Homeopathic Remedy for Lipoma Treatment and Cure

What is a lipoma?

A lipoma is nothing but a benign tumor consisting body fat. It is the most common tumor among the benign tumors of soft tissue. Lipoma tumors are soft in nature, movable and painless. Many lipoma tumors are small of not more than 1cm but sometimes grow up to sizes more than six centimeters. Lipoma can found at any age but common after the age of 40 years. The Lipoma tumor by themselves they never transform into Cancer. Lipoma tumor in most cases, the cause is Hereditary but the tendency to develop a lipoma is not necessarily hereditary. Some studies have established a relationship between the gene that causes obesity and lipoma tumor. Some other studies suggested trauma can be the cause of lipoma formation but is not sure. Homeopathic remedy for lipoma is best in treatment without surgery let us see how?


What causes lipoma?

homeopathic remedy for lipomaIt is really a mystery. What causes lipoma not at understood completely. However, according to one theory lipomas caused by disturbed fat metabolism. Nevertheless, for our observation the children born to near blood relations often have lipomas. There is one theory that lipoma occurs after severe injuries. However, its reliability is not tested. In fact, 90% of lipoma cases have heredity influence. Therefore, it thought to be the cause of lipoma is genetic. Even though the cause is genetic, Homeopathy medicines can influence the growth of lipoma tumor. Homeopathic remedies can effectively stop the overgrowth of lipoma.


What are the symptoms of a lipoma?

Symptoms of lipoma depend on the size of the tumor. The lipomas vary from 1 mm to bigger than 50 cms. Lipoma by itself does not cause any symptom. However, when it grows biger it causes pressure symptoms on surrounding organs. If the lipoma is near to vital organs or very important veins or arteries, it can be life-threatening. Homeopathic remedies for lipoma can effectively reduce the size of the tumor. Therefore, Homeopathic medicines minimize symptoms of lipoma.


Homeopathic Treatment for Lipoma without Surgery:

Homeopathy considers the root cause of lipoma as suppression of previous infectious diseases. Which produce inherited symptoms in various forms, the lipoma is one among the symptoms produced by suppression of gonococcus bacterial infection. Homeopathy can only cure the lipoma without side effects and without the need for surgery. Surgery is not the solution for lipoma treatment. Recurrence is common with surgery.


Lipoma removal without surgery in Homeopathy:

It is true. It is possible to remove lipoma without surgery in homeopathy. The constitutional Homeopathic medicine for lipomas can cure permanently and without recurrence. Even though you go for lipoma surgery in Allopathy, there are chances for recurrence. However, it is not the case with Homeopathy lipoma removal treatment. Homeopathy treats the lipoma tumor without putting the knife on your body. In general, the Lipomas have heredity influence. Homeopathic treatment for lipoma in real targets the heredity cause of lipoma. So Homeopathy can able to treat your lipoma without surgery.


Lipoma Removal Cost in Homeopathy:

Homeopathy treats the lipoma with a single dose of medicine. The cost of lipoma removal in Homeopathy is very minimum. For example, if you need to spend 50000 rupees for lipoma surgery through Allopathy, however, it cost 5000 rupees for lipoma removal treatment in homeopathy. This is a very minimum when compared to painful lipoma surgery and removal cost in Allopathy. In fact, the Homeopathic medicines for lipoma removal do not cost much. However, here the consultation of the homeopath for the selection of Homeopathic remedies for a lipoma tumor cost that much.


Lipoma on the back and Homeopathic treatment:

Lipomas on back in the dorsal region are common. We have seen some cases, particularly that occur between the Shoulders and just below the neck. This kind of lipoma on back responds to Homeopathic treatment very well. Usually, we treat this kind of lipoma on the back with Baryta carbonica and Dulcamara in Homeopathy. These two Homeopathic medicines are very effective in the treatment of lipoma on back. Another remedy also works great for Lipoma on the back is Calcarea carbonica.


