– Tarkas P. and Ajit Kulkarni.

Loepard’s Bane



C.-S. System, motor parts






Neuro- musculatures

Serous tissues

Cellular tissue

Digestive system

Glands; adrenal

Blood vessels; veins


One side;

L.upper, r. lower


Weather: Wet cold

Cloudy cold

Sudden cooling (chest)

Sun (head).Heat (head)

Small hours of morning (2-3,4,6)



Sleep, during and after

Lying on l. side

Motion: train-or sea- sickness

Touch. Noise (pains)

Depressing factors:

Injuries (Bruises. Sprains


Labor. Overexertion- work

Hurrying. Bites.Stings


Mental strain / trauma:

Fright. Shock. Anger etc.

Poisoning : Quinine. Aspirin Alcohol

Depleting factors:


Abuse of sex (impotence)


Clear cool weather

Open air

Cold bath

Warm applications

Warm food


Sitting erect


Lying outstretched with head low

Changing position


Rheumatic. Stressed. Sensitive. Torpid. Overworked

Sore. Shocked. Paralytic. Scorbutic. Aged. Plethoric

Venous. Calcareous. Degenerative. Offensive.

Septic. Soporous. Concreting. Hemorrhagic

Highlights : Injuries : Anywhere from head to foot, external or internal. Bruises. Concussions. Torn fibres. Surgery; nerve injuries. Bullet injuries. Compound fractures with suppuration (burrowing pus; also a prophylactic thereof). Shock of injury, of operation (Acet-ac.), bee – sting, vaccination, rabid bite (non- poisonous), injection, burn: a frightened state, with stunned fixed gaze, convulsive trembling, cold sweat and surface etc., indicative of a depressed vitality (Camph.); coma; typhoid state; internal hemorrhages.Traumatic congestions and inflammations. Incomplete recovery from injuries, even of long ago.

Bruised, sore feeling all over, even to touch, with restlessness; keeps moving from place to place in search of a softer spot.Tired feeling as after hard work. Lassitude.Great desire to stretch.Torpidity;exhaustion and torpor, from continuous exposure to Sun, injury or failure of vital powers.

Make-up : Nervous, apprehensive persons who cannot stand pain (Cham.), or a trifling shock; with sensitive surface. The aged, laborers, gardners with rheumatic pains or “bruise of many days” (Shakespeare).The sanguine, plethoric, with red face and with a tendency to hemorrhages.The debilitated, with impoverished blood (acting but feebly in such people, however). Injury constitution (Gutman).


Pains : Sudden. Muscular rheumatic, paralytic or neuralgic (myalgias). Sore. Stitches. Constrictions (Cact.). Clavus pains. tearing, wrenching pains. Cramps in (l.) fingers, toes. Neuralgias from disturbed vagus with cutting etc.

Numbness : Of bruised parts, legs, feet, toes. Formication in contused part. Tingling : in nose, vertebral column (in myelitis), from jerking or treading.

Trembling; convulsive T. after shock; T. of lower lip. Nervous shuddering. Convulsive shaking.

Traumatic chorea, or even tetanus (Hypr.). Periodic convulsions resembling epilepsy, after trauma; C. with asphyxia, end with a cough. Locomotor ataxia.

Weakness. Great sudden sinking of strength (Ran-b.); while walking feels as if suddenly blighted with old age; tottering debility after sex (esp. of the aged or decrepit).Failure of vital powers (Kali-ph.); vital depression from exposure to Sun (Cact., Lach.). Collapse after a fall. Lameness; of fingers, knees.

A paralytic depressant on a rheumatic base.

Paraplegia from concussion of spine, “railway spine” (Hyp.). L.hemiplegia (apoplectic); r. from cold wet exposure. Paralysis: from a blow; from exudation in brain or spine. Spinal paralysis.

Tissues Inflammations: idiopathic; traumatic.

Muscles: Myalgias from overstraining healthy muscles or mild straining of weak muscles.Various pains.

Joints : Sprained pains. Sensitive. Stiff. Painful or paralytic lameness. Arthritis after injury. Gout (also associated renal gravel; tartar on teeth probable). To absorb debris, pathogenetic tissues (Kali-i.).

Glands: Swelling of cervical,salivary. Adrenal (which controls metabolism) malfunction (Lyc.).

Blood : Scurvy. Congestions. Septicaemia: affected part sensitive, ecchymose spots, pus burrows deep, steeple chase temperature, profuse sweat. Burrowing abscesses (Kali-bi.). Extravasations. Infiltrations. Petechiae. Hematocele. Hematoma. Gangrene;traumatic. Pernicious anemia. Varicose veins and ulcers.As a prophylactic also of pyemia. Hemorrhages from nose, bowels, lungs (Acaly-ind.).

