-Jan Scholten

Aurum sulphuricum has not been described yet as a homoeopathic remedy. Its chemical formula is Au2(SO4)3. We do have some information about Aurum sulphuratum, Au2S3. Lassauw (1993) was the first one to write extensively about Aurum sulphuricum.


Aurum Sulphuricum

Holding on to power Love

responsible Marriage Partner

Conservative Self love Egotism

Protector Shepherd Jealousy

Guardian Joy Wellbeing

Dropping Ditching Harmony Aesthetic





Group analysis

Responsible leadership in order to preserve love.

Holding on to power at the cost of losing your lover.

Protecting your partner.

Responsible as a partner.

Using love to protect others.

Protective love.

Ditching your lover.

Neglect after you have been let down.

Picture of Aurum sulphuricum

Essence: responsible leadership in order to preserve love.

Responsible leadership to preserve love

They feel responsible for a good relationship, especially the relationship with their partner. They want to maintain a feeling of love and harmony with their relatives and partner, and also at work. A harmonious atmosphere is very important to them. They feel personally responsible to maintain this atmo-sphere. They expect a lot of themselves and of others.

Using love to protect others

They feel responsible for the wellbeing of all the people who work for them. They want them to be able to work in harmony and happiness. This desire may even go so far that they feel responsible for the personal happiness of all the employees. In order to achieve this they like to become a member of the board of directors, so that they can use their influence to safeguard this atmosphere.

Holding on to power at the cost of losing your lover

A variation on this theme is that they’ll work so hard that there is no time for love. They feel so responsible for the wellbeing of the organisation that their private life gets neglected and they may lose their lover.

Responsible as a partner

They feel responsible for their partner and are very protective towards them. They also feel responsible for their marriage and may even want to keep it intact when there is very little love left between the two partners.

Ditched by their lover

If their partner breaks off the relationship they feel as if they are being dropped into a deep hole. They were so committed to the relationship and have worked so hard to keep it intact that they can’t understand why their partner is quitting. They feel deeply hurt. They may get this same feeling if their partner dies, as if they are being let down by outside circumstances.

Neglecting yourself after you have been let down

They might not succeed in keeping the peace in the end. They are too serious and too absorbed by their work to be able to create a gentle and loving atmosphere. The lack of love and warmth makes them feel lonely. They feel let down by their partner or their friends who have deserted them and it hurts their pride. They start to neglect themselves, get depressed, wear depressing clothes and even commit suicide.


Fears: heights, falling, murder, being murdered, death, suicide, heart disease, stroke, insanity, crowds, people, religious, salvation, conscience, devil, God, poverty, dirt, ugliness.

Dreams: heights, falling, erotic, death, killing, fire, fantastic, dark, quarrels, burglars, accidents, offence, violence.

Delusions: superior, alone, mania; neglecting his duty.

Irritability: critical, angry, (

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