– Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Bushmaster or Surucucu









Solar plexus

Cellular tissues




Glands; sex


Mucous membranes

Alimentary (G.-I.)


Urogenital (G.-U.)

Respiratory (B.-P.)

Side: L,: l. to r. (throat, chest, cranium)

L. upper, r. lower

R.: liver, appendix sciatica to l.



A. Depressing factors

HEAT : Spring. Summer

Autumn. Sun


Bath (fainting)

Foods. Drinks

Cold : Weather. Snow

Food. Drink

Weather : Extremes of. Changes of Warm wet Cloudy. Stormy. Windy

Closed places


Before discharges, flow, menses


Periodically :


Morning, waking

Morning to evening

Evening to morning

12 N to 12 M;

12 M to 12 N

1 to 3 am or pm

Every 12 hours or

their multiples

Alternate days,

nights, months

Every 4,7,10, 14 days

Moon (?)

Monthly, 1/2 yearly



During sleep, siesta; latter part of; on awaking from Worse (contd.)






Swallowing; empty; liquids (Long) after eating

Drugs: quinine, ‘ metals, chemicals, organic, narcotics, synthetic vitamins, alcohol, tobacco

Bad foods, odors, sour

Slight touch

Pressure of clothes

Mental trauma, mortification constraints, jealousy, grief, shock, etc.

Aloneness at night

B. Depletions Emissions Sexual excesses Hemorrhages


A. De-tension


Free secretions incl. seminal, katabolic waste, eruptions, deflation, epistaxis etc.

stool, rain-pour Catharsis divesting, diversion, venting, weeping, talking, change, end of eclipse end of winter

Clear weather


Rest; while asleep (esp. early)

Sitting bent

Bathing part (cold or hot)


B. Stimulation


Open air. Light


Slow fan

Cold bath (though averse)

Better (contd.)

B. Stimulation (contd.)

Warm room (chill)

Warm or cold (throat)

Warm foment.

(forehead, teeth, abdomen, skin)

Keeping awake and occupied

Pleasant atmosphere

Hard pressure (Chin.)

Rubbing, stroking, reassuring, patting

While eating; citrus fruits, coffee

Normal thermic food, drink, bath


Hypersensitive. Tactophobic. Hysterical

Hemmed in. Heliophobic. Hypnophobic

Hydrophobic. Hemotoxic. Hemorrhagic. Blue

Purple. Destructive. Venous. Phthisic. Tense

Animal characters

1. Snake : sensitive animal; intolerance of anybody coming nearby

2. Snake : nocturnal reptile

3. Snake : sluggish in morning hours

4. Snake : life more secluded

5. Snake : moves quickly

6. Snake : poisonous animal

7. Snake : sensory pits between eyes and nostrils sense from a long direction

8. Snake : sensitive to touch and vibration

9. Snake : sensitive to heat

10. Snake : cold to touch

11. Remains curled and silent in Winter

12. More furious and poisonous when hungry

13. Snake: sheds its skin in spring

14. Snake : gets attracted to fire

15. Tongue : constantly darting in and out

16. Snake : bifid tongue

17. Snake : coils itself from left to right. Most of the organs situated on left side

18. Neck of snake : constricted, thinner portion. Most vulnerable to catch

19. Lies quiescent but ready at the slightest provocation to bite

20. Snake bite : application of ice

21. Snake bite : application of tight tourniquet

22. Incision at the spot – to let out the blood and venom

23. Snake bite : circulation

24. Snake bite : localised and generalised blueness

25. Snake (Python) : able to swallow even large creatures (solids)

26. Holding snake, it tries to raise the head up

27. Snake bite – the victim is not allowed to sleep, but to walk

28. Voluntary movements of snake-consecutive waves of contraction

29. Snake poison: mixture of neurotoxic blood coagulating, hemolytic, cardiotoxic, cytolytic, proteolytic enzyme characters

30. Said that snake takes a revenge

31. Snake : religious,

God: Shiva

Mythology : symbol

32. Snake: moves in zig-zag

33. Stools : black, offensive

34. Can’t recognize male or female for coitus.

35. In esotoric traditions the coiled serpent energy, solid to be and sexual type.

Remedy characters

Hypersensitive : mind, body

Mental activity, (

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– T. F. Allen.

