Aconite [Acon]
Trembling and temporary stammering; speech imperfect, lisping; utters only unintelligible words; loss of power of speech.
Anacardium-orient [Anac]
When speaking he finds it difficult to utter certain words, as if his tongue were too heavy; great mental weakness, he fails to know what and how to say it.
Belladonna [Bell]
Stammering weakness of the organ of speech, with unimpaired consciousness; paralytic weakness of organs of speech; heavy breathing and great lassitude; great difficulty in talking, his voice is sibilant; tremor and stuttering of tongue; loss of speech.
Bovista [Bov]
Stammering, particularly when reading, unable to pronounce some words.
Bufo [Bufo]
Difficult, impeded and unintelligible speech; stammering.
Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]
Forgets the last words or thoughts, speaks in a bass voice with dull sound; begins a sentence, but forgets what he wanted to say; talks rapidly, but stammers and stutters; lips fail to move as if paralyzed.
Cannabis-sat [Cann-s]
Speech difficult, he is unable to speak as usual, misses words or cannot speak at all or repeats the same words over and over.
Causticum [Caust]
He often pronounces words wrong and transposes letter and syllables; stuttering in words rich in constants; lisping, paretic state of tongue and lips.
Cicuta [Cic]
While speaking he can articulate the first few words without hesitation, but while speaking the rest he is seized with slight jerking of the head backward, and articulate almost as in hiccough; tries to speak, but cannot move tongue.
Crocus-sat [Croc]
Absence of mind and forgetfulness; makes constant mistakes in words, music is the only thing which clings to his mind.
Euphrasia [Euphr]
While speaking he recommences many times, not only repeating the first words of a sentence (a kind of stammering), but also after the periods he often recommences in order to select another expression.
Glonoinum [Glon]
Difficulty of speech from diminished power of the tongue; the result of pressure upon the brain, (

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