Fibroids homeopathy

Fibroids is a benign tumor of the muscles and fibrous tissues that develop in the uterine wall within the uterus or inside it. Fibroids are common among obese women who lay between the ages of 30 and 50 years old. Hormonal imbalances, pregnancy, obesity, genetics, anomalies in the blood vessels, inadequate diet and toxins among others are known causes of fibroids.

Some well-known symptoms of fibroids include; irregular periods, excessive uterine bleeding, acute pelvic pain, impaired urination, constipation, back pain, leg pain, anemia and swelling in the lower abdomen.

However, despite all of this, below is a discussion about some home remedies for the treatment of fibroids.        

There are two result-oriented home remedies you can take in an effort to obtain worthwhile healing of fibroids. The first is to modify your general diet and the second is to do detoxification of liver especially using natural herbs. The liver is known to be a factor in the formation of fibroids more specifically if it is not detoxified.      

Fibroids homeopathy

Most of the well-known home remedies for uterine fibroids heavily rely on making simple dietary changes which include: Switching to organic foods and avoiding non-organic meals as much as possible. By taking this step you will avoid ingesting pesticides alongside other chemicals which are known to be causative agents for fibroids.          

Nettle plant

Nettle plant is an effective home remedy for irregular periods and infertility in women. You can follow the procedure below to apply this treatment: Put the water is boiling, add some leaves of nettle washed in boiling water and let them sit for 20 minutes. Pour tea into a cup and you can add a little honey as an analyst. For effective results, drink 2 cups a day.

Frequently feeding on Fresh fruits and vegetables

Eating a wide range of fruits and vegetables, approximately five to seven times a day serves as a good home remedy for fibroids. Taking in plenty of water is yet another recommended home remedy for fibroids. Health scholars have made it a rule to drink at least two liters of water on a daily basis in an effort to stay healthy. Drinking plenty of water will aid in flushing out toxins from the body and hence remedying fibroids.  Consumption of fibroid-fighting meals such as cabbage and kales will greatly help in the fight against fibroids. In addition, avoid processed meat and animal fats as much as you can. To be specific, red meat is in particular not friendly to fibroids and thus it must be avoided at all costs. 

Maintain a healthy weight

Estrogen is usually in the excess body if you are overweight. Therefore, the simple treatment is to make sure to maintain a healthy weight, because this naturally reduces the levels of estrogen. In addition, pesticides and environmental pollutants can emulate the work of estrogen in the body. You can get rid of these toxins by detoxifying the liver. 

Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Both alcohol and caffeine are consumed in the liver.  The liver also regulates the amount of estrogen in our blood. If the liver suffers from excessive stress due to alcohol or beverages that contain caffeine, especially coffee, estrogen can accumulate in the blood and stimulates the growth of fibroids. Bearing in mind that both caffeine and alcohol affect everyone in different ways, you can start leaving either substance for a period of between 6 and 8 weeks. If there is a marked reduction in pain and bleeding, you may have identified the cause of the fibroids. If not, try to get rid of the other substance and see if this has an effect on the symptoms. If none of these symptoms are affected, you can safely conclude that caffeine and alcohol are not the probable causes of fibroid  


Garlic, a good source of vitamin B6 and C and minerals that are effective in balancing female hormones, is great food for rapidly reducing fibroids. Its antioxidant properties treat fibroids. Garlic also prevents tumor growth in the womb. Studies have shown that garlic extracts have eliminated waste from the pelvic cavity and uterine and ovarian tissue, thus accelerating metabolism and reversing the growth of fibroids. In fact, fibroids of garlic and uterus have a long history together, because grass may be the first treatment most people experience. Chew some raw garlic cloves regularly and add garlic to cooking.   

Olive oil

Another home remedy to fibroids is olive oil. It is known that this oil inhibits estrogen which may lead to fibroids. It requires you to eat a tablespoon of olive oil with a little lemon juice on an empty stomach, especially in the morning as a home remedy to fibroids.   

Dandelion roots

Dandelion roots are an excellent home remedy for the elimination of fibroids. These roots are well known for their ability to eliminate excess estrogen from the body. Here’s a procedure to prepare the home remedy for the dandelion root: Start by making some tea with about 1.5 cups of water on low heat, followed by three tablespoons of dandelion root. Allow the cooking to simmer for a quarter of an hour, then after heating, leave it again for 15 minutes. Strain and drink three cups a day for productive results.   


Chamomile is the most commonly used natural remedy for many health disorders. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties help to treat fibroid abscesses in the most natural way. You can prepare homemade chamomile by following these simple steps: Prepare chamomile tea with 2-3 teaspoons of chamomile flowers in a glass of hot water. Let the broadcast for 3 minutes. Drain and add a few drops of lemon juice to the flavor.         

In conclusion, it is extremely important to understand that these natural remedies take much longer to cure the disease in question and therefore patients should not be in a hurry when applying them. It is Impossible for you to home remedy fibroids within days or weeks. If you are determined to devote time and effort, you can get rid of fibroids naturally.

Homeopathic Remedies for Fibroids:

There are good number of Homeopathic remedies that helps in the cure of Fibroids. One among them is the Thuja. It is a wonderful Homeopathic Remedy to treat fibroids. Thuja cures the fibroids just like any warts on skin. Thuja helps in patients of little bit obese in nature.

The next best remedy is Calcarea carb for fibroids. It is aslo a very good remedy to cure fibroids in uterus. Most patients who need calcarea carb for fibroids are also obese. moreover fibroids patients with excessive sweating can benefited with Calcarea carb.

Lachesis is also a very good remedy for uterine fibroids cure. Lachesis fibroid patients are loquacios in nature. Fibroid patients who desire pickles definitley need Lahchesis to cure their fibroid.

apart fron the above remedies Apis, medorrhinum, sepia, ruta and nitric acid are also excellent remedies for the cure of uterine fibroids.

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