
 – Simple, combustible body, or, at any rate, which has never yet been decomposed, (it is supposed to contain hydrogen,) solid, of a lemon color, insipid and inodorous, becoming electric by friction, fusible at 180° F., and crystallizing when cooling, in the shape of semi-transparent needles.
 – Sulphur is insoluble in water, but slightly soluble in alcohol; so that, from the first upwards, all its dilutions can be made with alcohol.
 – This metalloid which exists extensively in nature, where it is found in its native state, in the neighborhood of volcanoes, in amorphous masses, or in the form of crystals; or in combination with hydrogen, and various metallic oxydes, (sulphurets,) or in combination with oxygen and oxydes, (sulphates,) is moreover, a constituent element of various organic substances, especially of the plants composing the family of the Cruciferae, of which Baume, Deyeux, Planche, etc., regard it as an active principal. *
 – Although sulphur acts with much less intensity than arsenic, corrosive sublimate and other poisons, it may, nevertheless, when taken in large doses, occasion death.
 – This results beyond a doubt from Bank’s experiments on dogs and cats.
 – The following symptoms preceded death in the case of these animals: anorexia, thirst, vomiting, (only in cats,) diarrhoea; increases, followed by increased slowness, of the motions, prostration, slight trembling; lastly, drowsiness and convulsions.
 – After death, all the internal organs, except the heart and bowels, were found to be remarkably pale. *
 – Sulphur seems to affect with equal intensity the carnivorous and herbivorous animals.
 – A pound of sulphur has caused the death of a hore. *
 – The most serious accidents, death even, have befallen man, in consequence of abusing sulphur.
 – Morgani, for instance, relates the case of an individual, who had lost his reason, in consequence of the continued use of this drug ; * and Olmsted, relates a case, where the continued use of large doses of sulphur, had caused a general emaciation with paralysis, ankylosis, contraction and deformity of the extremities. *
 – Empirical applications.
 – “Sulphur seems to have been used in veterinary medicine, previous to being employed as a remedy for the diseases of man, against which it is now used as one of the most powerful auxiliaries of the medical art. *
 – From the earliest ages it has been employed as a disinfecting agent,* a prophylactic,* and in the burnt-offerings of the ancients.”
 – Scarcely mentioned in the works of Hippocrates, it is recommended by Dioscorides * in diseases of the chest, against which it was employed by Plinius and Galenus, both internally and externally.
 – Over-rated and under-rated with a like exaggeration, it has ever since remained in the Materia Medica, where its place has, however, remained very uncertain.
 – It was successfully employed as a sudorific, a tonic, a stimulant, a dissolvent, a deobstruent, an expectorant, and a purgative.
 – In the Materia Medica’s of our day, sulphur remains placed among the excitants, * probably unit further order.
 – Be this as it may, in a certain number of diseases the efficacy of sulphur was if not generally recognized, at least established as a fact by a great many physicians, whose names are regarded as authorities.
 – These diseases are the following:–Some acute exanthemata, particularly measles, of which sulphur, according to the authority of Tortual, Muhrbeck, and Hufeland, is the prophylactic;* anasarca following acute exanthemata;* furfuraceous herpes, favus, the itch;* mercurial salivation, gastric derangement, colic, dysentery, intestinal worms, piles, abdominal engorgements, ascites;*  leucorrhoea and amenorrhoea; cough, asthma, pulmonary phthisis, *chronic rheumatism, gout, scrofula, rickets, some forms of intermittent fever coming on after suppressed swear,* etc.
 – F. Hoffmann, Junker, and Rosenstein, have made this judicious remark, that sulphur not only cures the itch, but that it likewise removes the diseases occasioned by the repulsion of this disease.
 – Hahnemann never went any farther.
 – Cullen, who according to all appearances, was a great sceptic in some respects, “regards the properties which are attributed to sulphur as very uncertain,” a doctrine which seems to have revolted Alibert, who writes: “I use this drug too often and with too much success to admit the assertion of this author.” *
 – Homoeopathic applications.*
 – There is scarcely a disease for which sulphur has not been recommended.
 – According to Hahnemann, it has been particularly useful in the following affections:–
