
Aconite [Acon]
Acute cases in plethoric persons; fine prickings, as from needles, here and there; spots like flea-bites, itching unchanged by scratching; restlessness.
AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]
Tetters bleed easily in children during dentition; eruption, itching and burning in bed, during heat.
Alumina [Alum]
Humid scurf, scab, sore, worse about temples, with gnawing, itching, bleeding when scratched, () in open air heat of bed, at new and full moon, from eating new potatoes; (>) in open air (Bar.c.); or hard crust upon scalp, nails brittle,DRY SKIN, EVEN IN HOT WEATHER; every little bruise smarts. Skin feels as if white of egg had dried on its surface.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Eczema on the bends of the extremities; excoriations between the thighs and about genitals, () only by applying cold water day and night; anxious dreams with feelings of embarrassment; (

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