Benign lipoma tumor and its treatment in Homeopathy:

Lipoma itself is a benign tumor. It never turns into cancer. If at all, it turns into cancer that is a very rare instance. Lipoma that is benign in nature also responds very well to Homeopathic treatment. However, the problem is it takes a long time to treat benign lipoma. You need to be in contact with your Homeopathic physician for at least 2 years. To get rid of your benign lipoma completely, you need to spend such a long time.


Homeopathic treatment for fatty lipoma:

Lipoma the term itself indicates that the fat in the tumor. However, what can call as a fatty lipoma? There are some lipomas are very big nature and hang from their base. Such kind of lipoma can call as fatty lipomas. Homeopathic remedies like Calcarea carbonica, Thuja, Medorrhinum, and Graphites are work excellent for the treatment of fatty lipoma. The remedies, which act in the treatment of warts also works for the treatment of fatty lipoma.


Homeopathic Treatment for lipoma pain:

Lipoma tumor itself does not produce any pain. However, when it grows bigger causes pressure symptoms. Lipoma produced pain by this kind of pressure effect on surrounding organs. Homeopathic remedies treat the pain caused by lipoma by reducing the size of the tumor.


Multiple lipomas and Homeopathic treatment:

It is a common observation that lipoma will never occur as a single. If you find a lipoma on your body, sure you will have multiple lipomas somewhere else on your body. In fact, treatment of single lipoma and multiple lipomas have the same procedure. Homeopathic remedies like Causticum, Antimonium Crudum, and Nitric Acid are excellent for the treatment of multiple lipomas.


Lipoma cancer and Homeopathic treatment:

As discussed earlier lipoma will never turn into cancer. Of course, Homeopathic treatment for lipoma can prevent lipoma tumor without turn into cancer. The homeopathic medicines like Nitricum Acidum especially useful for preventing lipoma cancer. So do not believe that lipoma turns into cancer.


Homeopathic medicines for Abdominal Lipoma:

There are two specific Homeopathic medicines for lipoma on the abdomen. Calcarea Arsenicum and conium are excellent homeopathic remedies helpful for the cure of lipoma in the abdomen. Calcarea Arsenicum is especially useful for abdominal lipoma in young. Whereas Conium helpful for lipoma on the abdomen in old people.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Rab Nawaz

    Sir I have muliple lip0mas in whole body under skin. first it were only two bt last ten years it increases. i did operation for it bt some areas in obdomen open can be possible is any cure of it in homopehtic.

  2. krishna

    sir, i am having multiple lipomas.mostly i am having them on abdomin and back.i am having it from past 15 years.my age is 38.i am over weight.having high bp.can you please suggest.

    1. drdevendrakumar

      let me know more details to suggest the best remedy for lipomas.

  3. Vijaya Reddy

    I have a 3 inches lipoma below the left knee from many years as i was obese due to thyroid now my thyroid is normal but i want treatment for lipoma.

  4. Abhijeet

    Dear Dr ,

    My mother’s blood in stools has stopped , now what next to be done , should we must do my mother’s sonography to check whether Leiomyolipoma is cured or not , or you will suggest some medicine.


  5. sandeep

    Dear Sir Good Evening

    Dear Sir , My mother has a lipoma knots on left side of neck appears from last 7months which is not hard ,about 3cm diameter, no pain in general but when there is work stress on neck feel pain in swelloing ,normal in colour ,appear less when normal some more when speak lauder or sleeping position. One small (1.5 cm) diameter hard spherical gland on head left front . My mother has acidity ,skin problems likes ruph hands ,found of tea and citrus fruits ,over sensitive to smell any kind , cnt bear intense sun light and cold feet below knee. Please suggest homeopathy treatment. Looking hopefully for treatment .thanks in advance.

    1. drdevendrakumar

      Give her CALCAREA CARB 200c just 2 pills and wait for 15 days. let me know after 15 days.

  6. Ramaprasad Avala

    I am thankful for the information given in your article on lipoma in detail.

  7. Anonymous

    Thanks for the article on lipoma and homeopathic remedies which is most interesting and searching topic on homeopathic treatment.

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