 – Irritability; ill-humor with depression of spirits; timidity; tendency to start; tendency to weep; disconsolate in regard to every thing he does; paroxysms of anxiety; anxiety that compels him to unbutton his clothes and to go into the open air; irascible mood; headache and difficulty of collecting his thoughts; week memory; frequent turns of vertigo; vertigo when sitting; heaviness of the head when stooping; vertigo on leaving the table; rush of blood to the head, with flashes of heat; headache at night; heaviness at the occiput; pulling headache as if the head would burst, every day; shooting headache; throbbing headache at the sinciput; tingling and nosing of the eyelids in the morning; presbyopia; gauze before the eyes; myopia; pulling pain in the ears; stoppage of the ears when eating; hard hearing; noise in the ears; buzzing in the ears; dryness of the nose; stoppage of one nostril; inflammatory swelling of the tip of the nose; discharge of blood from the nose when blowing it; nosebleed; pale sickly complexion; wrinkled skin of the face; heat in the face; hepatic; hepatic spots on the upper lip; toothache in the evening; denudation of the teeth; swelling of the guns, with throbbing pain; sore throat, which impedes swallowing; insipid taste of the food; ravenous appetite; foul taste in the mouth, in the morning; sour taste in the mouth; aversion to fat, sweet and sour things; canine hunger, oppression of the chest after eating; acids burning eructations; bitter eructations; badly-smelling eructations, at night during sleep; regurgitation of the food and drinks; malaise before a meal; nausea after eating; nausea in the morning; constrictive, contractive gastralgia immediately after eating; digging at the pit of the stomach; stitch at the stomach; stitches in the left side of the abdomen, when walking; stitches in the abdomen; tearing pains in the left side of the abdomen; constrictive pain under the umbilicus; chronic pressure at the upper part of the abdomen; pressive pain in the abdomen, which extorts a cry from him, with constipation; bellyache, after drinking; the hypogastrium is muscles of the touch; painfulness, in the morning; of the muscles of the abdomen, as if too short; shifting of flatulence, borborygmi; hard stool; stool every two or three days only; involuntary evacuation of faeces while urinating; falling of the rectum while straining at stool, wetting the bed, at night; itching at the anus; little sexual power; too sudden ejaculation during an embrace; fetid sweat at the genital organs; itching and heat at the vulva; premature menses; discoloration of the menstrual blood; pressure on the genitals; itching at the vulva before the menses; headache before the menses; leucorrhoea; coryza; stoppage of the nose, roughness of the larynx; titillation in the larynx, which excites a cough; cough in the night; constant cough with fever; blood spitting and stitches in side; difficulty of breathing; asthma, with wheezing and ratting in the chest, and beating of the chest, heaviness in the chest, in the morning; weariness in the chest, from singing; stitches in the sternum; stitches through the chest, to the left shoulder-blade, heat in the chest; pressure in the sternum; itching at the nipples; pain in the loins; cracking in the sternum ; pain in the back after manual labor; pulling in the back; tension in the nape of the neck; twitching in the arm, wrist, and finger-joints; swelling of the arms; sweat in the palm of the hands; trembling of the hands in executing fine work; numbness of a few fingers; tingling at the end of the fingers and toes; red spots on the legs, stitches in the thighs, when walking rapidly; heaviness of the legs; coldness about the thighs, with sweat on the legs, in the morning, in bed; weakness in the knees and arms; tingling in the calves and arms; pain in the tarsal joint, as if luxated; stiffness of the big toes; cold hands and feet; blisters on the big toes; chilblains on the feet; shocks in the extremities when sitting or lying; pains in the knee and other joints; urticaria; itching all blow; sensitiveness to the air and wind; flashes of heat; numbness of the extremities, shooting pains; internal tremor; muscular twitchings; tendency to spraining joints; syncope and spasms; stooping when walking; drowsiness in the day time; too long night-sleep; unrefreshing sleep; desire to sleep after dinner; colic at night; starting during sleep, also with the whole body; sleeplessness; very light sleep; sleeplessness at night on account of frightful dreams, talking during sleep; hallucinations in the morning, on waking; thirst in the night; sweat day and night; nightsweat; sour night-sweat, every night; sweat in the morning; profuse sweat during work.
 – According to Hahnemann, Sulphur is the antipsoric first in rank.
 – “When the symptoms of the itch,” says Hahnemann, “have been recognized by the physician, it will suffice to administer, without any external application, two globules of dynamized sulphur, in order to cure a child of the whole psoric disease, disease, in two, three, or four weeks.
