
Aletris-far [Alet]
Flatulent colic in week, emaciated persons; least food distress the stomach; Obstinate dyspepsia, constipation.
Ammonium-carb [Am-c]
Abdomen painfully distended, rumbling and pain in bowels; great flatulency, especially evening, very foetid flatus.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Stomach seems as if it would burst with wind, accompanied with grate desire to belch, which is accomplished with difficulty, when the air rushes out with great violence; a small spot, very sensitive to pressure, between xiphoid process and navel, and pains spreading from there all over; very noisy discharge of flatus downward.
Arnica [Arn]
Stomach distended with wind, , pressure on praecordia, oppression of chest, foul belching, () from external pressure; causes fainting.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Flatulency with gurgling in right side of abdomen; incarcerated flatus with distention and colicky pains; emaciated everywhere except abdomen; mesenteric glands hard and swollen.
Capsicum [Caps]
Excessive distension of abdomen about two hours after a meal (Lyc., immediately); flatulence and wind colic; suffocative arrest of breathing.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Gastralgia, especially when there is much flatus with a burning ache;stomach feels tense and full abdomen full to bursting;, pain flatus hot, moist, offensive, faeces escape with flatus; consequences of high living.
Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac]
Constant belching up of wind from stomach; acid eructations and formation of gas, () only by being doubled, () by flatus; great heaviness of the bloated abdomen; frequent ineffectual urging, with small stools or only flatus.
Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]
Nervous flatulence, with loud discharges, preventing patient from going into any society.
Mancinella [Manc]
HOT ERUCTATIONS DURING EXPIRATION, with an oppressed feeling; burning in a stomach and throat with nausea; distension of abdomen,. fulness in rectum with feeling in stomach; increased emission of flatus.
Momordica-bals [Mom-b]
Accumulation of flatus in the splenic flexure of the colon; flatulence upward and downward.
Natrum-carb [Nat-c]
Sour-smelling and foetid flatus, faeces escape hard, bloated swollen abdomen; flatus; frequent ineffectual urging to stool, alternately with liquid stools; weak digestion; palpitation, dyspnoea and shortness of breath, (>) by motion, pressing and rubbing.
Natrum-mur [Nat-m]
Violent hiccough;sour eructations and malaise after eating;fermentation and incarceration of flatus; wants to pass wind, but fears faeces might escape; foul flatus.
Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]
Belching after eating, eructations tasteless or sour; rumbling in ascending colon; much wind is passed with the stools, especially forenoon.
Nux-moschata [Nux-m]
Excessive distension of abdomen;cutting and pinching pain about navel; wind in the womb (Lyc) ;great dryness of mouth and throat, no thirst, appetite capricious; great bloating of stomach, oppressing heart and lungs with pain behind sternum, often causes by UNPLEASANT MENTAL EMOTIONS; constant desire for highly seasoned food.
Nux-vomica [Nux-v]
Pressure towards head and chest; oppression of chest; sour or bitter eructations; putrid in the morning; pressure under short ribs, as from incarcerated flatulence, () from hard pressure.
Pothos-foetidus [Ictod]
(Symphoricarpus foet.) – Inflation and tension in abdomen; BELLYACHE HER AND THERE IN SINGLE SPOTS; on walking feelings as if the bowels shook, without pain.
Psorinum [Psor]
Eructations tasting like rotten eggs; sour, rancid; colicky pains, (>) passing foetid flatus; normal stool, but passed in a great hurry, with quantity of flatus; pain in abdomen while riding.
Pulsatilla [Puls]
Flatulent colic, evening after dinner and at night; oppressive flatulence in upper abdomen and hypochondria; shifting of flatus; gnawing distress when stomach is empty.
Raphanus-sat [Raph]
Sanguinaria [Sang]
FLATUS UPWARD AND DOWNWARD RELIEVE THE COUGH; flatulent distension of abdomen in evening, with escape of flatus from vagina.
Sepia [Sep]
Flatulence after eating ever so little; eructations sour, tasting like rotten eggs; painful sensation of emptiness in stomach and abdomen rumbling in abdomen, especially after; profuse emission of foetid flatus upward and downward, but eructations afford no relief.
Staphisagria [Staph]
HOT AND FOETID FLATUS, smelling like rotten eggs; stool retarded, but soft, escape with the flatus; a feeling of weakness in abdomen, as if it would drop, wants to hold it up. Sulphur of Anilin-EXCESSIVE FLATULENCE; loathing, disagreeable taste, costiveness; flatulent distension from pears, fruit, cabbage, etc.
Sulphur [Sulph]
Flatulence, with distension of abdomen, constant rumbling in bowels; with relief by passing wind upward or downward; accumulation of flatus in sigmoid flexure; after eating but little feeling fullness in stomach (Chin, Carb.,v., Lyc.), empty eructations as soon as he presses on stomach; suppressed skin eruptions.
Zincum-met [Zinc]
Flatulent colic, especially evenings;with sensation of pressure and tension in abdomen; expulsion of hot, foetid flatus;violent itching tingling at the anus.

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

Nice post, kind of drawn out though. Really good subject matter though.