Sulphur is one of the greatest polychrests; (drugs of many uses) and is Hahnemann’s Prince of antipsorics’. Hahnemann says of Sulphur: The homoeopathic physician ( who alone acts in conformity with natural laws) will meet many important morbid states for which he will discover and may expect much assistance in the symptoms of Sulphur and Hepar Sulphuris’.

Kent says that Sulphur is such a full remedy that it is somewhat difficult to tell where to begin. It seems to contain a likeness of all the sickness of man, and a beginner on reading over the proving of Sulphur might naturally think that he would need no other remedy, as the image of all sickness seems to be contained in it.

The Sulphur patient is a lean, lank, hungry, dyspeptic fellow with stoop shoulders yet many times it must be given to fat, round, well-fed people. The angular, lean, stoop-shouldered patient, however, is the typical one, and especially when he has become so from long periods of indigestion, bad assimilation and feeble nutrition. The Sulphur state is sometimes brought about by being long housed up and adapting the diet to the stomach. Persons who lead sedentary lives, confined to their rooms in study, in mediation, in philosophical inquiry, and who take no exercise, soon find out that they must eat only the simplest of foods, foods not sufficient to nourish the body, and they end up by going into a philosophical mania. . . another class of patients in whom we see a Sulphur appearance in the face; dirty, shrivelled, red-faced people. If it be a child, the mother may wash the face often, but it always looks as if it has been perfunctorily washed. The Sulphur scholar, the inventor, works day and night in threadbare clothes and battered hat; he has long, uncut hair and a dirty face; his study is uncleanly, it is untidy; books are piled up indiscriminately; there is no order. It seems that Sulphur produces this state of disorder… uncleanliness, a state of don’t care how things go,’ and a state of selfishness. He becomes a false philosopher….disappointed because the world does not consider him the greatest man on earth… he has on a shirt that he has worn many weeks; if he has not a wife to attend to him, he would wear his shirt until it fell from him’.

Nash says: No remedy has more general, positive and persistent action upon the skin than Sulphur. With or without eruption, itching and burning are the characteristic sensations attending the skin symptoms. If any one doubts the itch-producing power of Sulphur, let him work a day or two in the bleaching room of a broom factory. I have tried this experiment and we all remember the fact that our mothers and grandmothers used to cure or rather over-cure itch with it. So strong is the affinity of Sulphur for the skin that it seems bent on pushing everything internal out on the surface. Especially is this true if it is something that naturally belongs there.’

The full use of Sulphur can only be appreciated when one realizes the true implications of Psora but one must also remember that Sulphur is not the only anti-psoric remedy.

However, as Nash says it may be as well to speak of the power possessed by Sulphur of arousing or existing defective reaction. Your former remedy was well chosen and seemed to help in a measure, but the case relapses, lingers or progresses slowly to perfect recovery. It is on account of a depression of the vital force, as Hahnemann would call it. It may be on account of psora or not. Now give a dose of Sulphur and let it act for a few hours if in an acute case, or a number of days if chronic. Then you may return to your former remedy and get results which you could not before the Sulphur was given. It clears up the case and prevents its becoming chronic or a lingering unsatisfactory convalescence.’

Characteristics Extremely red orifices, especially lips as if painted red. Empty, gone, faint, hungry sense at pit of stomach around 11 a.m. must have something to eat or drink. Offensive odour of body despite frequent washing. Aversion to bathing; it aggravates. Burning heat on top of head, of palms, and especially of soles of feet at night in bed, must put feet out of bed to cool them off. Worse standing. Fluids all burn parts over which they pass.

Mind: Easily angered; fault finding; irritable; restless and quarrelsome. Foolish happiness and pride, thinks he has the best of everything. Hates to either work or be washed. Always theorising. Wants to know the why and wherefore of everything. Dwells on useless speculation.

Head: Headache every Sunday.

Eyes: Lids very red.

Ears: Very red.

Mouth: Lips very red.

Stomach:Worse 11 a.m. (Sinking, all gone faint hungry feeling.) Craves sweets.

Anus: Very red.

Skin: Itching better scratching and then it burns.

Modalities: Worse standing; worse 11 a.m. in a close room; open air; bathing; cold damp weather. Better doors and windows open; sitting or lying.

Sulphur, Calcarea and Lycopodium are the trio of remedies on which the whole of the Materia Medica is based.

If you have a patient suffering from any named ailment and he exhibits three or more of the characteristics of sulphur, then you can prescribe it with confidence i.e. burning, redness, itching, offensive odours, unkempt and unclean, worse 11 a.m. and worse standing.


This is the trituration of the middle layer of the oyster shell.