 – No other remedy will be required.”*
 – There is not a physician who does not know, now-a-days, what this assertion is worth.
 – It is true, sulphur cures the itch, but almost always very slowly; so slowly, that some of Hahnemann’s disciples despairing of accomplishing a cure by the internal use of the attenuations of sulphur, have resorted to the reprehensible custom of accompanying the internal use of sulphur with the external use of the sulphur-ointment.
 – I have noticed that it is principally in sanguine and robust subjects that the itch resists with most obstinacy the exclusive and internal use of sulphur.
 – The efficacy of this drug is much more marked in the treatment of favus; but in any other species of scald-head it is more than doubtful.
 – Chronic and non-venereal ulcerations of the skin are generally very speedily modified by the aid of sulphur; they change in appearance, fleshy granulations start up, and, in some cases, cicatrisation takes place with a surprising rapidity.
 – But sulphur is not, as many physicians believe, the specific remedy for scrofula.
 – What is supposed to be scrofula, in such a case, are simply bad humors, arising from bed air, bad food, or excesses of some kind; such a cacochymia is characterized by the following symptoms.
 – Sickly looks, pale, blanched, wan, earthy face; flaccid or wrinkled, or else fine and rose-colored skin; herpetic eruptions which are more or less distinct or have already disappeared either spontaneously or under the influence of repelling drugs; dull, but continual headache; weakness of one or more senses; slow fever, with evening exacerbations; physical and mental indolence; sweat in making the least effort; dyspnoea in working, walking, and especially in going up stairs; timid, pusillanimous, and at the same time irritable mood; ect.
 – This group of symptoms is indeed developed by every antipsoric in a healthy person, after its action has been allowed to continue for a time; and it is therefore cured or at least diminished by every one of them; but these symptoms are not scrofula.
 – Formerly I made frequent use of sulphur against the swelling of the cervical glands, but almost always without success, except in cases where these glands were ulcerated.
 – In such cases the pus ceased to discharge, the wound became cicatrised; and in a few months after, the disease reappeared in some other place.
 – In caries sulphur seldom effects a cure.
 – Generally it improves the constitutional condition of the patient; but this improvement does not last unless a more suitable remedy is resorted to in season.
 – This drug has rendered great service in old cerebral affections, with seated pain in the forehead and diminution of the sense of hearing, and in certain forms of paralysis.
 – The epilepsies which have been cured with sulphur, were most probably of psoric origin; I have never had an opportunity of using it in this case.
 – It marked action on the rectum explains the numerous cures of piles which have been accomplished with sulphur, and likewise of the various affections which accompany them, or which break out in consequence of their suppression.
 – Lastly, it is especially in chronic affections of the air-passages, that sulphur has been found efficacious.
 – But has it really cured pulmonary phthisis ?
 – If it has not cured this disease, at least its course has been retarded for several years.
 – Sometimes, it is true, this suspension of the symptoms of phthisis, were it ever so complete for a time, for a few weeks, for instance, is only an ephemeral illusion both to the physician and the patient.
 – There is no doubt, however, that serious affections of the air-passages have frequently been arrested by the use of sulphur; affections, which, without being tuberculous phthisis, would nevertheless have been equally fatal.
 – I have collected several cases bearing upon this point, among others, that of a farmer of the district of Bagnoles, in Normandy, whose two brothers had both died of phthisis pulmonalis, according to the report of the physicians by whom they had been treated, and whose own case presented all the symptoms of a case of consumption of the second degree.
 – Sulphur is scarcely ever employed in acute cases.
 – No drug, however, can replace it in certain abnormal phases of exanthematic fevers.
 – “When the small pox runs an irregular course, and shows signs of being disposed to strike in; when the pustules, instead of being transparent or yellow, are greenish, pink-colored or black; when they fill themselves with blood, and a decomposition of the pus, and the development of putrid symptoms seems imminent, sulphur has then to be given.” *
 – Camph., Crot. tigl., Puls. and Coff. are the surest antidotes to sulphur.

