– Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

(Barium Chloride)




Solar plexus


Spinal cord











Blood vessels

Large arteries (aorta)

Alimentary canal


L. side

R. (mumps, throat)


Wet weather. Bath

Cold air. Becoming cold

Open air (though liked)



Spring. Autumn

3 am to daybreak?

Suppressed: Gonorrhea

Foot sweat

Fats. (Yoghurt. Banana)

During sleep, siesta, morning second sleep

Mercury. (Lead)

Exertion; of vision



Lying on abdomen (Med.)

(Citrus fruits)

Exudative. Scrofulous. Sclerotic

Backward. Senile. Tuberculous

A sclerotic and glandular Baryta, scrofulo-sycotic; scrofulous wormy children. Both extremes of life : children, aged. Stunted / senile but more physically than mentally (opp. to Bar-c.); and with unmitigated, rather heightened, sex (perverted, Bufo). Children may be backward (like Bar-c.) or even mongol, with tonsil or glandular problems, worms, Pott’s disease, low hearing. Phthisical conditions. Scrofula is a major cause of dwarfism. “Mentally weak, physically anxious, sexually excited”. – Pulford.


Increased irritability of nerves.General physical anxiety. Pains: bruised; burning; tenderness of parts; stiffness.Also, painlessness (dysentery); more heaviness than real pain. Pains in fits and starts.

Numbness; in fingers (toes).Tingling ?

Weakness predominant. A general feeling of lassitude and profound and progressive debility, esp. in morning, even a faint sinking feeling, a syncope, a paralytic weakness debarring ascending; bathing or even urinating are too much. A general heaviness. Lax flabby muscles. Feeble peristalsis. Limbs weak and tremulous; legs weak and stiff; tottering gait; increasing muscular weakness. Sudden or constant, vertiginous debility and mental prostration, from increased pulse-pressure.

Convulsive trembling (Gels.).Twitchings general or local. Periodically returning convulsive fits with jerking, tossing about, stiffness or insensibility of body, shaking like electric shocks (Arg-m.); with headache, deafness, vomiting and burning in stomach, attacks of dyspnea, great sexual excitement (Stram.), consciousness intact. Epilepsy, periodical fits, clonic spasms, with imbecility and sexual excitement. Jerking of limbs; during sleep; periodical. Cramps in toes. Hyperaesthesia of nerves with debility (like Sil.).

Lameness, paresis, after influenza, diphtheria. Paralysis: with icy coldness of body; voluntary muscular power gone, but perfectly sensible; one sided, more often l., (but with aphasia). Paraplegia. Pseudo-hypertrophic muscular paralysis. Internal, of involuntary muscles e.g. peristaltic. Respiration (catching).

Sensation of internal fullness. Tension in : head, face, stomach, abdomen, knees, skin. Congestions. Distension of blood- vessels. (No venosity).


Glands : Scrofulous; inflamed, enlarged, indurated, even ulcerating lymphatic and other G.; salivary (parotid, submaxillary), mesenteric, pancreas, inguinal (buboes after suppr. gonorrhea), testes, ovaries (later atrophying), cervical, (prostate left for Bar-c. and thyroid better covered by Bar-i.). Both Barytas and Murs are absorbents and Bar-m. therefore doubly so, recalling here Calc-fl. also. (Seborrhea).

Tubes: stenosis (oesophagus, ends of stomach,rectum, bronchial).

Catarrhs : Of eyes, ears, nose, throat, bowels, vagina, larynx, bronchial. Discharges: smell like rotten cheese; purulent.

Dropsy : After scarlatina. Swelling of hands and feet (acromegaly).

Blood : Hemorrhages. Extravasations (Arn.). Leucocytosis. (Threatened) Apoplexy, with buzzing in ears. Chlorosis; with anemia, esp. in scrofulous constitutions.

Growths : Ovarian tumors with a scrofulous taint. An induration below stomach causing paroxysmal dyspnea from pressure on diaphragm. Hard (cancerous) tumors of mammae. Goitre. (Lipoma).

Degenerative changes or organic lesions : Vascular degeneration, arteriosclerosis. Multiple sclerosis : of brain, cord, liver, heart, stomach, lungs. Fatty metamorphosis, followed by calcification. Cerebral softening belongs to (tertiary) syphilis, hence better left for Bar-c. or Aur-m. Our remedy may develop along any of the three lines: nerves, glands or blood vessels.

Emaciation : Phthisical wasting, E. of thighs, nates (Lach.); of aged; of children.

Select Particulars

Mind: Anxiety; with any pain, nausea, retching, vomiting; with oppression of chest; a general physical anxiety; apprehension felt in pit of stomach. Mental alienation (imbecility, mania or insanity) with enlarged glands, increasing muscular weakness and strong sexual excitement (even satyriasis; or nymphomania with dejection and dread of men like Bufo). Childishness (not very apparent, but) with aversion to play, to strangers; backward, semi-idiotic,shy, timid, dazed. Suspicious. Fickle minded. Averse to bath, light. (Sex maniacs).Censorious. Fastidious. Infection phobia. Indolence. Weak memory.

Head : Vertigo, from cerebral anemia; reeling; staggering; of old people; constant, with heaviness (and confusion) of head and noises in ears; when walking; swimming before the eyes; things turn round.

Constant headache, without acute crisis, occuring in old people; () drawing them up.Numb limbs (local), fingers (or toes). Cramps in toes. Drawing pain in thighs. Bloody extravasations in knee- joint. Ulcers on legs.

Skin : Formication all over body. Pricking – itching. Swelling and tension. Scrofulous eruptions; urticaria, erysipelas, eczema, lichen, herpes. Small (scrofulous) ulcers on body; burning ulcers.

Sleep : After dinner. Broken sleep. No sleep until midnight.

Thermic States : Cold: body (in paralysis); sweat (with polyuria); head; hands and feet. Alternate chill and heat (tonsillitis). Constant dry heat; of head and face (with cold termini). Tertian fevers. F. with thirst. Spring / Autumn fevers. Dul. acute esp. during a cold wave.

Relations : Murs are acutes of Carbs (excepting perhaps Natrums. We have no Aur-carb.).

Complementary to : Ambr., Arg-nit., Arn., Ars., Con., Kali-c., Kali-i.,Lach., Lyc., Merc., Nux-v., Puls.

Aur-m., concentrates on nerves, Bar-i. on glands (including mammae) and is syphilitic, while Bar-m. is scrofulo – sycotic and emphasises both nerves and glands as well as arteries.

Like in Plb., pathology in Bar-m. prevails over symptoms, hence repertorization is likely to miss this very officious remedy.

Similar but much deeper-acting than Con. which it complements in glandular affections.

Useful after Arn. in extravasations of blood (like Sul-ac.).

A blend of Bar-c. (shyness, slowness, childishness, backward, glandular), Nat-m. (sensitive; introvert; hot; emaciation; phthisical) and Bufo (childish; backward; epileptic; sexually excited; unsocial).

Acute of Bar-c. in tonsillitis. Cal-fl. is similar.

Shares similarity with its fat brother Bar-c. But Bar-m. is less shy, less slow but more sensitive, sexually excited and epileptic than Bar-c.

Hydr.- Con.- Bar-m. is a promising trio, as also Ambr.- Arg-n. / Caust.- Bar-m. Or Nux-v.- Lyc.- Bar-m.

Bar-m. is chronic of both Caust. and Con.

Antidoted by : Absin.

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