Emaciation, with weakness, trembling. Tremblings or jerkings, with faintness, sudden. Convulsive attacks, seeming to begin in the lower extremities. Swelling, especially of the upper part of the body, head and throat. Pains extend from left to right. General intolerance of the slightest touch. General aggravation from sleeping. General tendency to suppurations, gangrenous degeneration, abscesses, offensive discharges or exhalations.
Loquacity. Mental confusion or alienation; tries to escape, with loquacity. Suffocative feeling about the throat., etc. Muttering delirium. Insane jealousy. Clinical. Dementia, with loquacity. Religious melancholia. Effects of lasting sorrow.
Pain, extending into the nose, with vertigo; flickering before the eyes. Bursting or throbbing pain in the temples, with heat (

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– William H.Burt

This has a powerful action upon the cerebro-spinal system, especially centering upon the pneumogastric nerve; has a special affinity for the outlets of the body, throat and rectum, also affects the genito-urinary organs, and intestinal tract.
Very unhappy and distressed after sleeping. Very distressed aggravation after sleeping, as if the child was dying, (in croup.)-F. W Fright from seeing snakes. Thinks she is dead (in typhoid,) and that preparations are made for the funeral, or that she is nearly dead, and wishes some one would help her off.-J.B.BELL. Eyes feel as though they had been taken out and squeezed and then put back; worse after sleep.N.MARTIN. Digestive Organs.-Throat greatly swollen internally and externally; discharge from the nose and of mouth of an intensely fetid and excoriating fluid; fauces covered with diphtheritic membrane; pulse quick and small; extremities mottled and livid, swallowing almost impossible.-E.M.HALE. Pain on swallowing going up into the ear, the course of the pain is along the parotid gland externally. Deglutition painful, with regurgitation through the nose. Diseases of the throat that commence on the left side. Cannot put out the tongue but with difficulty; trying it, the tongue trembles. The throat is so sensitive she cannot bear the least touch of the finger. Organic lesions of the stomach or bowels, with vomiting of bilious matter. Diarrhoea in warm weather, aggravated by acid fruits, worse at night and after sleep. Excessive offensive stools, the child always awakes in distress. Hemorrhage from the bowels in typhoid fever. Flakes of decomposed blood, having the appearance and form of perfectly charred wheat straw, in longer or shorter flat pieces, with portions more or less ground up, I regard as a never failing key- note, given high. Sensation in the anus and rectum as if several little hammers were beating there.-Dr. EGGERT.-R.G. PERKINS, M.D. A tormenting constant urging in the rectum, without a stool; wanting to pass a stool, but the constant pain is increased by urging, and the patient is obliged to desist.-DR. BOYCE. Dark almost black urine.-RAUE. Frothy urine. Feeling of a ball rolling in the bladder, or abdomen, or both.-RAUE. Generative Organs of Women.-Especially suited to women at the climacteric period, with frequent uterine hemorrhage, and hot flushes accompanied with burning vertex-headaches and pains in the back. There is no doubt, but this remedy in the 30th and 200th attenuation, is the best remedy in the Materia Medica for the climacteric period, when there are frequent hot flushes, the predominant symptom, with hemorrhages, &c., &c. She cannot bear any pressure, not even the clothes, upon the uterine region; she wishes frequently to lift them, not that the abdomen is so very tender, but that the clothes cause an uneasiness. Left ovary swollen, with tensive pressing, stitching pains; inability to lie on the right side, on account of a sensation as if something were rolling over to that side. Pain in the left ovarian region, increasing more and more until relieved by a discharge of blood. Pains in the uterine region, increase at times more and more, till relieved by a flow of blood from the vagina; after a few hours or days, the same again, and so on. Catamenia at the regular time, but too short and feeble. Is of great service in the fainting tendency of nervous women. In vesicular rashes, in pemphigus and eczema of the hands; but most of all in the flushes that occur at the critical age, with head symptoms of insomnia.-BAYES. Respiratory Organs.-When anything touches the larynx, the latter is not only sensitive, but it is as though it would suffocate him; it also increased the throatache behind.-SMITH. Larynx and throat painful when touched, and on bending the head backwards. During the heat as if from ebullition of the blood, he is compelled to loosen his neck covering; it seems to impede the circulation of the blood, with a feeling of suffocation.-SMITH. Pressure upon the larynx causes cough. On touching the throat there comes a dry, hacking cough; also in the morning, after sleep, at night, and from tobacco smoke.-SMITH. Spasmodic cough, worse in the evening and at night, with tickling in the throat.