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Range of Use. – Gouty swelling of all the joints; inflammation, swelling and suppuration, and hardness of the glands; decayed bones or teeth; hysteria and hypochondria; paralysis; fainting fits; pains felt at night, or worse when standing; emaciation of children; pains when the weather changes; dread of being washed; itching of the skin; eruptions after cow-pox; itch; nettle-rash; liver-colored spots; tetter ; chilblains corns; irresistible drowsiness; one sleeps too long; unrefreshing sleep; jerking and starting of the extremities during sleep; chilliness very much increased at night; profuse sweat in the day-time during work; melancholy; tendency to start;

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irritable; weak memory; philosophical and weak fancies; vertigo, especially when sitting or early in the morning with nose-bleed; headache with nausea; nightly headache; feeling of fulness and weight in the head; drawing and tearing in the head; stitching headache; throbbing headache, with heat in the head, caused by rush of blood to the head; coldness of the scalp; scald-head; pain in the eyes as if from sand; pressure in the eyelids; itching, smarting or burning in the eyes, lids and corners (canthi); inflammation of the eyes and lids; ulceration of the lids; dryness of the eyes, or else profuse tears; twitching of the lids; gauze before the eyes; incipient blindness; dread of light; short-sighted; purulent discharge from the ears; dull bearing, roaring and humming in the ears; inflamed and swollen nose; bleeding of the nose, especially on blowing of the nose; pale, sickly complexion; heat of the face; erysipelas in the face; chronic eruption of the face; crusta lactea; swelling of the lips; cancer of the lips; swelling of the glands of the under jaw; toothache; stitches, tearing, drawing, burning and boring in the teeth; toothache in the evening and at night; swelling of the gums with throbbing pain; salivation from the use of mercury; bad smell from the mouth after eating; blisters in the mouth; white coated tongue; sore throat as from a plug; painful feeling of contraction; dryness of the throat; sweetish foul taste or sour taste in the mouth; too much appetite; canine hunger; aversion to meat, sweet and sour things; oppression across the chest after eating; empty belchings; sour risings of the food after eating; nausea; water-brash; vomiting of partly digested food from the stomach; pressure at the stomach; contractive heartburn immediately after eating; stinging in the region of the liver; colic immediately after eating or drinking; weight in the abdomen as from a lump; violent pressure in the abdomen; stitching colic when walking; dropsy of the abdomen; wind lodged in the stomach or intestines; loud rumbling; constipation; frequent urging and hard lumpy insufficient stool; itching, stinging and burning in the anus and rectum; frequent urging to urinate; wetting the bed; bleeding from the urinary passage with stinging and burning soreness between the thighs; discharge of purulent matter from the urinary passage; matter around the head of the penis; swelling of the prepuce; suppressed menses, or else too soon, preceded by headache; sterility; miscarriage; excoriating leucorrhoea; dryness of the nose; discharge of burning water; hoarseness and roughness in the throat; tingling in the larynx, exciting a cough; suffocating catarrh of children; cough with strangling and vomiting; dry cough, or with bloody, expectoration; frequent stoppage of breath; oppression and suffocation at night; weakness of the chest; palpitation of the heart, which is frequently visible and attended with anxiety; cracks in the nipples; stitches in the back and small of the back; stiffness of the neck; rickety curvatures of the spine; fetid sweats under the arms; swelling and suppuration of the glands in the arm-pits; drawing, tearing and stitching in the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers; swelling of the arms; trembling of the hands; cracked skin on the hands; deadness of the fingers; heaviness of the lower limbs; large shining swelling of the knee; cramp in the calves and soles; cold feet; cold and sweaty feet; ulcers on the back of the foot; shining swelling of the toes.

