-Jan Scholten

Niccolum sulphuricum gets a brief description in Clarke and a slightly larger one in Boericke.

Signature Nickelsulphate is found in nature in the form of the semi precious stone morenosite, its colour varying from emerald green to whitish green. It gets used as a colouring agent in ceramics, glass and jewellry. Added to water it keeps cut flowers fresh.


Niccolum Sulphuricum

Successful Love

Respectable Marriage Partner

Controlled Self love Egotism

Suppressed emotions Jealousy

Solving problems Joy Satisfaction

Haughty Harmony Beauty





Group analysis

Very restrained in love.

Suppressed love.

Suppressed in their love life.

Suppressed by their partner.

A very restrained partner.

A respectable marriage.

Haughty love.

Wants to solve his jealousy.

respectable self love.

Harmonious and controlled.

Picture of Niccolum sulphuricum

Essence: very restrained in love.

Very restrained in love

They like to stay in control and this hampers their love life. They find it difficult to admit to feelings of love and passion. They find all talk about love rather trivial. If they do allow themselves to fall in love it tends to be rather a technical and cool affair. They would rather push their feelings down and not fall in love. Perhaps they were teased in the past with expressions like: You are really letting yourself go or You have really lost your head now!.

Suppressed in their love life

A variation on this theme could be a relationship where they feel suppressed. Their tendency to push their feelings down could lead to a situation where they put themselves aside for the sake of the other. They realise what they are doing and they know it isn’t right because what they need most is extra space and encouragement to express themselves.

They want to have found a solid base inside themselves before they want to enter into a relationship.

If their partner falls in love with someone else they get jealous, but even this jealousy is immediately suppressed.

Suppressed by their partner

Or they get a partner who suppresses them and doesnt give them any space. The mere knowledge that someone has fallen in love with them can make them feel suppressed or persecuted: adoration means persecution. A typical situation that fits this theme is that of an arranged marriage.

A very restrained partner

Another variation is that they have chosen a very restrained partner who can’t handle emotions and who is afraid that his or her own emotions will be triggered. This type or partner might be so desperate to retain control that they appear very haughty.

Harmony and restraint

They are very restrained and hate strong emotions. They don’t see the point in getting angry or upset and they don’t like to be interrupted by these sort of violent outbursts from others. They like to live in harmony, which is reflected in their choice of clothes and jewellry. But even here the deliberations are more technical than emotional. They may choose some beautiful clothes which don’t suit them at all.

Their emotional sense of harmony was never consulted.


Fears: exams, anticipation, failure, criticism, alone, opposition, observed, accidents, heights, poverty, ugliness, dirt.

Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, fingers or head cut off, death, devil, falling, graves, accidents, water, erotic, being bitten, drowning, funerals, murder, quarrels, teeth falling out, exams, falling in the water and not being able to come to the surface, church, cross, red, blue, silver, marriage, nightmares (

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-Boericke. G.W

+ Sulphate of Nickel.


Useful in climacteric disturbances. Periodic neuralgias of malarial origin. Urine and saliva increased. Coppery taste. Weak, asthenopic literary persons with weak digestion and constipation, are worse in morning and suffer from periodic headaches and hoarseness.


Nervous, uneasy, desire to recline, tired, cannot settle down to any occupation. Periodic headaches, occipital pain, extending down to spine, worse lying on back; sore pain in eyes.


Stiff, numb sensation, worse in neck. Spine sore. Awakened in morning with burning soles. Spinal pains, legs and arms heavy and weak, cannot lie on back.


Dull aching in ovaries, with sensation as if menses appear. HOT FLASHES, followed by perspiration on parts touching each other, when separated become dry. #Dose

Second trituration.

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