The sweats are general night sweats and on exertion especially on head, neck and chest this often applies to children.

The skin is white, watery or chalky, pale and the disposition torpid and sluggish or slow in movement.

Sulphur Calcarea, and Lycopodium are a trio of remedies that should be studied and compared. Note the sluggish or slow movements of Calc. carb. and the almost opposite quick, wiry nervous active movements of Sulphur, then again there is none of the bilious swarthy yellowish appearance in Calc. carb. that we find in Lycopodium.

From Hering’s Guiding Symptoms’ we quote Tardy development of the bony tissues with lymphatic enlargements. Curvature of the bones especially spine and long bones. Extremities deformed, crooked. Softening of the bones, fontanelles remain open too long, and skull very large.

Nash says that Calcarea shows the lack of or imperfect nutrition of bones. Whilst they are not nourished evenly or properly the soft parts are suffering from over nutrition and thus we get soft flabby people especially in children and young people.

The sensation of coldness is a characteristic of Calcarea the opposite to the burning of Sulphur. There are partial sweats in all swellings of Calcarea the surface of the skin is characteristically cold.

The digestive tract is sour there are sour eructations sour vomiting, sour diarrhoea, sour mucus and sour smell of whole body. The diarrhoea is worse in the afternoon. The patient is usually better when constipated.

Dr. Tyler says The fat, flabby child is brought in and dumped down on to a chair and sits there. No wriggling down to wander about and touch everything in the room. She sits there, lethargic and dull. Perhaps plays with her fingers and picks them. With the chalky complexion goes fatness without fitness sweating without heat bones without strength and tissue of plus quantity and minus quality. More flabby bulk with weariness and weakness. In Calc. everything is slow and late and heavy and weak.

Kent says that Calc children have dreadful times in their drams and in an adult you can often recognise Calcarea by the limp, cold moist handshake.

FEARS that something is going to happen to herself or somebody else that she will lose her reason, and people will notice that people will notice her confusion of mind. Fearfulness with restlessness and vague fears fears of death. Broods over little things of no importance peevish, fretful, obstinate. Calcarea is a very tired patient.

Kent says It is a peculiar feature of Calcarea that the more marked the congestion of internal parts, the colder the surface becomes. With chest troubles, the stomach troubles, and bowel troubles, the feet and hands become like ice, and covered with sweat; and he lies in bed sometimes with a fever in the rest of the body, and the scalp covered with cold sweat. That is strange. You cannot account for that by any reasoning in pathology, and when a thing is so strange that it cannot be accounted for, it becomes very valuable as descriptive of the remedy, and is one that cannot help but be of value when prescribing for the patient.’

The headaches begin in occiput and spread to top of head and are so severe that they feel as if they will burst.

Calcarea is the chronic of Belladonna i.e. when Belladonna has again and again helped the acute condition Calcarea will be curative and so prevent its recurrence.

Characteristics Coldness, general and local, subjective and objective. Sweats, especially about head, feet and hands. Head covered with cold sweat when other parts of body are comfortable. Sweats even in cold room and in cold air. Sweats on face when nowhere else. Feet sweat on becoming very cold or very warm. Fearful. Sensitive to cold and damp weather but patients cannot sit in the sun. Feels as though he has on damp stockings.

Mind: Very fearful and apprehensive FULL OF FEARS. Melancholy. Depressed. Mentally and physically always tired.

Head:Profuse cold sweat (often to be found in babies and pillow is soaked.) Sweat from least exertion. Pain as if in vice. Congestion of head.

Face: Chalky, white, bloodless.

Mouth:Unpleasant taste mostly sour. Sour risings. Desires strange food, limes, slate pencils, eggs, earth, chalk, clay, raw potatoes, sweets, ice-cream.

Stomach: Sinking empty sensation at any time. Vomit sour.

Respiratory: Breathless worse ascending. Cough with expectoration of thick, grey mucus sour.

Chest:Congestion. Shortness of breath. Oppression of chest. Anxious feeling in chest.

Neck and Back: Glands under the lower jaw tender, worse moving jaw; worse touch.

Limbs: Pain in joints, worse on becoming cold; worse cold wet weather; worse cold wind. Numbness of legs worse evening. Cramps worse 3 a.m. Stiffness worse night. Feet and legs cold and clammy (sensation as if in damp stockings). Hands cold and clammy (handshake -(handshake feels boneless, moist and cold).

Modalities: Worse cold; cold damp; worse change of weather especially to damp, it goes right through them; worse draughts, from working in water and bathing; worse full moon; after midnight and early morning, on awakening.

These patients are very chilly and dread the open air; they are sensitive to cold damp air and to draughts. They catch cold very easily.

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