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Sulphur is a mineral remedy. It is “the King of anti-psoric remedies”.

The main feeling of Sulphur is that of being scorned, suppressed, put down, criticized. The person is made to feel humiliated, his pride is hurt. Embarrassment is one of the main feelings in Sulphur. There is therefore a constant effort, a struggle to come up again… to be someone, to know something, to earn respect. He feels that he is expected to be good in his appearance, his relationships and in his business, and these

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include his knowledge, talent and capabilities. Failing this, he will have to face scorn and bear embarrassment. The struggle is for ego and honour. Ego is one of the biggest themes in Sulphur and effort one of the main actions. The effort and the feeling are both psoric, in a sense that there is a kind of hopefulness in Sulphur patients. The task is not too high, and they are often quite optimistic.
There exists in Sulphur patients the desire for business, the desire to make money and to be financially sound. There is the feeling of being poor, and consequently an effort to make money so as to overcome the situation of poverty. In the failed state however there is indolence, a lack of effort, hence the symptom: “Delusion, old rags are as fine as silk”. This is contentment; there is no more action to try and get out of the situation. These symptoms of Sulphur which reflect the indolence are very well known.
Sulphur persons may be very concerned about how they appear to other people. They have the feeling that if they are not perfect in their appearance, they will be scorned. Concerned that they should not appear dirty, they make a lot of effort to appear clean. On the other hand, they may neglect their appearance, they may be indifferent to how they look, they don’t give a damn and appear dirty. This indifference to personal appearance is seen less commonly.
They have the need to know things, to be inquisitive. They feel insulted when they do not know something and try to make up for what they do not know by theorizing. They need to feel good about themselves because they have the feeling of being unimportant and of being disgraced. Very sensitive to criticism, scorn and insult. They live each in their own world, where they can feel good about themselves by imagining that they possess great knowledge, a lot of wealth and look good to others. They imagine that they are appreciated by those around them, for what they are and what they possess. It is a struggle for ego satisfaction; and this being one of the commonest traits of human beings, Sulphur tends to be over-prescribed or under-prescribed.
The patients feel that they are expected to be good in their relationships with people, and so they are caring and do a lot for others.
One observation I have made about Sulphur children is that they like to touch everything, as if only what they touch is real. Among the dreams of Sulphur, I have frequently noted the one of being pursued by wild animals. I have also found that some Sulphur patients are attracted by monkeys.
Physical symptoms
Among the well-known physical symptoms of Sulphur are:
– Intolerance of hunger which is especially marked in the forenoon.
– Desire for sweets and fats.
– Heat in the feet, hands and vertex.
– Offensive odour of discharges.
– An almost mandatory history of skin eruptions which itch voluptuously.
– Intolerance of heat and closed rooms.
– Anxiety for others.
– Hopeful.
– Delusion, body, black, is.
– Delusion, thin, is getting.
– Delusion, disgraced, she is.
– Delusion, want, he will come to.
– Ailments, scorn, being scorned.
– Ailments, embarrassment.
– Fear, poverty, of.
– Business, talks, of.
– Delusion, old rags are as fine as silk.
– Foolish behaviour, happiness and pride.
– Indifference, personal appearance, to.
– Delusion, great person, is a.
– Delusion, wealth, of.
– Touch, does not know if objects are real until she has touched them.
– Vertigo from high places.
– Cataract in the left eye.
– Desires meat.
– Desires fat.
– Desires highly seasoned food.
– Desires raw food.
– Skin, cracks, winter, in.

