-Jan Scholten

Baryta bromata has not been written about before. Its chemical formula is Babr.


Baryta Bromata

Powerless Finishing work

Little Redundancy Pension

Ridiculed Forced labour

Retarded Guilt Fault

Timid Passion Aggression

Hiding Psychosis



Group analysis

Ridiculed for your mistakes.

Powerless to prevent mistakes.

Hiding your aggression and instincts.

Hiding your mistakes.

Embarrassed because of other peoples mistakes.

Retarded and psychotic.

Ridiculed for their psychosis.

Picture of Baryta bromata

Essence: you are ridiculous if you make mistakes.

Powerless to prevent mistakes

They feel they are always making mistakes, there is simply nothing they can do to avoid it, they are completely powerless.

Even when they are doing well they still think they are doing it wrong. This feeling gets even stronger when they are faced with a new task. Anything that is new makes them feel out of control.

New people make them feel more inferior and less able to cope.

Ridiculed for their mistakes

They are very afraid of being laughed at because of all the mistakes they are making. Even when someone just looks at them they think they are being ridiculed. Every mistake is bound to invite derisive laughter from everyone around. A typical situation where this feeling can be expected is in a school where they are newcomers and they have to learn how things are done.

They need a lot of support and encouragement, because they are sure that the others think they are stupid. They can easily become the laughing stock of the school. They are incapable of putting up a fight against the school bullies, they might even attract this sort of situation. Later on in life they might come up against similar circumstances, where everybody at work takes the mickey out of them because of their clumsiness.

Embarrassed because of other peoples mistakes A variation on this theme is that they are very concerned for other people who make mistakes and become the object of ridicule.

They really feel for these people and try and stick up for them wherever they can. They feel sympathy for people who cannot cope with the cruelty of modern day society, people who end up in a psychiatric hospital because they can’t handle the rat race. They may go and work in a psychiatric hospital to help these types of people.

Ridiculed for their psychosis

They may end up needing psychiatric treatment themselves because of failure, or ridicule or of being excluded by society. They get overstressed and feel that everyone looks down on them because they can’t cope. They also feel they have no control over their emotions and are prey to the most primitive instincts.

Hospitalisation only worsens the problem because then they feel that everyone will talk about the fact that they have had psychiatric treatment. A person who has been in a psychiatric hospital must be weak and unable to cope, such a person is bound to be aggressive and unable to control his sexual instincts, so they think.


Fears: heights, falling, murder, death, suicide, heart disease, stroke, insanity, people, crowds, religious, devil, God, failure, criticism, opposition, observed, anticipation, alone, dark, ghosts, water.

Dreams: height, falling, futile efforts, paralysis, anger, dead people, fights, death, funerals, travelling.

Delusions: superior, alone; mania, somebody looking over their shoulder, being pursued, fasting, becoming insane, travelling, ghosts.

Irritability: quarrelsome, anger, shouting, (), () open air; (

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