Gums loose and bleed easily. Foul ulcers and salivation. Profuse, fetid ptyalism. Tongue thickly coated. Offensive odor

from mouth.


Larynx feels constricted. EUSTACHIAN DEAFNESS. Thyroid enlarged. Goitre, with sensation of constriction. Swollen submaxillary glands. Uvula swollen.


Throbbing at pit of stomach. RAVENOUS HUNGER and much thirst. Empty eructations, as if every particle of food were turned into gas. Anxious and worried if he does not eat. [CINA; SULPH.] Loses flesh, yet hungry and eating well. [ABROT.]


Liver and spleen sore and enlarged. Jaundice. Mesenteric glands enlarged. Pancreatic disease. Cutting pain in abdomen.


Haemorrhage at every stool. Diarrhoea, whitish, frothy, fatty. Constipation, with ineffectual urging; better by drinking cold milk. Constipation alternating with diarrhoea. [ANT. CR.]


Frequent and copious, DARK YELLOW-GREEN. (BOVISTA), thick, acrid with cuticle on surface.


Testicles swollen and indurated. Hydrocele. Loss of sexual power, with atrophied testes.


Great weakness during menses. [ALUM.; CARBO AN.; COCCUL.; HAEMATOX.] Menstruation irregular. Uterine haemorrhage. OVARITIS. [APIS.; BELL.; LACH.] WEDGE-LIKE PAIN FROM OVARY TO UTERUS. DWINDLING OF MAMMARY GLANDS. Nodosities in skin of mammae. Acrid leucorrhoea, thick, slimy, corroding the linen. WEDGE-LIKE PAIN IN THE RIGHT OVARIAN REGION.


Hoarse. RAW and tickling feeling provoking a dry cough. PAIN IN LARYNX. Laryngitis, with painful roughness; worse during cough. Child grasps throat when coughing. Right-sided pneumonia with high temperature. Difficult expansion of chest, blood- streaked sputum; internal dry heat, external coldness. Violent heart action. Pneumonia. Hepatization spreads rapidly with persistent high temperature; absence of pain in spite of great involvement, worse warmth; craves cool air. Croup in scrofulous children with dark hair and eyes. [BROM. opposite.] Inspiration difficult. Dry, morning cough, from tickling in larynx. CROUPY COUGH, with difficult respiration; wheezy. COLD EXTENDS DOWNWARDS from head to throat and bronchi. Great weakness about chest. Palpitation from least exertion. Pleuritic effusion. Tickling all over chest. Iod. cough is worse indoors, in warm,

wet weather, and when lying on back.


Heart feels squeezed. Myocarditis, painful compression around heart. Feels as if squeezed by an iron hand [CACTUS] followed by great weakness and faintness. Palpitation from least exertion. Tachycardia.


Joints inflamed and painful. Pain in bones at night. White swelling. Gonorrhoeal rheumatism. Rheumatism of nape and upper extremities. Cold hands and feet. Acrid sweat of feet. Pulsation in large arterial trunks. Rheumatic pains, nightly pains in joints; constrictive sensations.


Hot, dry, yellow and withered. Glands enlarged. Nodosities. Anasarca of cardiac disease.


Flushes of heat all over body. Marked fever, restlessness, red cheeks, apathetic. Profuse sweat.


WORSE, when quiet, in warm room, right side. BETTER, walking

about, in open air.


Yatren. Iod. pathogenesis is similar to that of CARBOL. ACID. Antidotes: HEPAR; SULPH.; GRATIOLA. Complementary: LYCOPOD.; BADIAGA. Compare: BROM.; HEPAR; MERCUR.; PHOSPH.; ABROT; NAT. MUR.; SANIC.; TUBER.


The crude drug in saturated solution may be required. Third to thirtieth potency. Ioduretted solution of Potass. iod. (35 grains Potassa and 4 grains Iodine to 1 oz. of water, 10 drops three times a day) expels tapeworms dead. Locally the most powerful, least harmful and easily managed microbicide. Ideal agent to keep wounds clean and disinfected. Bites of insects, reptiles, etc. Gunshot wounds and compound fractures, excellent. Great skin disinfectant.

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+ Iodine The Element.

Persons of a scrofulous diathesis, with dark or black hair and eyes; a low cachectic condition, with profound debility and great emaciation [Abrot. ]. Great weakness and loss of breath on going upstairs [Calc. ]; during the menses [Alum. , Carbo an. , Coc. ]. Ravenous hunger; eats freely and well, yet loses flesh all the time [Abrot. , Nat. m. , Sanic. , Tub. ]. Empty eructations from morning to night, as if every particle of food was turned into air [Kali c. ]. Suffers from hunger, must eat every few hours, anxious and worried if he does not eat [Cina, Sulph. ]; feels (>). while eating or after eating, when stomach is full. Itching: low down in the lungs, behind the sternum, causing cough; extends through bronchi to nasal cavity [Coc. c. , Con. , Phos. ]. Hypertrophy and induration of glandular tissue – thyroid, mammae, ovaries, testes, uterus, prostate or other glands – breasts may dwindle and become flabby. Hard goitre, in dark-haired persons [light-haired, Brom. ]; feels (>). after eating. Palpitation, worse from least exertion [compare Dig. – from least mental exertion, Cal. ars. ]. Sensation as if the heart was squeezed together; as if grasped with an iron hand [Cac. , Sulph. ]. Leucorrhoea: arid, corrosive, straining and corroding the linen; most abundant at times of menses. Cancerous degeneration of the cervix; cutting pains in abdomen and haemorrhage at every stool. Constipation, with ineffectual urging (>). by drinking cold milk. Croup: membranous, hoarse, dry cough, worse in warm, wet weather; with wheezing and swaying respiration [Spong. ]. Child grasps the larynx [Cepa]; face pale and cold especially in fleshy children.

Complementary: to, Lycopodium. Compare: acet. ac. , Brom. , Con. , Kali bi. , Spong. in membranous croup and croupy affections; especially in overgrown boys with scrofulous diathesis. Follows well: after, Hep. , Mer. ; is followed by Kali bi. in croup. Acts best in goitre when given after full moon, or when the moon is waning. – Lippe. Should not be given during lying-in period, except in high potencies. – Hering.

Warmth; wrapping up the head [reverse of, Hep. , Psor. ].

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