
Acalypha-indica [Acal]
Cough with bloody expectoration, preceded by violent dry cough; cough most violent at night; constant severe pain in chest; EXPECTORATION OF BRIGHT BLOOD IN THE MORNING, DARK CLOTTED IN THE EVENING. Tuberculosis.
Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
Titillating cough, with much purulent sputum, in the evening with coldness; at night heat and dryness; HECTIC COUGH.
Aconite [Acon]
Clear ringing or whistling cough, caused by burning, pricking in larynx and trachea; violent hollow cough at night, shorter and more panting during day (laryngitis); dry barking cough of measles; spasmodic cough, croaking, with danger of suffocation; sputa absent or thin, gelatinous, more mornings and during the day; bloody or bloodstreaked; dry, croupy, suffocating cough awakens him from sleep; (>) from lying on back, (

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