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-Adolph Von Lippe

Frontal headache
Sulphur 200C – 80 – Pellets 

Peevishness and fantastic illusions.
Frontal headache in the morning.
Contracted pupils.
Of great utility in the cure of idiopathic epilepsy and convulsions of both sexes.
Great weakness, sallow, pale and yellow face with marked anaemia.
Canine hunger very marked.
Seminal emissions and irritability.
Eructations, with aversion to meat, qualmishness and nausea.
Pustular eczema of any part.
Scurfy lids, purulent otorrhea, and loss of vital strength very prominent symptoms when the drug is of curative influence.
When other remedies fail to act is of inestimable need in rallying the vital forces.
Yeasty urine.
Amblyopia in youthful girls with great loss of vigour, anorexia and the costive state.
Useful in haemorrhoids when the bowels prove inactive.
Paraplegia of the lower limbs and paralysis of other parts.

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-Wilhelm Karo.
It is the drug for psoric, stoop-shouldered, lean women. Its

Sulphur women

Key Symptoms.
Low vitality, tendency to chronicity and relapses. Aggravation of all symptoms at 11 a.m., from warmth, bathing, alcoholic stimulants, during night. Better by movement and in dry weather. Dirty skin, thirst, want to appetite. All mucous membranes reddened. Burning pains.

Special Symptoms.
Menstruation too late and of too short duration, coupled with constipation and nightly restlessness. Menstrual flow either too pale, or thick, black and acrid, excoriating the thighs. Chronic metrorrhagia with discharge of thick black blood, ceasing only for short intervals. Leucorrhoea smarting like salt with discharge of all kinds and colours. Tumours of the vulva, induration of the vagina and womb. Prolapse, nymphomania with itching of the genital organs.

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– G. H. Clarke

Standing aggravation

Weakness with determination of blood to the head. Patient limp and disinclined to stand up-right. Passive venous congestion. Chronic inflammations with torpor of venous capillaries. Piles, bloody mucous stools. Early morning diarrhoea. Early morning diarrhoea .Acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea. Corneal ulcers, abscesses and conjunctivitis in unhealthy subjects. Scabies, tinea, acne, carbuncles. Boils in scrofulous subjects.

Anaemia, general debility, giddiness, determination of blood to the head. Burning of the cheeks. Congestion and swelling of the tip of the nose.1. Itching and burning of the skin. Acne rosacea. Papular and vesicular eruptions. Tinea capitis. Boils 2. Sense of the weight and contraction of the thorax. Dry choking cough Asthma. Bronchial catarrh. 3. Conjunctivitis. 4. Nausea, vomiting, irritable stomach, intestinal catarrh, griping, purging of bloody mucus. Proctitis. 5 Rheumatoid pains.

Therapeutic effects are not readily obtained from the crude drug, but are very satisfactory when the first to the sixth decimal trituration is used.

