Homeopathic medicine for the Premenstrual Syndrome

Homeopathic medicine for the Premenstrual Syndrome(PMS):

Premenstrual syndrome is a disorder that commonly affects the girl’s emotional and physical health. The cause of PMS is not known. Premenstrual syndrome is the perfect image of the evolution of a woman through her fertile life. It is evident through the eyes of a classical homeopathic practitioner. During the second part of the menstrual cycle, general congestion, of the head, breasts, ovaries, uterus, lower limbs, tonsils, liver, kidney, skin, etc., predominates. The intensity and recurrence of premenstrual syndrome, in a woman, depending on the previously suppressed diseases. Violent symptoms with extreme nervous weakness, particularly seen in those with a family history of tuberculosis. By the way, the homeopathic medicine particularly cures the underlying disease and relieves the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome permanently.

Homeopathic medicine for the Premenstrual Syndrome

Homeopathy remedy for Premenstrual Syndrome in general:

Cimicifuga is the best Homeopathic medicine in favor of extremely nervous and restlessness. Nux Moschata of course is the remedy in support of nervous and drowsy before the menses.

Premenstrual Syndrome to express as migraines especially need the cyclamen Homeopathic medicine. In this case, acidity is also seen. As well as ill-tempered girls with dimness of vision, particularly require this remedy.

Lachesis is as well the best Homeopathic remedy for Premenstrual Syndrome in our experience. For the reason that this Homeopathic medicine works on hormone imbalance particularly. Flushes of heat more than ever Help us to make out this remedy. Excessive loquacity is an additional sign really well known in these girls. For those women who cannot bear tight clothes in the midst of Premenstrual Syndrome Lachesis is the excellent Homeopathic medicine.

Ovary and breast congestion before menses, on the other hand, put forward Platina for Premenstrual Syndrome. Platina women are with increased sexual desires (nymphomania) for the most part prior to the menses.

Pulsatilla points out on behalf of Premenstrual Syndrome by way of weeping and laughing moods. Venous congestion is the most important reason for symptoms before menses. Nightmares, usually made out of Pulsatilla girls.

Blinding headaches before menses especially indicates the Natrum Muriaticum. Other important symptoms are pimples on the face, skin diseases such as eczema and herpes. Palpitation of heart with Premenstrual Syndrome also comes under the action of this Homeopathic medicine.

Unresponsive and lazy women particularly need to use sepia for complaints before menses. Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome are especially in the morning and the evening. Itching of the genital organs before menses is chiefly curable with this Homeopathic remedy. Constipation and liver complaints are well responded to Sepia.


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