– Jan Scholten


Baryta Phosphorica

Ridiculed Communication

Small, futile Sympathetic

Retarded Friends, acquaintances, neighbours

Hiding Brothers

Shyness Homesickness

Language and learning

Curiosity and travel

Restlessness and fears

Group analysis

In Baryta phosphorica the feeling of being ridiculed is focused on the area of learning and communication. As a child they are very afraid of not being able to learn well. They only manage to do their schoolwork with difficulty and they feel very unsure about it. They may try to hide this, but they may also start to ask for help. They go to the teacher for every little question they can think of, asking all the time if they did it right. If all attempts to keep up fail, they prefer to leave school and stay at home. The group analysis shows us another variation on the theme as well: the fear that people will laugh at them because of their brother or their friends. If they have a mentally retarded brother or sister, for instance, they will soon notice that the outside world reacts to this in a negative way. People might laugh at his brother who won’t be able to defend himself. This makes them extremely sensitive to such mocking and disrespectful behaviour. They will try very hard to include their brother in their group of friends. If the situation gets worse and they notice that they are being ridiculed themselves for having such a brother, they will start to hide this fact. They might even start to avoid meeting other people, in case they discover this fact. Yet another variation on the theme can be that they are very sensitive to any contact where someone is the victim of ridicule. They can’t tolerate any bossy or contemptuous behaviour, either towards themselves or to their friends. They simply cannot cope with it. If other people express themselves forcefully they are completely dumbfounded. They will not be able to utter a word in reply. They feel that contact between people should be soft and gentle. Because they are so sympathetic they can’t bear it if they see others being belittled or laughed at. They always support the underdog. They will try to include the victim in the group again. This sort of behaviour will attract friends who are ‘social underdogs’. They will often make friendships with mentally or physically handicapped people.


(taken by Anton Kramer)

A woman, aged 47, comes with the complaint of urticaria.

She is a very warm and lively person. Her gestures, during talking, are graceful and sometimes rather helpless at the same time. Her face is full of expression, while her mouth moves rather nervously. A little while ago she was very depressed. She had problems at school where she works as a teacher. She says in a tiny little voice ‘I don’t want to go to school anymore’. There was a conflict with the staff about a pupil who didn’t do his work. At first the head of department supported her in this matter, but suddenly he changed his attitude and told her that she asked too much of this pupil. The reason behind this conflict was that the staff were afraid that they soon wouldn’t have enough pupils left. She did not understand this attitude. Another colleague had told her to bang her fist on the table, but she couldn’t do this, did not know how to. She doesn’t understand why people are so hard and matter-of-fact with each other. She herself is very sympathetic. She likes having contact with people. She has to learn to shut herself off from the hard, outside world. She says: ‘When they don’t like me, it feels as if I don’t exist anymore’, and ‘It looks as if I am a naive little idiot’. She has very little feeling of self worth. Sometimes she is even surprised if someone recognises her in the street, ‘because I am really nobody’. She has joined a group for intuitive self-development and sacred dancing. That is where she meets other people who are sensitive too. Childhood: As a child she received little appreciation or compliments. Her mother was an extremely anxious woman. She has always given her mother a lot of help and support, but often felt ‘Why do you give me nothing in return?’ She is still unmarried.

Temperature: cold (3).

Desires: fruit, cake, nuts, bread, yoghurt. Thirsty (2).

Aversion: ‘a slice of cow’.


There are quite a few reasons to prescribe Baryta: naive, ‘being nobody’, feeling inferior, cold. In addition we can also see some symptoms of Phosphorus: sympathetic, lively, intuitive self development, thirsty. Her whole being shows both elements to be present. It is not immediately clear why we should give the combination Bar-phos. We could just give Bar-c first, followed by Phos later on as a complementary remedy. Yet the indication for the combination Bar-p can be found in her great sensitivity to the way that people treat each other. She feels that people are too hard on each other, don’t take feelings into account, in other words people disrespect each other, they think the other person is worth nothing.


After Bar-p 1 M an old problem of pains in the groin came back. After that she felt more quiet and relaxed. She became less strict with herself regarding the process of her cure. She has regained confidence in the possibility of cure. She also doesn’t feel obliged to live according to the rules anymore. She allows herself to have fun and enjoyment. She did know that in theory already, but now she really feels it. The urticaria improved after a short time. After a while she had a dream of a self- possessed young woman of 17, who effortlessly solved all her problems by herself. She feels that she is moving towards the centre of her own life.

Picture of Baryta phosphorica

Essence: the idea that they are insignificant and small in the area of learning or communication.

Mind: They feel very inferior in their contact with other people. They let themselves be bullied, because they don’t know how to answer back. People just walk over them. This is their weak point. They can’t bear it when people are hard and matter-of-fact with each other, instead of soft and gentle. They are very sympathetic themselves. They have a special soft spot for the ‘black sheep’, the underdog, the person who gets excluded by society.

They know very well themselves how it feels to be excluded. They may have experienced a similar situation with a friend or a brother who is physically or mentally handicapped. They feel the pain of their friend or brother when people laugh at them. Because of their sympathetic attitude, taking up the defence of the underdog, they will gather friends around them who are retarded or in one way or another excluded from society.

They often have learning difficulties themselves. They feel that they do everything wrong at school. They feel insecure and helpless and may ask the teacher for support with every little trifle. Or they may feel so stupid that they don’t want to go to school at all.

General characteristics:

Location: right sided.

Temperature: cold, (

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