Dropsy : Hydrocephalus. Eyelids. Ankles to toes. Anasarca. Cardiac D.

Tumors, even scirrhous, after injury. Brain tumors. Cysts.

Incipient tissue degeneration. Malignancy : scirrhous mammae.

Discharges: Offensive (coryza?), breath, taste, eructations, flatus, stool, urine, leucorrhea, expectoration, sweat, ulcers. Bloody. Brown. Involuntary.


1. Suddenness : Sudden horror of instant death or something very terrible, with cardiac distress at night; wakes in terror and springs up from bed; even though there may be no real alarm; while asleep sudden indescribable unpleasant sensations in trunk wake him up in horror, a status anginosus; sudden chest or precordial pains.Sudden stabbing pains on both sides of chest preventing breathing. Sudden congestive attacks.Suddenly shifting joint or paralytic pains. Sudden sinking of strength. Sudden Bell’s palsy; chill; fever.

2. Alternating symptoms : Mental and uterine. Headache and anal (uterine) prolapse.Heart and head symptoms.

Select Particulars

Mind : Psychogenic troubles (a sort of mental or microtrauma): sudden grief, shock (of bereavement, or financial or status loss), a bad news, a fit of remorse, an air-raid (and a police- raid too), may have a stunning (even collapsing) effect. Delirium, or even stupefaction after a trauma, a micro- trauma (like exposure to Sun); during prodrome or in a continued fever. Brainfags of professionals (Con.).

Multiple fears: of being struck or touched; of being approached; of sickness; of instant death, with cardiac distress at night; of space; on awakening; of crowds; public places; of surgery (Pyro.).Easily frightened; from trifling causes.

Mentally apathetic but physically restless. Says nothing is wrong with him. Forgetful, of what he has read. Hypochondriacal. Foolish gaiety, levity and mischievousness.

Fear of being approached is expressed as () lying (>) motion

7. Sensitiveness more Tiredness more marked marked

8. Suddenness, acuity and Chronicity more shock marked

9. Sepsis, typhoid states Secretions not more marked viciated

10.Pus : bloody, fetid Pus : acrid

Antidote to : Am-c., Chin., Cic., Ferr., Ign., Ip., Seneg., alcohol, Charcoal, vapour.

Antidoted by : Aco., Ars., Camph., Chin., Ign., Ip.

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by Pierce W.I.


