
Aconite [Acon]
Coryza caused by cold, dry winds; dry at first with violent headache, roaring in ears, fever, thirst, sleeplessness; heat and sense of fulness in nares, and muscles sore all over body so that sneezing forces him to support chest; fluent coryza with frequent sneezing and dropping of a clear, hot water; inner nose red, swollen, interfering with breathing, (>) in cool room and open air.
AEsculus-hip [Aesc]
Dryness of posterior nares and throat, with sneezing, followed by severe coryza, stinging and burning pain; fluent coryza, dull frontal headache, thin, watery discharge, burning and rawness, sensitive to inhaled air, mucus drops down and causes choking; haemorrhoidal complications; great nervous prostration with pain in small of back.
Ailanthus [Ail]
Coryza, with rawness inside of the nostrils; the whole nose and upper lip covered with very thick grayish-brown scabs; fluent nasal catarrh, with sneezing; chronic nasal catarrh, with difficult breathing through the nostrils.
Alumina [Alum]
Great accumulation of mucus in the evening and in the morning on walking, with frequent hawking and difficult discharge of dry, yellowish-green mucus, with weak or entire loss of smell.
Ammonium-brom [Am-br]
Sensation of hot air passing up the throat, stinging in fauces with inclination to cough, (>) by sneezing; nose stopped up, then clear discharge.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
WINTER CATARRHS. Cold commences in head, nose stopped up at night, can only breathe with mouth open (with shut, awakes as if smothering); followed by profuse discharge of sharp burning water in daytime, which is apt to run down in throat; frequent sneezing with epistaxis, when blowing nose; () in warm room.
Ammonium-mur [Am-m]
One nostril stopped up during the day, both nostrils at night; loss of smell; hoarseness and burning in larynx; watery, acrid coryza, corroding the lip; itching in nose and frequent sneezing; burning in eyes and lachrymation at night; sensation of coldness between shoulders; throbbing in tonsils; mouth and throat full of viscid phlegm, difficult to bring up.
Anacardium [Anac]
Dryness and obstruction of nose; frequent sneezing, followed by the most violent flowing catarrh, with lachrymation, firm, tough mucus in fauces, and expectoration causes gagging and retching; loss of smell, though nose is not obstructed, or hallucinations of smell; irritation to sneeze with the cough; loss of memory; anthropophobia.
Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]
Coryza, fluent or dry; sensation of coldness in nose when inspiring air; nose painful when breathing, as from inhalation, of cold air of acrid vapors; SORE CRACKED AND CRUSTY NOSTRILS and corners of mouth; stupefying dull headache, especially on forehead.
Antimonium-sulph aurat [Ant-s]
Increased mucus, sometimes offensive, from nose and throat, with loss of smell and impeded respiration in the morning; BLEEDING FROM NOSE ON WASHING.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Stoppage of nose, alternating with fluent coryza, sneezing; fluent coryza and chilliness, with loss of taste and smell; epistaxis, followed by fluent coryza, with sneezing.
Aralia-rac [Aral]
Coryza, with frequent sneezing; excessive, morbid sensitiveness to slight depressions temperature; shortness of breath.
Apocynum-can [Apoc]
Violent irritation of the nasal mucus membrane, nostrils and throat filled with thick, yellow mucus, on waking in the morning, and great thirst.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Coryza with stupefying headache over the eyes, has to lie down; violent itching of nose, must rub it constantly; nasal discharge like boiled starch; sneezing, chilliness, lachrymation, sickly look; sense of smell blunted.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Fluent coryza, with frequent sneezing without relief; hoarseness and sleeplessness, with swollen nose; stoppage of the nose, with copious discharge of watery mucus and burning in the nose, with soreness of the adjacent parts; buzzing in the ears; headache, with beating in the forehead and nausea; relief by warmth; prostration (Kali cy.); sneezing in cool air, after leaving a warm room; generally (

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13 years ago

Great, Comprehensive, Complete, dedication filled hard work, Energy & time devoted article, Quite different from other links.

Thanks. Keep it up. God bless you.
