-Jan Scholten

Baryta iodata is mainly known as a good remedy against arteriosclerosis. Its chemical formula is Bar-I.


Baryta Iodata

Powerless Loss of talent

Small Forgetful

Ridiculed Obsessive

Retarded Humour

Timid No ideals

Hiding Right of existence Food Emigration Moving house Fleeing Restlessness Prison

Group analysis

Powerless to exert the right to exist.

Ridiculous when they let go of their inspiration

Ridiculous when the don’t have any ideals.

Ridiculed for their loss of talent.

Ridiculed for their forgetfulness.

Hiding the fact that they have no ideals.

Hiding obsessive behaviour.

Lack of power hidden behind a facade of humour.

Embarrassed by other peoples humour.

Powerless and obsessive.

Ridiculed as an immigrant.

Picture of Baryta iodata

Essence: powerless to exert the right to exist.

Powerless to exert the right to exist

They feel too small and too weak to exert their rights. They feel hurried and sense that something can go wrong any moment, something so terrible that it will threaten their very existence.

And they are unable to do anything to prevent it. They seek support from their friends and superiors to keep this feeling of powerlessness at bay. Or they obsessively stick to fixed patterns, just to have something to hold on to.

Ridiculed if they don’t have their own ideals They feel they should know what is best for them, which ideals to follow in life, which philosophy to choose. But they have no faith in any of these ideals, they think they might as well give up on these ideas because it wont give them any strength anyway.

But the knowledge that they daren’t take a stand for anything makes them feel weak and ridiculous. So they neither have a vision to hold on to, nor do they have the strength to assert themselves.

Ridiculed for their restlessness

Their uncertainty makes them restless and they are always busy trying to hide the fact that they simply don’t know what to do.

They are impatient and can’t afford to lose time, things can go wrong any minute. They look for work that involves a lot of stress so they can get rid of their restless energy. They are very nervous, always on the go. But they are also afraid that their restlessness looks strange and that people will laugh at them because they are so forgetful or so obsessed with their activities.

Hiding behind obsessive behaviour

They tend to hide their obsessive behaviour out of fear of being laughed at. They also hide the way they look at life and the fact that they don’t have any firm ideals anymore.

Powerlessness hidden behind humour

They try to hide their powerlessness and their shyness behind a facade of humour. If they make enough jokes people might no notice that they never stick up for themselves.

Embarrassed by other peoples humour

But they get very upset when they are at the receiving end of little jokes and teasing remarks. It makes them think that people are laughing at them and that they are not worth being taken seriously. It makes them feel acutely embarrassed, they will probably start blushing and this makes it even worse. They will desperately try to hide this.

Ridiculed as immigrants

If the ridicule at work becomes too much to bear they will want to escape. They will want to move house or even emigrate.

Anything to try and build up a new existence where they wont be laughed at or spurned. But they don’t have the strength to set it in motion. They feel powerless to undertake a journey, let alone a move to another country. And if they do succeed they still feel that they are being treated as the stupid immigrant who hasn’t a clue about their new country.


Fears: heights, falling, murder, death, suicide, heart disease, stroke, insanity, people, crowds, religious, devil, God, failure, narrow spaces, shows, performances, speeches, disasters, accidents, evil, hunger, trifles, present, future, disease, doctors, becoming insane from having to sit still, touched, approached, held, people, buildings, water, work; (

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-Boericke W.

-Iodide of Baryta.

Acts on the lymphatic system, INCREASED LEUCOCYTOSIS. QUINSY. INDURATED GLANDS, ESPECIALLY TONSILS AND BREASTS. Strumous ophthalmia, with tumefaction of cervical glands and stunted growth. Tumors.
Compare: Acon. lycotonum (swelling of cervical, axillary, and mammary glands). Lapis; Con. Merc. iod.; Carbo an.
Second and third trituration.

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