Homeopathic medicine for Temper Tantrums in children:

Temper tantrums (bad behavior – irritability) are unpleasant and disruptive behaviors or emotional outbursts. They often occur in response to unmet needs or desires. Tantrums are more likely to occur in younger children or others who cannot express their needs or control their emotions when they are frustrated. Every parent can expect to witness some temper tantrums in children from age 1–4 years. On average, temper tantrums are equally common in boys and girls, and more than half of young children will have one or more per week. In fact, the selection of Homeopathic medicine for temper tantrums totally depends on the study of the psychology of the child. In this connection, Homeopathy is having excellent remedies for the treatment of temper tantrums in children. Moreover, Homeopathic treatment uses natural substances that cause no side effects.

What are the trigger factors for temper tantrums?

At home, there are predictable situations that can be expected to trigger temper tantrums, such as bedtime, suppertime, getting up, getting dressed, bath time, watching TV, parent talking on the phone, visitors at the house, family visiting another house, car rides, public places, family activities involving siblings, interactions with peers, and playtime. Other settings include transitions between activities, on the school bus, getting ready to work, interactions with other children, directives from the teacher, group activities, answering questions in class, individual seatwork, and the playground.

Temper tantrums ranges:

Temper tantrums range from whining and crying to screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath-holding. They are equally common in boys and girls and usually occur between the ages of 1 to 3. Kids’ temperaments vary dramatically, so some kids may experience regular tantrums, whereas others have them rarely. They are a normal part of the development and do not have to be seen as something negative. Unlike adults, kids do not have the same inhibitions or control.

What are the Basic causes of temper tantrums?

Several basic causes of tantrums are familiar to parents everywhere: The child is seeking attention or is tired, hungry, or uncomfortable. In addition, tantrums are often the result of kids’ frustration with the world, they cannot get something (for example, an object or a parent) to do what they want. Frustration is an unavoidable part of their lives as they learn how people, objects, and their own bodies work.

Tantrums are common during the second year of life, a time when children are acquiring language. Toddlers generally understand more than they can express. Imagine not being able to communicate your needs to someone, a frustrating experience that may precipitate a tantrum. As language skills improve, tantrums tend to decrease. Homeopathic medicines particularly deal with the cause in order to yield a permanent solution for your Childs temper tantrums.

Another task toddlers are faced with is an increasing need for autonomy. Toddlers want a sense of independence and control over the environment, more than they may be capable of handling. This creates the perfect condition for power struggles as a child thinks, “I can do it myself,” or “I want it, give it to me”. When kids discover that they cannot do it and cannot have everything they want, the stage is set for a tantrum.

There are nine different types of temperaments in children:

  • Hyperactive temperament predisposes the child to respond with fine- or gross-motor activity.
  • Destructible temperament predisposes the child to pay more attention to his or her surroundings than to the caregiver.
  • High-intensity level temperament moves the child to yell, scream, or hit hard when feeling threatened.
  • Irregular temperament moves the child to escape the source of stress by needing to eat, drink, sleep, or use the bathroom at irregular times when he or she does not really have the need.
  • Negative persistent temperament is seen when the child seems stuck in his or her whining and complaining.

Other 4 Types of temper tantrums:

  • Low sensory threshold temperament is evident when the child complains about tight clothes and people staring and refuses to be touched by others.
  • Initial withdrawal temperament is found when children get clingy, shy, and unresponsive in new situations and around unfamiliar people.
  • Poor adaptability temperament shows itself when children resist, shut down, and become passive-aggressive when asked to change activities.
  • Negative mood temperament is found when children appear lethargic, sad, and lacks the energy to perform a task.

At about age 1 1/2 some children will start throwing temper tantrums. These bouts of temper tantrums can last until approximately age 4. Some call this stage as the terrible twos and others call it first adolescence because the struggle for independence is similar to what is seen during adolescence. Regardless of what the stage is called, there is a normal developmental course for temper tantrums.

Temper tantrums at One-and-a-half through 2 years old:

Children during this stage will test the limits. They want to see how far they can go before a parent or teacher stops their behavior. At age, two children are very egocentric and cannot see another person’s point of view. They want independence and self-control to explore their environment. When children cannot reach a goal, they show frustration by crying, arguing, yelling, or hitting. When children’s need for independence collides with the parent’s and teachers’ needs for safety and conformity, the conditions are perfect for a power struggle and a temper tantrum. Homeopathic medicines help the child to gain control over his will power, thereby aid in calm down his temper tantrums.

The temper tantrum is designed to get the teacher or parent to desist in their demands or give them whatever they want. Many times children stop the temper tantrum only when they get what is desired. What is most upsetting to caregivers is that it is virtually impossible to reason with children who are having a temper tantrum, and arguing and cajoling in response to a temper tantrum only escalates the problem.

Temper tantrums at Three-year-old:

By age 3 many children are less impulsive and can use language to express their needs. Temper tantrums at this age are often less frequent and less severe, even homeopathic medicine is good in treating such conditions. Nevertheless, some preschoolers have learned that a temper tantrum is a good way to get what they want.

