
Abrotanum [Abrot]
Metastasis of gout or rheumatism to heart; endocarditis with piercing pains across chest, () by warmth and pressure.
Magnum-acet [Mang]
Strong, irregular, trembling palpitations, without abnormal sounds of heart; sudden shocks of heart and in left side of chest from above downward; pulse uneven, irregular, rapid, or slow, but always soft and weak.
Mercurius [Merc]
Weakness of heart, as if life were ebbing away, awakens with trembling at the heart, and agitation as if frightened; aching pain at apex of heart, extending upward towards the base; cardiac oppression; palpitation on the slightest exertion.
Mercurius-cor [Merc-c]
Heart’s sounds dull and intermittent; tremulous undulating motion of the heart; praecordial anxiety; pulse small, rapid, feeble and irregular; palpitation in sleep.
Mercurius-cyan [Merc-cy]
ULCERATED ENDOCARDITIS (Lach.); rapid heart failure due to malignant cardiac disease. Threatening paralysis of heart in diphtheria or other zymotic diseases. Needs more provings.
Mercurius-praec-rub [Merc-pr-r]
Suffocative fit at night on lying when on the point of falling asleep, must jump up suddenly; violent palpitations that seemed as if they would burst the chest; small, hard pulse.
Mercurius-protoiod [Merc-i-f]
Suffocation about the heart, with nausea and dizziness; sharp pain in about heart, taking away her breath; sudden spasmodic action of heart, as if it had jumped out of its place; pulse weak, irregular, laboring.
Moschus [Mosch]
PALPITATIONS DUE TO TOBACCO; hysteric palpitations and spasms when the nervous or muscular energy of the heart is weakened by great mental exertion, anxiety, emotions; TIGHTNESS OF CHEST, (>) BY TAKING A DEEP INSPIRATION; vertigo when moving head; prostration followed by threatened collapse.
Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]
PALPITATION OF HEART FELT IN FACE; stitches in heart; tension and pain on sternum; (

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