
Abrotanum [Abrot]
Diarrhoea for several days, STOPPING SUDDENLY OR BEING CHECKED, FOLLOWED BY RHEUMATISM; food passes undigested; alternate diarrhoea and constipation.
Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]
DIARRHOEA IN PHTHISIS, typhoid fever, dentition, heat of summer; stools liquid, undigested, profuse, watery, light-colored; painful or not, but followed by great exhaustion; great thirst and profuse urination; skin pale and waxen; debility; poor sleep. The patient often lies on abdomen to obtain relief; chronic diarrhoea of children with marasmus and great emaciation; swelling of feet and legs.
Aconite [Acon]
Watery, black, green stools, like chopped spinach; bilious diarrhoea of infants, with colic, which no position relieves; corrosive and slimy stools, small, frequent, involuntary; stool when passing flatus; before stool cutting pain, anguish and sweat, during stool cutting pains, trembling, tenesmus, sweat; after stool relief, except the anguish and fear. Diarrhoea from checked perspiration during heat of summer, with cold nights, from anger and fright.
Aesculus-hip [Aesc]
Diarrhoea, the desire to have the bowels moved coming on suddenly, preceded by passage of flatus and followed by pain in abdomen and eructations tasting of the ingesta. CHRONIC DIARRHOEA, first part hard and back, then evacuation yellow, thin or brown and mushy or white or natural in color, accompanied by severe lumbar and sacral pains, weakness, tenesmus and most unpleasant sensation in rectum and anus. Nervous prostration, weariness and sleepiness, pale face, liver complaint, haemorrhoids.
Aethusa-cyn [Aeth]
Green, thin, bilious discharges, with violent tenesmus before and after stool; bright-yellow or greenish-watery, slimy stools, with crying and drawing up of feet in children; stools of partly digested food, shortly after meal or at night; loose stool, preceded by cutting in abdomen, with tenesmus, mornings, after rising.
Agaricus [Agar]
DIARRHOEA IN WET WEATHER, mostly mornings, after rising and eating, with much rumbling; stools thin, yellow, faecal, slimy, with pinching and cutting in abdomen before stool and smarting in anus afterwards, crampy colic and passing of inodorous flatus or of garlic smell, STOOLS HAVE AN ABOMINABLE STENCH; drowsy in daytime; hard stool, then loose and finally diarrhoea; increased micturition even with the diarrhoea; great debility; chronic diarrhoea.
Aloe [Aloe]
WANT OF CONFIDENCE IN SPHINCTER ANI; urging to stool continuously, worse immediately after eating, feeling of fulness and weight in the pelvis, with passage of urine, only hot flatus passes, giving relief, but burning in anus afterwards. Difficulty to retain faeces, even a well-formed stool passes unnoticed, when walking or standing. Profuse watery diarrhoea, accompanied by wind, containing lumps of jellylike mucus, looking like frog- spawn; DIARRHOEA DRIVING OUT OF BED VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING (Sulph.); stools yellow, faecal, bright-yellow, bilious, great rumbling in bowels, escape of large quantities of offensive flatus, (

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