
Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
Throat inflamed and ulcerated; a white film low down in fauces; false membrane in throat; difficult swallowing; insatiable thirst and drinks large quantities of water; difficult breathing; hurried breathing; barking cough; hollow sound with each inhalation (Acon., exhalation); prostration and copious urine; nosebleed; pale, sickly children.
Aconite [Acon]
Violent fever, dry heat, burning thirst; fear and anxious restlessness; dark redness of affected parts; troublesome and painful deglutition; burning, choking, creeping and contraction of throat; painful sensitiveness of throat when talking; croup from dry cold air beginning before midnight, child wakes up and grasps throat; painful sensitiveness of throat when talking; croup from dry cold air beginning before midnight, child wakes up and grasps throat; dry cough with a hoarse bark, croupy sound during exhalation from spasm in larynx.
AEsculus-hip [Aesc]
Throat, fauces, tonsils, vulva and back of pharynx swollen and dusky-red; neck swollen and stiff; constricted sensation with disposition to hawk; VIOLENT BURNING in throat, with a raw feeling; stitching pains in fauces; varices in throat; constant desire to swallow, with sensation of dryness and constriction; throat and tongue feel as if scalded; hawks up great quantities of ropy mucus that tastes sweetish; left side mostly affected; sensation of lump in fauces that burns like fire (Phyt.); pricking, formication, burning, stinging in fauces (Apis); painful swallowing; haemorrhoidal diathesis; catarrhal irritation of gastro-intestinal mucous membrane.
Ailanthus-gland [Ail]
GANGRENOUS SORE THROAT; throat livid, puffed; tonsils covered with ulcers that run into each other, oozing a foetid scanty discharge; neck swollen and mottled, painful to slightest touch; cannot swallow anything; hawks up greenish matter; throat covered with a dark-brown membrane; haemorrhage of dark blood.
Alumina [Alum]
Clergyman’s sore throat; livid redness and sensation of relaxation of throat; feeling as from a lump, with soreness; dryness and stitches in throat when talking, as if something pointed were sticking in it; swallowing causes crepitation in ears; spasmodic constriction, salivation and impossibility to swallow or to open the mouth; () at night.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Putrid sore throat; GANGRENE OF THROAT (Ars., Bapt., Ailanth.); diphtheria with nose stopped up; child starts from sleep, cannot get his breath; burning in pharynx, extending down oesophagus; violent pain in the ulcers in throat; lump in throat; enlarged tonsils, congested, covered with membrane; right tonsil most affected; great prostration and dyspnoea; great sensitiveness to cold, a continued shudder alternates at night with heat.
Ammonium-mur [Am-m]
Sore throat with viscid phlegm so tough that it cannot be hawked up; EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL SWELLING OF THROAT, with pressing pain when swallowing and with drawing, stitching pains in the swollen submaxillary glands; frequent hawking with expectoration of small lumps of mucus and sensation of rawness in throat, back of uvula; hoarseness, with burning in larynx, can hardly speak; obstinate cases threatening to pass into a chronic state.
Apis-mell [Apis]
No thirst; wants to be uncovered, and sensitive to clothing about neck; INSIDIOUS CASES COMING ON WITHOUT SUFFERING; throat shining as if varnished, puffy with membrane in patches; throat filled with tenacious mucus; oedema of mucous membrane of throat and uvula; throat swollen inside and outside breathing and swallowing difficult; blisters, in clusters, filled with clear lymph on back part of throat; feeling of rawness and scalding all around margin of tongue; stitching pain between acts of swallowing; inability to swallow from the great swelling in throat; pain in thorax extending to ears; fluids come back through nose; sensation of fish-bone in throat (Arg. nitr., Hep., Nitr. ac.), rose-colored, rough rash upon skin.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
DRYNESS OF THROAT when beginning to speak; dry, burning and scraping sensation in ulcerated sore throat, with feeling as if a splinter had lodged there when swallowing, eructating, stretching or moving throat; constriction of throat with hoarseness; frequent accumulation of thick, tough mucus in throat, producing gagging and hoarseness; uvula and fauces dark-red and tumid; SORE THROAT FOLLOWING SUPPRESSED ULCERS OF UTERUS.
