Homeopathic Medicine for Hip Joint Pain

Homeopathic Medicine for Hip Joint Pain:

A congenital factor is often involved in hip pathologies. Pelvic disorders and improper gait mechanics frequently will cause hip problems. Defect in muscles, ligaments, or tendons usually that surround the hip joint cause pain. The trouble may locate in the hip joint properly in some cases. In fact, the decrease in circulation to the head of the femur (the main part of the hip joint) should consider for diagnosis in some other cases. The hip joint, in particular, needs vascular and endocrine remedies. Homeopathic medicine especially works on the causative factors of pain in the hip joint. In this case, the cure for hip pain using Homeopathic treatment is safe and without side effects.

Homeopathic Medicine for Hip Joint Pain

Homeopathy remedy for Hip Joint pain (Coxalgia) on the right side:

Pain that is from right hip to knee in particular needs Kalium Carbonicum in Homeopathy. Chronic and recurrent lower back pain refers to hip generally suggests this Homeopathic medicine. Moreover, Kalium Carbonicum is the Homeopathic medicine for hip pain in those who suffer from sweating and excess weakness.

Ledum pal is the Homeopathic remedy for gouty pain in the hip, especially on the right side. The painful sole and cracking in the hip joint indicate Ledum pal for Homeopathic treatment of pain.

Murex is another Homeopathic remedy for hip joint pain on the right. Beating down sensation is the key point in this case. Hip joint pain with uterine fibroma particularly indicates Murex in Homeopathy.

Also, see Homeopathic remedies for pain in bones

Homeopathy medicines for Hip Joint pain on the left side:

Causticum is the medicine that especially works on hip joint pain with crackling sensation. A great feeling of weakness in the left hip joint generally indicates this Homeopathic medicine. In addition, the patients who feel numbness and pain in the hip joint also need Causticum for the Homeopathic treatment.

Natrum Sulphuricum is the remedy for Homeopathic treatment of hip joint pain especially on the left side with great stiffness. In this case, dampness in the weather increases hip joint pain.

Stramonium is a Homeopathic medicine for the twitching of tendons in the left hip joint. Trebling of the hip joint with pain otherwise indicates this Homeopathy medicine.

Homeopathy remedy for Hip Joint pain on Right and left side:

Allium Sativum is the Homeopathic remedy for hip joint pain that radiates from Psoas and iliac muscles. Stiffness in joints of feet in addition to hip pain needs Drosera in Homeopathy. Paralytic pains in hips and thighs also indicate this Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of Hip pain.

Stiffness and pains of tendons call for Rhus tox in Homeopathy for Hip joint treatment. Here the involvement of ligament in the hip joint is the key point. Radium Bromatum is the most specific Homeopathy remedy for Hip joint pain with arthritis that also at night. Ferrum Metallicum greatly helps in the treatment of Hip pain, in those who must get up from the bed and walk slowly to relieve the pain.

Some other Homeopathy medicines useful in the treatment of Hip joint pain:

  • Drosera
  • Secale Cornutum
  • Ruta
  • Kalium Iodatum
  • Aurum metal
  • Calcarea Fluorica
  • Tuberculinum Residuum
  • Hekla Lava


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