Drawing tearing pain on the top of the head, Rushing of the blood to the head and vertigo on stooping forward, from torpor of the venous capillaries.1. Frequent hot flushes in the face. 1 Sleeplessness. Disturbing dreams. 1 Heat on top of the head,in palms of hands and soles of feet. 1. Children kick off bed-clothes to soles of the feet. 1. Passive congestion of blood to single parts. Patient feels limp and is disinclined to walk upright. 1. Drawing and tearing pains in various parts of the body from engorgement of the venous capillaries. 1. Chronic rheumatism with venous congestions. 1-6. (Internally, and hot sulphur baths.) Chronic inflammation with torpor of the venous capillaries.1 Chronic catarrh of the head and nose with acute paroxysms from the least exposure to a change in the weather Itching burning and redness of the edges of the lids. 4. Conjunctivitis in unhealthy subjects. 4. Ulcers and abscesses of the cornea. 2. Styes.2. Weight and pressure in the chest, with sense of the anxiety. Pains and pressure increased by stooping forward. 3. Chronic asthma. 3. Chronic coughs with profuse expectoration. 3. To promote resolution of pneumonic hepatization. 3. Granular pharyngitis. 3. Chronic empty feeling, as of hunger, at eleven a.m.1. Sense of weight, with diarrhoeic stools after meals.5. Scrofulous nervous children subject to involuntary diarrhoea. 1-5. Chronic diarrhoea. Urgent desire for stool drives the patient out of the bed early in the morning. 5. Bloody mucous stools with tenesmus. 5. Piles discharging dark venous blood with bearing down pin in the small of the back. 5. Chronic hemorrhage from the bowels. 5 Itching and burning of the anus. 5. Prolapse of the rectum. 5. Engorgement of the pelvic viscera in women. 5. Acrid corrosive leucorrhoea excoriating the vulva and things. Profuse menstruation the discharge being dark, clotted and excoriating; flushes of heat and sense of fullness in the hypogastrium. 1-5. Varicose veins from torpor of the vessels.2. Stagnation in the venous capillaries.2. Scrofula. Tendency to boils in scrofulous persons. 2. Boils. 2 Scrofulous abscesses.2 Acne vulgaris.2 (Precipitated sulphur one dram; ether four drams, alcohol to make four ounces. Apply to face every night steaming with hot cloths) Acne indurata. 2. (Internally and apply iodide of sulphur ointment freely twice a day) Acne rosacea.2. (As for an indurata) Tinea capitis, dry scaly and offensive or moist and offensive. 2 Tinea versicolor. (Sulphur ointment locally and third decimal trituration internally) “Winter”or “Prairie” Itch (As for tinea versicolor) Sycosis Scabies. (Thorough use of soft soap and water before application of sulphur ointment) Diseases caused by suppressed eruptions. Carbuncles. (Free deep crucial incision. pack carefully with gauze filled with precipitated sulphur. Remove in six or eight hours and apply moist dressing). Acute infectious diseases. (Medicate air by burning sulphur).

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– Gladstone Clarke.

Subjects of
glandular enlargement.

1. Scrofulous, plethoric persons with very red lips; subject to skin eruptions esp. acne; hasty in temper and motion; often untidy and dirty- “ragged philosopher”-spare, stoop-shoulder-ed, slack, shiftless, sensitive, sedentary. Emaciated children with big bellies, intolerant of bathing and covering; often dirty habits. 2. Mental and physical inertia; selfish, self-important, obstinate; chronic grumbler; melancholy yet often full of daydreams (even illusions) producing a foolish kind of happiness; lack of concentration; weak memory esp. for names and recent events; oversensitiveness to bad odour. 3. Burnings everywhere, esp. vertex, palms and soles at night; puts feet out of bed; (>) cold. 4. All discharges burnings, excoriating and generally offensive. 5. Local congestion esp. at climaxis; flashes of heat, faintness followed by sweating (Sepia, Lach.); often assoc. with sinking, all-gone sensation in the forenoon (Phos., Sepia.). 6. Gastro-intestinal disorders; marked hunger and thirst yet says thin; or drinks much, eats little; much flatulence with borborygmus and emissions of gas; (<) milk; liking for sweet things; usually constipation with piles; stools large and painful (makes child afraid to go to stool); acute attacks of diarrhoea esp. in the morning; urgent, driving out of bed (Aloe.). 7. Skin dirty, diseased; every injury suppurates; eruptions of every kind esp. pustular; (<) warmth, esp. of bed at night, washing; must scratch but leaves burning; boils in crops; chronic ailments with history of suppressed eruptions. 8. Catnap sleep; slightest noise awakens then difficulty in getting to sleep again; sleepy yet always wakes of unrefreshed. 9. Complaints constantly relapsing; also arouses defective reaction esp. in acute diseases; facilitates absorption of serous and inflammatory exudations; when paucity of symptoms often serves to bring out the true drug picture. 10. Modalities; (<) heat (except h/a) must have air yet may be sensitive to cold; (<) warmth of bed; slightest change of temperature esp. skin symptoms; midday and midnight; standing still bathing. Notes. Chronic of Aconite. Most used remedy in dark-skinned races. Prescribe with caution in phthisical patients. Sulphur and Lycopodium do not follow one another well; remember Sulphur, Calc. Carb., Lycopodium order.