Temper tantrums at Four-year-old:

Most children have the necessary motor and physical skills to meet many of their own needs without relying so much on an adult. At this age, children also have better language that allows them to express their anger, to problem-solve, and compromise. Despite these improved skills, even kindergarten-age and school-age children can still have temper tantrums when they are faced with demanding academic tasks and new interpersonal situations in school. The above are the situations where Homeopathic medicines to control the will are needed for your child exactly.

How to Prevent Temper Tantrums:

Dealing with the tantrums, prevention with Homeopathy much easier than it managed once it erupts. Reward children for positive attention rather than negative attention. During situations when they are prone to temper tantrums, catch them when they are being good. Do not ask children to do something when they must do what you ask. Give children control over little things whenever possible by giving choices. A little bit of power given to the child can stave off the big power struggles later. Keep off-limit objects out of sight and therefore out of mind. In an art activity, keep the scissors out of reach of children who are not ready to use them safely. Distract children by redirection to another activity when they tantrum over something they should not do or cannot have.

Change environments, thus removing the child from the source of the temper tantrum. Make sure that children are well rested and fed in situations in which a temper tantrum is a likely possibility. Increase your tolerance level. Signal children before you reach the end of an activity so that they can get prepared for the transition. Provide pre-academic, behavioral, and social challenges that are at the child’s developmental level so that the child does not become frustrated.

What if temper tantrums are uncontrollable if you feel?

  • You are uncomfortable with your responses or you feel out of control.
  • You keep giving in.
  • The tantrums arouse many bad feelings.
  • The tantrums increase in frequency, intensity, or duration.
  • Your child frequently hurts himself, herself, or others.
  • Your child is destructive.
  • The child displays mood disorders such as negativity, low self-esteem, or extreme dependence.

Your doctor also can check for any physical problems that may be contributing to the tantrums, although this is not common. These include hearing or vision problems, a chronic illness, language delays, or a learning disability.

Homeopathic Treatment for temper tantrums in children:

In Homeopathy, we use the symptoms of the behavior to guide us to a remedy. For example, we look at, how the tantrums started, and the type of triggers that usually set the child off. We want to know what they do when they are angry and how they look (red face, white face, glazed eyes, increased strength), how long it takes to calm them down and what happens afterward. With this information and a detailed case history of your child’s overall health, a homeopathic remedy prescribed that matches the child’s needs.

Here are a few example of remedies in Homeopathy to show a representation of different types of behaviors – temper tantrums:

Chamomilla top grade Homeopathic medicine for temper tantrum:

It is the best remedy for temper tantrums in where the child is very bad-tempered, impatient, restless, and contrary and does not seem to know what they want. It is difficult to please them and the only thing that seems to settle them temporarily is when they carried or rocked hard. They will scream when they are put down again.  For those children pain is intolerable and they clench their fists, stiffen the body, and arches backward, it the excellent Homeopathic medicine for temper tantrums. They are loud and the screaming can drive the parents to distraction. (It is an important remedy used during teething if the symptoms fit).

Stramonium – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for temper tantrums with violent anger in children:

The child goes into an uncontrollable rage, strikes, bites, kicks, and for their safety. The parent tries to restrain them with great difficulty. For those children whose speech is often incoherent and they use threatening language, this is very good Homeopathic medicine for temper tantrums. They can also be fearful of having repeated night terrors and awake screaming. There is a huge sense of danger with lots of fears of the dark, dogs, and night.

Nux Vomica – another topmost Homeopathic medicine for temper tantrums for the impatient child:

The child has a strong personality and can fly into a fiery and violent temper with total intolerance of the slightest contradiction. They can easily flare up when something disturbs or upsets them and they violently reproach others for their faults. For those children who are easily bored, very impatient, and always busy achieving something, this Homeopathic medicine acts very well for temper tantrums.

 Silicea – Very good Homeopathic remedy for temper tantrums in headstrong children:

The children are very mild and sensitive. However, they turn into headstrong when the situation arises as such they will not get the things they want. On the contrary, they are yielding in disposition. For temper tantrums in mild and timid persons, it is excellent Homeopathic medicine. Complaints of temper tantrums from long mental exertion especially indicate this remedy. For children ,Irritable when they do not feel well, Silicea is the most beneficial Homeopathic medicine for temper tantrums.

 Cina – Top grade Homeopathic remedy for temper tantrums in a terrible and ugly child:

The child always wants to be carried, rocked. Cina child is the worst child possible. For children cannot stand to behold or touched with temper tantrums, it is an excellent Homeopathic remedy. In case if a child cannot bear to be looked at and aversion to being caressed, its action is wonderful. Cina is a very good remedy for irritable, excited, frantic, crying, and tantrums. Children, in this case, are cross, uneasy, and easily dissatisfied.

Homeopathy used with good discipline, good boundaries, and a loving home environment can help calm the storm and create a more peaceful home for all.


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