CONSTIPATION [Constipation]:


Aesculus-hip [Aesc]
Constant urging to stool, with ineffectual efforts; stool large, dry, hard, difficult, dark; the last of about natural consistency, followed by burning and constriction of the rectum, lasting till evening; prolapsus ani after stool, with backache; dryness, heat and constriction of the rectum, which feels AS IF FULL OF SMALL STICKS; throbbing in the abdominal and pelvic cavities; passing foetid flatus; urine dark, muddy and passed with much pain; dull pains in lower abdomen; severe LUMBO-SACRAL BACKACHE, () after stool; delirium tremens.
Aloe [Aloe]
Constant urging to stool, passing small quantities; sometimes only a few drops of blood; CONSTIPATION OF PERSONS WHO LIVE TO EAT: constipation of old people with abdominal plethora; suitable to hypochondriacs and to bookworms, with a pituitous state of stomach and bowels; heat, soreness and heaviness of rectum; heaviness in pelvis and dull, heavy sensation in sacral region, () by motion; urging as with diarrhoea, only hot flatus passes, with sensation as if a plug were wedged between symphysis pubis and coccyx; INVOLUNTARY, UNNOTICED HARD STOOL.
Alumen [Alumn]
Evacuations hard and knotty, discharged with great difficulty and at LONG INTERVALS, once or twice a week, sick headache in the morning; frequent cramps in pit of stomach and vomiting with some retching. LONG-LASTING PAIN IN RECTUM AFTER EACH STOOL: painful bleeding piles, with aching in anus; deathlike fainting spells, with loss of all faculties.
Alumina [Alum]
TORPOR OF RECTUM. No desire for and no ability to pass stool till there is a large accumulation; disposition when at stool to grasp the seat tightly, perspiration breaks out, the patient almost despairs of effecting a discharge; nausea and faintness, nervous exhaustion, tremulous weakness of lower extremities, chilliness during and after stool. Inactivity of rectum, EVEN A SOFT STOOL, LIKE PUTTY, AND STICKING TO ANUS, REQUIRES GREAT STRAINING; urine passes while straining at stool; stool sometimes in the shape of laurel-berries; () in fresh air, passes stool better standing (Caust.). Often suitable to the aged and infirm and to nursing children; ailments from lead poisoning (Op.).
Ambra-grisea [Ambr]
Frequent ineffectual desire for stool which makes her very anxious, and AT THE THIS TIME THE PRESENCE OF OTHER PERSONS BECOMES UNBEARABLE; sensation of coldness in abdomen. Melancholy with sad weeping, great weakness, loss of muscular power, pain in small of back and constipation; especially during childbed.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Costiveness on account of hardness of faeces, difficult to expel, with headache; protrusion of haemorrhoids after stool, with long-lasting pains, cannot walk; listless and lethargic.
Ammonium-mur [Am-m]
Hard stools, crumbling to pieces when defaecating, requiring great efforts to expel them, followed by soft stool; the FAECES ARE COVERED WITH A GLAIRY TOUGH MUCUS, and accompanied by a discharge of a quantity of mucus and much flatus; piles after suppression of leucorrhoea.
Anacardium [Anac]
Frequent tenesmus for many days, without being able to pass anything; great urgent desire for stool, but on sitting down the desire immediately passes off without an evacuation; the rectum seems to be powerless, with a sensation as if plugged up; frequent profuse bleeding from the anus when at the stool; headache with sensation as if there were a plug in the head, with mental irritability and propensity to swear.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Alternate constipation and diarrhoea, especially of old people; difficult, hard stool, faeces too large; costive with incarcerated flatus and colic; costiveness in the heat of summer; constipation during childbed; suicidal despondency, anxiousness of mind and sensitiveness to sound; frontal headache and dizziness on ascending stairs; tongue white, complete loss of appetite; gulping up of fluid, tasting of the ingesta, nausea and vomiting. Children’s stools white, dry, with hard lumps of curd.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Chronic constipation. Feeling in anus as if it were stuffed full, with heat and throbbing in rectum. Large, hard, difficult stools, only once or twice a week; stinging pains and sensation in abdomen as from something tight, which would break if much effort were made.
Arnica [Arn]
No urging; inactivity of rectum; stool INSUFFICIENT, hard, much straining, with headache, head hot; feels full all over and unfit for business; belching. After a blow on epigastrium, from concussion, overexertion.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Constipation with inability to drink cold water and pain in bowels.
Asafoetida [Asaf]
Obstinate constipation, with abdominal and haemorrhoidal cramps; constant ineffectual urging to stool, with violent pressing towards the rectum and discharge of offensive flatus; only slime passes, no faeces.
Aurum [Aur]
Hard, knotty and large stools; costiveness worse during menses; piles with rectal catarrh.
Baptisia [Bapt]
Constipation, with torpor of the liver and haemorrhoids in the afternoon, very troublesome; stool very small and difficult to pass, it resembles sheep’s dung, passed only by very great straining and urging; pain before stool, weakness after stool; dull lumbar headache, () by smoking.
Conium [Con]
Frequent or constant urging without stool; constipation following parturition, after taking milk; yellow skin; heartburn; frequent attacks of feeling sick; faint feeling after stool; vertigo when lying down and turning head; () when moving about, before breakfast.
Crocus [Croc]
Most obstinate constipation in grown persons or children, based on venous disturbances; sensitive, long, dull stitch near left side of anus; stools contain dark stringy blood.
Euphorbium [Euph]
Constipation from torpidity of bowels; hard stool, with difficult evacuation; stool like glue; violent itching of rectum during urgent desire to stool and after stool; burning sore pain around anus.
Fel-tauri [Fel]
Constipation with accumulation of flatus in intestines.
Ferrum [Ferr]
Constipation from intestinal atony; stools hard and difficult, followed by backache; chronic constipation, ineffectual urging; anaemia, easily flushed face and head, with cold hands and feet; pallor and sallowness with haggard features and sunken eyes, often met in dyspeptics addicted to masturbation; loss of appetite, meat disagrees; eructations after eating, regurgitation of food; fullness of epigastrium and rumbling of flatulence; faeces dry; () from pressure; pricking pain in rectum as the stool passes; aching in liver, throbbing in pit of stomach; fainting nausea, (