
Absinthium [Absin]
Repeated attacks in one day, preceded by terrific hallucination and followed by motor and sensory paralysis; large number of fits recurring in rapid succession; vertigo on rising; momentary unconsciousness; foam at mouth, bites tongue, convulsions begin in face and extend to body and limbs,which are at fist rigid and then affected by clonic spasms, with cyanotic face and stertoris, irregular breathing.
AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]
During epileptoid fit thumbs bent inward, face red, EYES TURNED DOWN (in epilepsy usually turned up), pupils dilated and immovable, white, milky froth before mouth, teeth set, violent convulsions pulse small, temperature normal, followed by great weakness, prostration and sleepiness.
Agaricus [Agar]
(Amanita). Epilepsy with great exertion of strength; from fright, EVERY SEVEN DAYS; he fall sand lies almost motionless;from suppressed eruptions;l the attacks increase at first and lessen gradually; patient feels as if drunken and always sleepy; unconscious and speechless with the convulsions, face blue and puffed,froth at the mouth; sensations as if cold air were spreading from the spine over the body, like an aura.
Alumina [Alum]
THE FITS COME ON WHILE AT STOOL;excited condition of mind and body; involuntary jerks alternating with dull sight, loss of smell, pale face, lassitude and drowsiness.
Ammonium-brom [Am-br]
Frontal headache, suffused eyes, ptosis or convulsive closure of the eyelids; TINNITUS AURUM FROM CONGESTION OF THE LABYRINTH: sense of constriction about the head and chest; fingers, stiff, numb, swollen, blue under nails; pain from nape to occiput; hot flushes and cold chills; weariness. Scrofula with tetanic convulsions,ending in full epilepsy.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Tetanic or epileptic or epileptic convulsions from VIOLENT CEREBRAL IRRITATION, he feels as if head would burst, with sense of oppressive fulness, () from pressure, in warm room; hysteria.
Amyl-nitrite [Aml-n]
Muscular twitching in legs, arms and face, followed by sense of fullness of had, flushing of face, violent palpitation of heat and unconsciousness; mental confusion and a dreamlike state; haunted many times a day by an indescribable dread and sensation of the coming fit; profound and repeated yawning during unconsciousness; succession of fits, with increasing frequency, before one fit; profound and repeated yawning during unconsciousness; succession of fits, with increasing frequency, before one fit ceases another one begins.
Argentum-met [Arg-m]
Spasms simulating loose of epilepsy, followed by delirious rage; patient jumps about and tries to strikes those near him; severe headache, gradually increasing and then suddenly ceasing, with vertigo; spasmodic twitching of heart-muscle, particularly when patient is lying on his back; followed by general debility, chiefly in the joints.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
FOR DAYS OR HOURS AN ATTACK THE PUPILS ARE DILATED; after the attack patient is very restless and has trembling of head. Epilepsy from fright or in that which comes on DURING MENSTRUATION; natural epilepsy, followed by debility for several days; gloomy, dull, wishes to do nothing for fear of an attack.
Arsenicum-album [Ars]
Vertigo and intense aching in occiput precede the fit, which is followed by stupor, broken by restlessness; spasms precede by burning heat of the whole body, or by a SENSATION OF WARM AIR STREAMING UP THE SPINE INTO THE HEAD, vertigo, loss of consciousness and falling down (Calc. ars.).
Artemisia-vulgaris [Art-v]
Very much vexed, irritable, depressed during the day before a fit at night; FITS BROUGHT ON BY VIOLENT EMOTIONS, especially by fright; several convulsions come close together and then a long interval of rest, paroxysms usually followed by sleep; mental powers gradually become extinct with the epileptic fits; insensibility after the fit, left pupil more dilated than the right, mouth to left, laceration of o tongue, urine increased;violent cramps in abdomen; irregular, insufficient catamenia;PETIT MAL,PATIENT IS UNCONSCIOUS ONLY FOR A FEW SECONDS OR MINUTES AND then continues his occupation; unconscious of anything usual having happened.
Asterias-rubens [Aster]
Twitching over whole body, several days before the attack, pale face,sudden falling, convulsive motions of jaw, froth at the mouth, shocks in limbs, loss of consciousness, livid face; after attack prostration and anxiety in upper part of abdomen or does not lose consciousness (?) but has hallucinations as if away from home, in the midst of strangers, hears voices, to which he replies; easily excited by an emotion, especially by contradiction; violent pressure upon anterior lobes of brain, extending beneath the eyes; pallor of face, and jaws set while unconscious after attack great debility with sense of distress in epigastrium.
Belladonna [Bell]
FRESH CASES OF EPILEPSY, with decided brain symptoms: there is aura as if a mouse were running over an extremity, or of heat rising from the stomach, or illusions of sight or heating, convulsions commence in upper extremities and extend to the mouth, face and eyes; spasms in the larynx and fauces,with a peculiar clutching of the throat during the fit; inability to swallow and danger of suffocations; foam at the mouth; involuntary micturition and defaecation; oppression to he chest and anxious breathing; the spasms are excited again by the least touch; great anxiety, ear, frightful visions.
Bufo-sah [Bufo-s]
AURA STARTS FROM SEXUAL ORGANS OR FROM SOLAR PLEXUS; epilepsy from onanism, longs for solitude to give himself up to his vice; after fright;l fit during coition, wick ejaculation without pleasure, with spasms and painful weariness of limbs epileptic aura from uterus to stomach, menses suppressed, or fits worse at times of menses in sleep, followed by severe pain and pressure on top of head, face bathed in sweat during the fit. Severe cases head drawn to one side, then backward before the fit, with numbness of brain, falls down unconscious, with a wild cry, followed by severe tonic and clonic spasms, distorted facial muscles, grinding of teeth, foaming at mouth, ending in loud snoring sleep. Angry disposition, occipital compression and stiff neck before paroxysms; extreme continual sensation of coldness; ABDOMINAL EPILEPSY.
Calcarea-ars [Calc-ar]
Epilepsy proceeding from CARDIAC AFFECTIONS, commencing with a pain in heat of constriction, rush of blood to the head loss of speech and unconsciousness; more in daytime, (>) on lying down; bodily and mental relaxation.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Aids in CHANGING THE CONSTITUTION. Aura may begin in solar plexus and move upward or downward into the uterus and limbs., In some cases aura causes a feeling as if a mouse were running up the arm Epilepsy at the age of puberty or from irregular menstruation; even in children irritation of sexual organs, child plays with penis and has constant erections, leading to onanism; fits (

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