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– Pulford

Extremely red orifices, especially lips, as if painted, excoriated by acrid secretions, sore.

Empty, gone, faint, hungry sense at pit of stomach around 11 a.m. Offensive odor of body despite frequent washing. Aversion to bathing, it aggravation. Burning heat on top of head, of palms, and especially of soles at night in bed, must put feet out of bed to cool them off. Easily angered, fault finding, irritable, restless and quarrelsome. Is aggravation: bathing and has a positive dislike for it; night; in bed; near hot fire; and especially standing. Is amelioration moving affected part; walking; must sit. Fluids all burn parts over which they pass.


Anxiety, from pressure on chest; rags seem beautiful and fine as silk; foolish happiness and pride; indifference to personal appearance and to others; restless, amelioration sweat; expressions and words heard recur persistently to one’s mind; inclines to weep at 11 a.m. (L): Anxiety, night on waking; ailments from embarrassment; indifferent to external things; indolence, evening; restless before menses. Hates to either work or be washed. Selfish; absence of gratitude. Always theorizing; the ragged or false philosopher; the inventive genius.

Walking on an elevation. Dares not stoop or look down.

Congestion to Head while lying on back; itching of occiput morning; movements of Head on nodding it; hammering pain from vivacious talking with nervous pain on nodding Head; pain from shopping; pressing pain as from a light hat, in occiput at night, and on vertex, must draw eyes together and wrinkled forehead; tearing pain as with a saw; as though brain was striking against skull on nodding Head. (L): Eruption on margin of hair posteriorly; pain in Winter, or, in forehead at noon, amelioration cold applications. Sense of heat on top of Head feet cold; if heat on top of Head alone, think of Calc. or Phos. Brain remains clear in fevers. Sunday Head aches of workmen. Tendency to hydrocephalus in children, stupor, suppressed urine and diarrhoea. Severe itching o forehead.

Cortical cataract of left Eye; dry morning after lachrymation; granular lids aggravation water; inflamed, aggravation washing; itch forenoon; dryness of lids with pain aggravation bathing; pain as from a foreign body morning and evening; vision of light as if in a rainbow circle, or, dazzling when looking long, or, dim 11 a.m. (L): Lids bleed and itch during day; burning pain in edges of lids, lids red, a.m.; styes recur, like Puls; foggy vision p.m. Tendency of cold to settle in Eyes. With all the eye troubles there are photophobia, aggravation at night, sharp stinging pains like splinters of glass.

Sour odor of discharge; discharge every 7th day; ringing during dinner; pain, to head; tearing pain aggravation noise; stopped while eating. (L): Noises evening in bed; roaring evening, on lying; hearing impaired, aggravation eating. Red, even when body is normal in color, often a forerunner of ears ache and erysipelas. Splashing as of water.

Dry, forenoon and in open air, also at 3 p.m., with epistaxis; itches after menses; lipoma; pain in bones during day; smell acute to stool. (L): Freckles; smell acute to unpleasant odors; sneezing p.m. Takes cold after every bath.

Comedones on forehead; eczema at margins of hair, or, painful evening on chin; flashes of heat with shivering; pain aggravation tea (L): Lips red; painful eruption on chin; itching of chin. Blotched red, at times spotted. Neuralgia at night, or at midnight. Upper lip swells.

Stitching pain in tongue, during motion; sweet saliva at night; saliva nauseates. Mouth dry, thirst, reverse Puls. Taste sourish, like vinegar, or, bitter though food tastes good.

Sulphur type of personality

Pain in open air and after washing in cold water, or, from least draft.

As of a hair, afternoon. The purplish color in tonsillar troubles is especially a sulphur color. Burning, upward in throat, with sour eructations.

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