– Pulford


Erysipelas, to body; nodes on lower jaw. (L): Cobweb sense; cold, on left side; crusty eruption on corners of mouth; fissured; moist nose; itching pimples; erysipelas, right to left.

Cobweb sense; on face

Odor like urine; sore pain in left side of tongue, on protruding it. (L): Salivation, morning and on stooping. Saliva runs from mouth, morning, and on stooping.

Qualmish, with mucus in Throat; swelling of cervical glands, to shoulder. (L): Constant disposition to swallow, from choking. Constant spasms compelling swallowing, with choking sense.

Aversion to milk, while thinking of it; qualmish, with mucus in throat, rancid eructations, a. eating; as of a lump, pulsating; nausea, from spasms of throat; pain, after boiled meat; gnawing pain before dinner; retching, aggravation empty swallowing. (L): Aversion to fish, salt food and sweets; nausea, from sweets; pain on fasting, amelioration eating. Aversion to meat and to sweets, the latter nauseating and disgusting. Stomach amelioration eating, but colic in abdomen comes on immediately after eating, aggravation below navel. Stomach aggravation cold drinks, amelioration warm milk. Gastralgia, like Pet., to which it is similar. Milk, especially if hot, agrees well.

Aversion to sweets,

Sensitive to clothing, after eating; herpes, in inguinal region; heat, during music; pain in liver, amelioration warm drinks, and, in side not lain on; radiating, burning pain, amelioration motion.

Constipation, instead of menses; burning in fissures and rhagades; cutting morning, in bed. (L): Glutinous moisture. Piles burn, sting; anus sore, aggravation sitting; fissures crack, bleed, ulcerate, itch.

Knotty, united by threads of mucus. (L): Thin, brown, covered with mucus threads. Very thin, like lumbricoidal worms.

Gluey discharge from urethra. Urine grows very turbid and deposits a white sediment.

Hydrocele, with herpetic eruptions; vagina dry, during menses; enlarged ovaries, aggravation every cold; pain in uterus, from reaching up with arms; prolapsed uterus, electric shocks down thighs; swollen ovaries, after menses. (L): Seminal discharge fails, during coition; dropsical swelling of male Genitalia; itching, before menses. Impotence, no sensation during the act, no discharge of semen. Especially adapted to menstrual irregularities in women who are inclined to get fat and have herpetic eruptions. In many respects it resembles Sep. in diseases of women, but it affects the ovaries more markedly than Sep. Profuse excoriating leucorrhoea, in gushes.

Hydrocele,dropsical swelling of male Genitalia.

Voice cracked, on singing. Singers cannot control their vocal cords, get hoarse and the voice cracks when they begin to sing.

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