Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies that Every body should have

Homeopathic Home Remedies that Everybody should have in day to day life:

Homeopathic home remedies

Homeopathy is second most enormous business on the planet. Furthermore, it has its benefits over the allopathic system. Not at all like allopathic prescriptions, some homeopathic pharmaceuticals are backup in everyday life. Because it can be utilizable in most therapeutic conditions. They can be utilized preceding counseling Homeopathic medico. Unquestionably they incite no reactions.In this article, it is attempted to explain the benefits of Homeopathic Home Remedies,

Homeopathic Remedies like Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, lycopodium, phosphorus, Carbo veg, Arsenic collection are particularly helpful in most health related problems. They ought to be utilized as a part of the single measurement. In the event that so they can yield the great result. In addition, it can cure most hazardous coming sicknesses even.

Let us see some medical conditions in which these most useful Homeopathic Home Remedies are helpful.

Nux Vomica is the first most Homeopathic Home Remedy to be kept in our Homeopathic Medical Kit. Nux Vomica is useful in conditions like,

Indigestion: Nux stomach Problems are very peculiar. Symptoms of stomach upset aggravate after taking spicy good. Most irritable mind and easily anger tendency guide us to prescribe this Homeopathic Medicine.

Loose stool, Frequent stools or Diarrhoea: Nux Vomica is a great remedy in curing frequent stools. Nux Patients with Diarrhoea symptoms feels abdomen pain before going to stool.In addition, the pain will be relieved after passing stool. Probable abdomen pain will not bother him till the next stool.

Neurological Conditions: Nux Vomica is helpful in paralysis like medical conditions. Paralysis in people especially relevant to those addicted to alcohol and other stimulants.

Most of all Nux Vomica should not be used in those patients who have Brain tumors and aneurysm in brain etc otherwise it can produce epileptic fits and many times death.

Nux Vomica or Nux Vom or Nux is useful in 30c, 200c and 1M potency.

The next Best Remedy is Pulsatilla Nigricans. It is useful in diseases like Fevers, Indigestion, Appendicitis and Varicose Veins etc.

Pulsatilla for Fever case:  Puls is a most helpful remedy in fevers ranging from common seasonal fevers to malaria and typhoid.The peculiarity in pulsatilla fever is almost thirstless ness and mildness of symptoms. Puls patients will not have most aggressive symptoms with any kind of fever. Patient experience raise in temperature with a mild headache, also chill with no thirst.

Pulsatilla Homeopathic Home Remedy for Appendicitis: Puls is a most useful remedy in Appendicitis cases. The number of appendicitis cases almost cured with this Homeopathic Remedy. The most guiding symptom is the pain in abdomen starts after taking oily food a day before. Most noteworthy the patient is thirstless.The patient will experience all those symptoms of appendicitis like vomiting, nausea, fever and pain in the abdomen. Pain will be most severe, as a result, patient double bends with abdomen pain. Relieves pain almost within two minutes after a dose of Pulsatilla,.Consequently the patient goes to sleep immediately.

Lycopodium in our day to day life. It is one of the best most Homeopathic Remedy for Gastritis and Erectile dysfunction:

Lycopodium is most useful Homeopathic Medicine for Gastritis. Furthermore, I have cured number of cases with a single dose of Lycopodium 200c. Almost 2 pills of Lycopodium can prevent Gastritis of years of long standing. Patients those habituated to daily OMAZ for gas also stopped taking medicine after Lyco 200 just single dose.I have a recent case of a Police constable who takes omeprazole for gas distention abdomen. Since he started with mild dose gradually needed to increased dosage of Omaze. He has fear about allopathic medicine after great dissatisfaction. I gave him a dose just 2 pills of Lycopodium 200, has cured almost completely his gastritis. As a result, he became a great fan to Homeopathic Treatment. First of all, the patient must have the systematic lifestyle and food habits to cure his gas problem completely.

In addition, Lyco is also a great remedy for Erectile dysfunction. These erectile problem patients almost suffer from Gastric Complaints.

Phosphorus is most useful in cases of Lung diseases and Hair Falling.

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I have a great experience with phosphorus 200c as Homeopathic Home Remedies in cases of Hair Falling. This remedy works better in 1M potency in Hair falling cases. Phos patients often desire for cool drinks. these are tall and slim with sociable mindset. I would like to mention a case of Hair falling alopecia almost became bald. Because this person is talkative in nature, tall and slim. I gave him a dose 2 pills of Phosphorus 1m. Probably the hair on mustache and head. eyebrows started to grow within one month.
Another case of Phosphorus 200 is a woman. She is suffering from burning abdomen. This patient is great loquacious. The patient used all sorts of medications almost with null effect. As a result, I gave her a dose of Phosphorus 200, 2 pills. Finally which relieved her pain in the abdomen.

Carbo Vegetabilis is very good Homeopathic Home Remedies for Gastric Distention of the abdomen.

First of all Carbo veg is a most suitable remedy for Gastric Complaints. Often these patients feel pain in upper abdomen and chest. The skin of carbo vegetabulis patients is very cold to touch. Carbo veg is also useful in Lung diseases like Asthma, Bronchitis etc. Most of all it can save the patients who are on death bed. Carbo veg patients have a great craving for air. It can supply oxygen to weakened tissue.

Another most Homeopathic Home Remedies is Arsenicum Album. Must and should have the remedy in our Home.

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Arsenicum is a great Homeopathic Home remedies useful in wide variety of diseases.Arsenicum album cured a frequent cold and cough in children. Allergic rhinitis cases often benefited with this anti-allergy Homeopathic Remedy. I have cured some migraine cases wonderfully with Arsenicum album 200c. Arsenicum cured many cases of Diarrhoea after taking spoiled food. Arsenicum patients feel extreme weakness with acute complaints. These patients have fear of death with much anxiety.

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  3. Anonymous

    That's 6, what are the other 3 ?

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