– Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Region Worse

Nutrition Vital drains (depletions)

Nerves Fasting

Bones. Spine


Scrofulous. Tubercular. Hemorrhagic

Make-up : Pale and weak, rapid and extreme debility, diminished vitality and emaciation; from excessive and protracted loss of fluids, e.g. prolonged diarrhea, continuous drenching (night) sweats, hemorrhages, draining abscesses etc. Dehydrated, emaciated, scrofulous children, face pale, cerebral congestion and extremities habitually cold, with hyperhidriosis.

Enervation with nervous prostration, depression of spirits, lack of nerve force to activate muscles, loss of every desire to move.

Bones : Spinal curvature, tubercular diathesis and anaemia. T.b. of spine. Hip- joint disease.

Mind : Nervous, excitable and sleepless. Talks rapidly.

Head : Cerebral congestion. Tubercular meningitis, early or advanced.

Dull heavy (pressing ) pain across vertex between frontal and occipital bones including whole of parietal bone, increasing gradually, with growing mental depression.

Eyes : Conjunctivitis, purulent, in infants with little vitality; gonorrheal. Parenchymatous keratitis of syphilitic base; foreign bodies in cornea ; abscess; ulceration; opacity. Deep sloughing ulcers or abscesses in weak debilitated persons, esp. indicated in crescentic ulcers following purulent conjunctivitis; excessive photophobia; low health prevents healing.

Ears : Tinnitus like frying or sizzling. Suppurative inflammation of middle ear in phthisical subjects.

Face : Wan, pale, but flushing at times with hot head, child becoming nervous and excitable. Lips dry and cracked (after symptoms passed off) ; as from fever.

Stomach : Ravenous hunger, constant desire to eat, feels well only when the stomach is full, or else, severe pain. Pressure and distress about two hours after every meal. Milk or light food relieves. Loss of appetite.

Abdomen : Bloated. Sore throbbing in spleen. Mesenteric tuberculosis (tabes). Diarrhea; of phthisis.

Urinary : (Diabetes).

Female : Meno-Metro-rrhagia.

Respiratory : Asthma. Dyspnea; air hunger.

Bronchitis. Hemoptysis. After pneumonia when resolution is not complete and there is a tendency to (tubercular) break-down of lungs. A state simulating pneumonia is frequent and fatal among consumptives (cp. Fer-ph.).

Phthisis : hectic fever, cavities in lungs, diarrhea, cough with hemoptysis, acute pains in chest, loss of appetite, night sweats, rapid debility. Typical cases; after depletions.

Heart : Great fulness and oppression around heart. Fulness throughout thorax and in head; after headache.Angina pectoris.

Affections of arteries. Veins stand out like whipcords.

Locomotor : Habitually COLD. Muscular weakness of limbs. Hip- joint disease. Psoas abscess with debility and anaemia (a sign of t.b.). Tibial ulcer (bone t. b.?).

Skin : Continued draining from abscess; do not heal rapidly, slow progress, vitality at low ebb. Very large swellings where pus was completely reabsorbed without opening (Rhus-t.,Pyro.). Pallor. Acne pustulosa.

Sleep : Starts during.

Thermic : Hectic. Drenching, exhausting, colliquative (night) sweats. After fever lips dry and cracked. Considerable thirst.

Relations : Collateral : Acet-ac., Chin., Chin-a., Hippz., Ins., Ol-j., Tub.

Compare : Bar-c., Cact., Kali-c.

In Cal-hyp. scrofulous and tubercular process is more acute(like Bac.), destruction more marked than Cal-ph. etc.

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