Homeopathic medicine for Hydrarthrosis

Homeopathic medicine for Hydrarthrosis or Swelling Joints:

Hydrarthrosis or joint swelling is an accumulation of effused watery fluid in the joint. This condition usually caused by arthritis or trauma. Despite good orthopedic treatment, some Hydrarthrosis is recurrent. Homeopathic medicine for swelling joints or Hydrarthrosis especially cures the recurrence. In addition to acute relief of swelling, Homeopathic treatment cures the problem permanently. Moreover, no side effects can expect with Homeopathic remedies for Hydrarthrosis. 

Homeopathic medicine for Hydrarthrosis

Homeopathic Remedies for Swelling Joints:

Arnica and Calendula’s mother tinctures greatly help as local applications for joint swelling in case of trauma (Injury).  

Hydrarthrosis in case of arthritis needs Homeopathic medicines like Bryonia and Apis. Least movement of the swollen joint produces great pain, where Bryonia is the remedy for Homeopathic treatment. In this case, the joints with Hydrarthrosis are red and very much swollen.

Apis is also the medicine for red and swollen joints, where the pain is increase with heat. Hydrarthrosis especially after sleep needs Apis mellifica for Homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathy medicine for Acute Hydrarthrosis:

Arnica, Ledum, and Ruta are useful for Homeopathic treatment of joint swelling in general after acute injury. Apis is also benefiting in swelling joints of acute arthritis. This Homeopathic remedy works especially at the beginning stage of the Hydrarthrosis.

Similarly, Bryonia Alba is also the best Homeopathy medicine useful in the treatment of early Hydrarthrosis. The swelling of knees and fingers particularly suggests the Homeopathic medicine Sticta Pulmonaria.

Homeopathic Remedies for Chronic Hydrarthrosis or Swelling Joints:

Sticta Pulmonaria and Kalium Iodatum are in particular useful for the treatment of swelling joints that are chronic.

Also, see – Homeopathic Medicine for Arthritis in Hands, Finger Joints, Knee

Dr.Lilienthal views on Homeopathic Remedies for Joint swelling:

  • Natrum-Mur is a Homeopathic remedy for swelling joints that increase particularly at the seaside.
  • Manganum is the Homeopathic medicine for Hydrarthrosis where swelling shifting from one joint to another or crosswise. The key point is shining redness and swelling of joints.
  • Lycopodium is helpful for swelling joint particularly at night and on alternate days.
  • Ledum is a very good remedy for edematous swelling joints, which may feel cold to the touch.
  • Colchicum is also a very effective Homeopathic remedy for Joint swelling of shifting in nature.


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