– Pulford

Eruptions, especially herpetic, that crack and exude a glutinous, honey-like sticky fluid, that are apt to occur especially behind the ears, bends of joints, and with a marked absence of sweat.


Apprehensive, despondent, excitable, irritable and weepy. Constipated. Skin rough, like Sulph. Mucus membranes and lips pale. Weak. Taste as of eggs, morning Nauseated by sweets, which disgust one. Meat aggravation. Sad and foreboding. Excretions, exhalations and secretions offensive. anaemic; chlorotic. In women the menses are late, pale, scanty and watery, and she is constipated. Chilly, always cold, indoors or out. COMMENT.

Anguish, before menses; despair, over trifles; dullness of Mind, after siesta; restless, while sitting at work. (L): Restless, at work; weeping, from music. Grief, even to despair, over the most trifling matters. Restless when attempting close mental work, with dread of it.

weeping, from music.

Scaly eruption, amelioration washing; pressing pain in occiput, to back and chest, at noon, on looking up; sweat on Head, after washing. (L): Moist, glutinous eruption; wens. eruption on occiput and behind ears, oozing a thick, honey like sticky fluid. Intense heavy weight in occiput, as if Head was drawn back, must rest it, unable to read or think.

Intense heavy weight in occiput,

Discharge thin; sneezing, on opening lids; cutting pain, in sunlight; wens; vision vanishes, during menses, or, of zigzags outside the range of vision. (L): Scaly herpes on edges of lids; eczema on lids; outer canthi inflamed; sore, bruised pain in canthi. Eyes lids pale and swollen; lashes become wild, turning towards eyeball, like Bor.; trichinosis. Blepharitis, aggravation canthus, edges tend to crack and bleed. Little cystic tumors on lids, midway between canthi. Discharge thin, Euphr. thick and purulent. No drug has more marked photophobia.

Eyes Discharge thin;

Moist eruption behind left Ear, then right, moist after scratching; crackling noise, morning in bed on moving jaw; snapping, after every eructation; hearing impaired, amelioration noise, or, lost, amelioration riding in carriage. (L): Discharge gluey, sticky; dry; moist sticky eruption, behind ears; cracks behind ears; moist behind ears, roaring noise, at night. The moist, sticky eruption behind Ears often glues ears to head. Tympanum white.

Eruption behind Ear

Dry coryza, before menses, with cough and hoarseness; offensive discharge, during menses; sneezed on opening eyelids. Painfully dry; sore, bruised pain on blowing Nose. Nose pains continually. Epistaxis, 10 evening.

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