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-Hering C.

61. A girl, after excessive study, uses exalted language; exceedingly particular about the language she uses, often correcting herself after using a word and substituting another of very similar meaning talks about being under the influence of a superior power. Laches. 2m-E.W. BERRIDGE

62. Heaviness and dullness in the head, particularly in the occiput; sensation of heat in the head; hands numb. The heaviness is worse from motion, better when sitting still. If her head is placed ever so high, she thinks it is too low; drowsiness in the afternoon every other day; starting on falling asleep; heat in the head and arms at night, with weakness in the epigastrium. Sleeps little, and the fullness and heaviness in the head and body are worse in the morning.

Restlessness, driving from place to place…Symptoms change place; now more in the left arm, now in the foot, which is cold as ice. Every cold gives her a sore throat; swelling and stiffness, painful when swallowing and to the touch. Now and then a sudden stitch in the region of the heart. which makes her weak. Haemorrhoidal tumors, which she had once before in child-bed, are very painful during stool; frequent urging. Menses too late and profuse, with throbbing headache. Bellad, Hepar, Sepia and Magn; mur, failed. Hepar caused a diarrhoea which lasted two weeks; when it stopped, the night attacks returned. Laches cured. – W. WESSELHOEFT

63. A French millioner had a jealous quarrel with her lover. With the words: “O, my heart!” putting both her hands to it, she fell down and was nearly twenty-four hours in an asphyxia state; no pulse could be felt, breathing was hardly perceptible; was laid out on her back. Laches 30 was followed in a few minutes by a loud sighing, turning on her side, and recovery. – C.HG.

64. A lady, worn out with solicitude and care of a sick friend, and delirium followed by convulsions. After Laches 2m, the convulsions abated; she fell into a soft slumber, awoke conscious, and with the exception of feeling weak was quite comfortable. – FINCH

65. Nightly attacks of anxiety, afraid of the cholera, gets cramps in the calves from fear; nausea, heavy feeling in abdomen, rolling in umbilical region; another time thinks there are robbers in the house and wants to jump out of the window; often thinks the visions are real;weary of life, looks at everything from the dark side. Symptoms last through the morning and get better during the day. The least noise disturbs sleep. Vertigo. Laches.– C.HG.

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+ Surukuku Snake Poison Ophidia.

Persons of a less melancholy temperament, dark eyes, and a disposition to low spirits and indolence. Women of choleric temperament, with freckles and red hair [Phos.]. Better adapted to thin and emaciated than to fleshy persons; to those who have been changed, both mentally and physically, by their illness. Climacteric ailments: haemorrhoids, haemorrhages; hot flushes and hot perspiration; burning vertex headache, especially at or after the menopause [Sang., Sulph.]. Ailments from long lasting grief; sorrow, fright, vexation, jealousy or disappointed love [Aur., Ign., Phos. ac.]. Women who have not recovered from the change of life “have never felt well since that time.” Left side principally affected; diseases begin on the left and go to the right side – left ovary, testicle, chest. Great sensitiveness to touch; throat, stomach, abdomen; cannot bear bed-clothes or night-dress to tough throat or abdomen, not because sore or tender as in Apis or Bell., but clothes cause an uneasiness, make her nervous. Intolerance of tight bands about neck or waist. Extremes of heat and cold cause great debility. Drunkards with congestive headaches and haemorrhoids; prone to erysipelas or apoplexy. Headache: pressing or bursting pain in temples (

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