– Phyllis speight.
The word Psora was used widely in Hahnemann’s time for most of the varied skin troubles known since the earliest times, and so he did not coin the word but rather gave it a deeper meaning. We will quote his own words: Psora it is, that oldest, most universal, most pernicious and yet that least known of chronic miasmatic disease, which has been deforming and torturing the nations for thousands of years the oldest history of the oldest nation does not reach its origin.’
Seven eighths of all chronic maladies prevalent, are ascribed by Hahnemann to psora the itch.
He says: It is an internal disease and may exist with or without an eruption on the skin… psora became, therefore, the common mother of most chronic diseases… the eruptions itch and burn.
It must be clearly understood, therefore, that psora is an internal disease and that the skin eruption is the manifestation of the disease when it is allowed or forced to come to the surface and this is the only way it can be eradicated.
Dr. Haehl in The Life of Hahnemann says To Hahnemann psora is the disease or disposition to disease, hereditary from generation for thousands of years and it is the fostering soil for every possible diseased condition. At the same time it is the most infectious of all. Contact with the general external skin is quite sufficient for transference of the disease in contrast with sycosis and syphilis, in which cases a certain amount of friction on the tenderest parts of our bodies, where most nerves are congregated, and where the cuticle is thinnest, is requisite for infection. But everyone is exposed to psora almost under any circumstances.