– Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Carbon Bissulphide




Mucous membrances alimentary canal (G.-I.) uro-genital (G.-U.) respiratory (B.-P.)

Glands. Liver

Arteries. Veins

Ocular apparatus



WARMTH and cold

Summer and Winter

Warm damp weather

Warm room, wraps bed, food

Cold weather, bath, food


Motion. Jar. Misstep



Sleep (during and after)

Fasting. Eating (long) after

After breakfast, dinner

Fats. Milk. Sugar. Coffee

Tobacco. Cannabis. Beer

Coal dust and gas. Smoke. SO2, CO2

Cement. Ether

Aluminium. Lead. Sulphur

Suppr. eruptions, sweat


Mild weather

Sunshine (rheumatism.)

Open air (but not drafts)


Warm drinks

Lying (except head, breathing)



Eating; supper






Herpetic. Calcareous. Exudative. Flatulent

Incompetent. Senile. Tubercular. Degenerating

Action : Dystrophy, impaired nutrition and repair (e.g. rhagades, gouty deposits). Senilism where brain and nerve degeneration (e.g. acerebration, paralysis, sclerosis or softening) ultimately prevails over vegetative. Sluggish responses (Plb.), apathy, childish or silly behaviour, impaired sight and hearing, tinnitus, failing absorption and repair, retreating sex. Involution, receding, dwindling, declining; returning dwarfishness (psycho- somatic). Begins with atony, passes through anaesthesia to atrophy, ultimating in akinesia and imbecility.

Make-up : The jet-set, addicts of alcohol, tobacco, narcotics; absorbing aluminium, lead (from cosmetics etc.) and other chemicals. The decrepit aged. Broken down. Lacking vital reaction (Carb-v.); the stand – stills. Herpetic or Sul. diathesis. Diminished natural heat and (surface) sensibility. Dementia.

Toxically : Tropho – toxic disorganisation of function of skin, muscles, mucous linings and nerves; tortuous arteries and veins; ulcerative stomatitis; digestive disorders; calcium deposits; spinal sclerosis; ataxia; tremors. Chronic plumbism, aluminism (Con.).

Nerves : Paralysing congestion, disorganisation and insufficiency (Phys.), ultimating in degeneration (e.g. brain softening). Peripheral neuritis; progressive multiple neuritis (as from alcohol, but without its hyperaesthesia).

Various pains, burning, bandlike, bruised, jerking, stitching; wandering; come and go quickly; paroxysms of, returning regularly, periodically. Sensitiveness, to pains. Worse after pains; fainting (syncope) and spasms with pains, followed by stupefaction and amnesia. Numbness, local, (of painful parts); velvety numbness of soles; numb fingers, unable to hold small things. Cramps.

Sensations : Tingling, as from an electric current. Trembling, sudden attack, with dim vision; general throbbing and trembling after disappearance of anaesthesia (that followed hyperaesthesia). General hyperaesthesia excepting termini. Waves, fluctuations, flappings in head. Orgasms (surgings), after emotions. A feeling of vibration, buzzing, quivering in body, esp. in hands or epigastrium; a hurried, flurried feeling (Alum.,Cur.,Lec.,Med.). Constriction: in heart, stomach.

Weakness, muscular, rapid, () cold, bleeding, pt. son of a lead worker, works in a SO2 factory; also (>) heat and sitting.

After stool : weakness; headache; burning in stomach. Worms; and itching () only by deep breathing in open air (Asaf.). Inspired air feels cold, expired hot. Emphysema. Cough caused by heartburn, ending in eructation: by dusts, smokes and gases; reflex from ear; phthisical.

Pleurodynia; (flying) stitches (l.); (>) eructations. Congestion and inflammation in any thoracic organ; catarrhal inflammation. Periodical burning. Phthisis of miners and stone- cutters.Violent oppression, with anxiety.

Heart : Anxiety in. Inflammation. Darting, throbbing, stitching pains. Strong beats; palpitation. Murmurs: venous, anemic (= nun’s), bruit de souffle. Mitral insufficiency.Tachycardia; with orgasm. Hypertension; pt. Sul. type, with giddiness and r. hemiplegia. Tachycardia, with orgasm (or oppression).

Back : Weak. Stiff. Heaviness. Throbbing. Lumbago; hemorrhoidal. Spinal sclerosis, but less prominent than in Plb.; has rather softening.

Locomotor : Weakness. Sore bruised pains. Periodical, flying pains. Diminished sensibility. Tingling. Cramps. Paralytic weakness first in arms; paretic legs with coldness and numbness. Chronic rheumatism, febrile or afebrile, (

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