Arnica [Arn]
Whole throat congested; craves large quantities of water, which cause pain in stomach; sore and bruised all over body; stupid, sleepy, curls up in bed and refuses attention, wants to be let alone; hot skin; chilliness, wants to cover up warmly; offensive breath; putrid eructations; stinging in back of throat between the acts of deglutition.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Restlessness, anxiety, prostration; gangrene in throat, burning like hot coals in throat; tonsils swollen, dark-red; vesicles in throat; tongue, throat, oesophagus inflamed; paralysis of pharynx; drinks come out of nose; malignancy (Ars. iod.).
Arum-triph [Arum-t]
CLERGYMAN’S SORE THROAT, voice cannot be modulated; rapid swelling of tongue with prickling and burning pains; oedema glottidis; putrid odor from mouth; buccal cavity raw and bleeding, covered with ulcers and diphtheritic deposits; violent burning in throat; constant hawking and profuse secretion from the diseased tissues; swollen or strawberry tongue; refuses food and drink on account of soreness of throat; scanty micturition; increase in the flow of urine shows favorable action of the drug.
Aurum [Aur]
Tonsils red and swollen; painful swelling of submaxillary glands; parotid gland feels sore, as if contused; caries of hard palate; foul breath; voice nasal, husky, as if he had a cold; mercurial or syphilitic history.
Baptisia [Bapt]
Fauces dark red; DARK, PUTRID ULCERS WHICH ARE PAINFUL; burning rawness in throat; salivation, putrid taste in mouth; stupid mental state, low muttering delirium; CAN SWALLOW ONLY LIQUIDS, the least solid food gags; throat sore, feels contracted, even down to stomach; profuse viscid mucus in throat, can neither swallow not hawk it up; much rattling in throat; tongue dry, cracked, bleeding.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Penetrating pains in throat on empty swallowing; pressure and shooting pains on swallowing ailments; obstruction to speech and deglutition; contraction of throat, with labored respiration, after meals; efforts to belch; enlarged and indurated tonsils; offensive breath; on swallowing sensation as if food forces itself over a sore spot and liquids come back through nose; more useful to prevent than to cure the attack of recurring quinsy.
Belladonna [Bell]
Violent fever and burning heat; bright-red, highly inflamed throat, mostly on right side; dryness of mouth and throat, with thirst; mouth feels scalded, and violent burning in throat; shooting pains in throat when swallowing, turning head or breathing; contraction and oppression of throat, impeding deglutition, speech and respiration, enlargement of the cervical glands and stiff neck; must swallow constantly, though very painful; SPASM OF THROAT ON ATTEMPTING TO SWALLOW; dry cough; follicular tonsillitis, tonsils covered with little ulcers.
Benzoic-acid [Benz-ac]
Angina faucium et tonsillaris; swallowing difficult, incomplete, with noise in ears and soreness on back of tongue; sensation of swelling and constriction of throat; (>) by eating; irritable bladder, urine dark and its odor highly intensified.
Borax [Bor]
Tough mucus in throat, difficult to detach; tearing in larynx extending to chest, exciting cough; roughness in throat-pit and drawing stinging pain when coughing or sneezing; aphthae.
Bromium [Brom]
Follicular tonsillitis, lump in throat, elongated uvula; burning from mouth to stomach; tumefaction of mucous membranes of pharynx, () from warm drinks; sweetish- smelling perspiration; swelling of submaxillary glands; mouth, lips and tongue swollen; no thirst.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Chronic sore throat; patulous induration of soft palate; old ulcers in throat; hardened, enlarged tonsils; aphthous or ulcerated tonsils; smarting in throat when eating, extending into ears; swallowing difficult from lump in throat; (

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