
Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia.

Acalypha [Acal]
Haemorrhages in the morning bright red and not profuse, dark and clotted in the afternoon; pulse soft and compressible; feels played out in the morning and gains strength as the day advances.
Acid-lacticum [Lac-ac]
Morning sickness in pale anaemic women who lose large quantities of blood during menses, which usually last from five to eight days.
Aconite [Acon]
Active haemorrhage, with fear of death, of moving or flow would increase, and much excitability; vertigo on rising from a recumbent position, she has to lie down again; restlessness; thirst; the flow is constant and coagulates into one mass.
Aletris-far [Alet]
Menorrhagia in consequences of congested condition of uterus and ovaries; profuse discharge of dark-colored blood with clots; PASSIVE FLOODING FROM ATONY OF UTERUS: general debility with loss of tone in muscular system; dyspepsia.
Ambra-grisea [Ambr]
Uterine engorgement; DISCHARGE OF BLOOD BETWEEN THE PERIODS AT EVERY LITTLE ACCIDENT as after a long walk or a hard stool; swelling soreness and itching of labia.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Menorrhagia after a long drive in the cold air; course come on a few days too soon, are copious, especially at night; blood blackish, often in clots, passing off with spasmodic pains in abdomen and hard stools; ACRID BLOOD CAUSES AND BURNING AND EXCORIATED; left ovary swollen and hard.
Ammonium-mur [Am-m]
Hypertrophy and displacement of uterus; menses too early with pain in abdomen and small of back, continuing at night; flow more profuse at night; during menses diarrhoea and vomiting, bloody discharge from bowels; violent flooding during climaxis in delicate, small-built women.
Apis-mell [Apis]
Haemorrhages from uterus coming on one week after menses, menorrhagia with heaviness in abdomen, faintness, uneasiness, restlessness, yawning; red spots on body, stinging like bee- stings, often the RESULT OF ACTIVE CONGESTION OF OVARIES; metrorrhagia with profuse flow of blood; copious menses with discharge of clotted black blood with labor like pains, especially in right ovarian region.
Apocynum-can [Apoc]
Profuse menses lasting eight days, with violent pressing pains, efforts to vomit, great prostration and trembling of the whole body, preceded for a day or two by a moderate discharge; shreds or pieces of membrane come away with the fluid blood; fainting when raising the head from the pillow; haemorrhage ceasing at intervals, always recurs when the vital powers rally; great irritability of the stomach and vomiting; palpitation whenever she attempts to move; pulse feeble and quick; excessive debility.
Aranea-diadema [Aran]
Menorrhagia, anticipating menses, metrorrhagia, bright-colored blood.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Menorrhagia, with cutting pains in the small of back and groin; confusion, dulness and much pain in the head, aggravated by the least movement. A SHORT TIME SEEMS VERY LONG TO HER, and everything done for her seems done so very slowly; belching wind affords marked relief; FLOODING FROM FIBROMA UTERI.
Arnica [Arn]
Metrorrhagia after coition, during pregnancy and from prolapsus uteri; flooding after cases of convulsion, as from a blow or fall or riding over rough roads; blood bright-red or mixed with clots; heat about head, extremities cool; nausea in pit of stomach. Menorrhagia with pain in small of back, extending into the groin and down the inner side of legs down to the toes; tympanitis.
Arsenicum [Ars]
TEDIOUS, LONG CONTINUED FLOODING IN FEEBLE CACHECTIC WOMEN afflicted with rheumatism, disorganization of uterus or ovaries, with great debility, restlessness and lancinating burning pains; uterus larger and softer than usual, with dilated capillaries; APHTHAE IN MOUTH INDICATE THE LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM, the least effort exhaust her; chronic endometritis and passive hyperaemia, based on atony.
Badiaga [Bad]
Marked increase of flow at night with sense of enlargement and fulness of head.
Belladonna [Bell]
Profuse discharge of bright-red blood, which FEELS HOT AS IT ESCAPES FROM THE VULVA; the blood flows PROFUSELY BETWEEN THE AFTER PAINS; VASCULAR excitation, showing itself by throbbing of the carotids, flushed face, red eyes; full bounding pulse; nausea, with rumbling in the whole abdomen, with great weight from above downward; gentle pressure on the uterus causes nausea; there is a wave like feeling and undulating sensation, or pulsating tremor all over the body, from head to foot, a sick pulsation all over the body; painful pressure over the sexual organs, as if all would escape from the vulva, or pain in the back, as if it would break; the blood sometimes has a bad smell; haemorrhage between the periods, with darkness before eyes, yawning, twitching, and convulsive jerking of the arms and fingers; OFFENSIVE METRORRHAGIA; frequently indicated in uterine haemorrhage after labor.
Borax [Bor]
Menses too soon, too profuse, attended with colic and nausea; great nervousness.
Bovista [Bov]
Uterine engorgement. BETWEEN THE PERIODS FLOW OF BLOOD FROM EVERY LITTLE EXERTION; menses too often and too profuse, flowing less during the day, when on her feet and worse at night when lying down; severe neuralgic pains in eyes and temples, accompanied by a sense of enlargement and fulness of the whole head.
Bromium [Brom]
Menses too early and too profuse, of bright-red blood or PASSIVE FLOW WITH MUCH EXHAUSTION, or membranous shreds may pass off, particularly in women with affections of the chest, heart or eyes.
Bryonia [Bry]
Haemorrhage of dark-red blood, with pain in small of back, and headache as if it would split; dry mouth and lips; nausea and faintness on sitting up in bed or after eating.
Cactus-grand [Cact]
METRORRHAGIA IN CLOTS, with bearing-down pains; every throe expels clots of blood; menses are premature as well as too copious; the flow ceases on lying down; cardiac complications; the menses are dark-colored, or black and thick.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Menses too frequent and too copious, amounting almost to menorrhagia; flow provoked by overexertion and by emotions, with aching in vagina; sweating of head and coldness of feet, she wants to be covered up, feels chilly and is oversensitive to draught of air; vertigo on stooping, (

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