The origin of the word arnica is not known. Another term is the mountains tobacco of central Europe, but it is used as a medicine simply. Hahnemann advised the making of the tincture from the whole plant when near its flowering time (Mat. Med. Pura). The Am. Homoeo. Phar. directs that the tincture be made by using two pars of the root and one part each of the leaves and flowers, after having removed from the latter the larvae of the arnica fly. Hering says that “one of the first provings of Hahnemann was made from the Arnica root” and that the most wonderful results were obtained from the root. He also says, the “many reports so- called poisonings have been given in the journals” that probably” were the result of tincture made from the flowers, containing the arnica fly. Nearly all flowers in the shops contain eggs, worms, or the excrements and other remains of the worms or the pupae; and all this acts similarly to Cantharides.” Neither the insect nor the eggs have been proved by themselves.
The best known effect of Arnica is its remedies action in mechanical injuries. Hahnemann tells us that this property was known two hundred years before he proved the remedy and that the result of his proving simply corroborated it. Arnica for injuries (26) is the most prominent symptom and it is of equal value whether the injury is of recent origin or when it is remote, such as affections of the head or mind, appearing long after a blow or fall involving the head, or in children suffering from some paralytic or other condition, due, perhaps, to the application of forceps at the time of birth. A sore, bruised sensation (166), over the whole body or over a single part, is another pronounced symptom. This sensation is similar to that resulting from an injury, and we would think of Arnica whether it was a sensation simply or a reality. While the application of Arnica for the results of injuries covers a wide range; a few of the recent conditions only will be mentioned, as a guide in its selection : Blows, concussions and injuries by blunt instruments; muscular soreness; after operations, from manipulation of the parts; muscular pains and soreness after over-exertion and where unused muscles have been brought into play; palpitation and pain about the heart the result of excessive straining; meningitis and meningeal irritation the result of concussion; toothache after a filling or from a wedge; haematuria, uterine disorders and haemorrhages after mechanical injuries, including coition; threatened abortion (13) after a fall or a blow; after childbirth, especially if the forceps have been used, for the sore, bruised sensations and conditions. Hahnemann says : “The best preparation of this medicine for internal use is the decillionth development of power ” (30th). He also says: ” In severe and extensive contusion-injuries the cure is very much promoted when in addition to a small dose of Arnica taken internally….the parts are also for the first twenty-four hours externally moistened” with a solution of five or ten drops of Arnica 1st to a pint of water. (Ask surgeons concerning the bad effects of a too strong solution of Arnica locally and note if in part it is not due to drug-store tincture.) While it is perfectly right to use a remedy locally that we are giving internally we must keep i mind that if we use Arnica locally and another remedy internally, we are not practicing homoeopathy any more than if we should alternate remedies. Arnica has a pronounced effect upon the blood where there is a general tendency to disorganization, with the resulting haemorrhage of dark venous blood; and it is to be thought of not only for the condition that will result in easy bleeding, but also as a remedy to hasten the absorption of the blood, for example, in apoplexy (18), haemorrhage in the conjunctive or retina (74), purpura haemorrhagica (158), etc. Mentally, while we must give Arnica first consideration in conditions that can be traced back to some mechanical injury, recent or remote, we will also find it useful in delirium, with easy fear, especially of being struck by persons coming near him, or with muttering (55), or complete stupor, foul breath 92) and involuntary putrid discharges. It is of especial value when this condition accompanies low types of fever, malarial or typhoid (193). In apoplexy (18) we have stertorous respiration, involuntary stools, no cerebral excitement, but heavy stupor and foul breath. In any of these conditions, the Arnica patient, if sufficiently conscious, will complain of the hardness of the bed, or of lumps in the mattress, of an aching soreness (166) over the whole body and will dread having anyone touch him or even to have you come near him for fear of being hurt. Arnica has a headache with a sensation as if the head were being distended from pressure within (106) and with great sensitiveness of the brain internally (91). It has neuralgic headaches, with sharp pain as if a knife or nail (106) were being driven into the head and with aggravation on moving the head (96). There are, also, intermittent neuralgic pains, associated with malaria and neuralgias following injuries to the nerves (142). Hot head with cold body is another symptom calling for the use of Arnica. Meniere’s disease, with vertigo and inclination to fall to the left (207), salivation and vomiting, leads one to think of Arnica. (For further information refer to Dr. G. W. McDowell.) The nosebleed of Arnica, when not due to mechanical injuries, is of dark (142) fluid blood and is especially noticed during low fevers or in whooping cough (47). Another prominent condition calling for the remedy in whooping cough is, that the paroxysms are so violent as to cause haemorrhage (47) in the conjunctiva as well. The face is usually cold and pale; in low fevers it is congested and dark red (207). The tongue in fever is dry and sore, sometimes blackish, but thirst is not prominent. The diarrhoea calling for Arnica is associated with a state of great prostration. The stools are putrid (59) and during sleep they are involuntary and are accompanied by eructations and flatus, tasting (182) and smelling like sulphuretted hydrogen (82). It is of value in the diarrhoea of low fever sand in haemorrhage from the bowels during typhus and typhoid fevers (193) of dark venous blood. In dysentery, the “most marked indication,” says Hering, “is the long intervals between the stools, namely, from four to six hours”. Soreness of the walls of the chest (30) as if bruised, with some sharp, stitching pains (30), is an indication for Arnica in rheumatism of the pectoral muscles, while the same bruised pain about the region of the heart leads to its affections of the cardiac muscle, hypertrophy (110) and fatty degeneration (109). In muscular rheumatism, besides the sharp pains and great loss of power or even paralysis, the chief characteristic would be the bruised sensation and the great soreness of the muscles to touch. In gouty inflammation of the joints this symptom amounts to a fear of being approached, and as you enter the room the patient notifies you that you are expected to keep your distance and not to come near enough to touch him (84). Arnica is of value in erysipelas (68) with tendency to ecchymoses (65) and great prostration; in varicose veins and ulcers (205); in bed-sores (21); in gangrenous appearance (82) of contused wounds; in tendency to boils, especially appearance (82) of contused wounds; in tendency to boils, especially in diabetes (56). Farrington speaks of its use “in boils and abscesses which have partially matured, but which instead of discharging, shrivel up by reason of absorption of the contained pus. Arnica given internally and applied externally re-develops the abscess” (22). In eczema and psoriasis (158) it is to be thought of with “sym-metrical eruptions” (Deschere), where the eruption in one part or side of the body has its fellow on the corresponding part on the opposite side of the body and “clinically,” says Dearborn. “symmetry has been found to be a very good indication for Arnica.” It is a valuable remedy in fevers of a low type, especially when malarial of typhoid in origin. Among the symptoms already mentioned as calling for the remedy, in typhoid especially, would be a general aching soreness of the whole body, with complaints of the hardness of the bed and inability to find a soft or comfortable spot on which to lie. Normally of a stupid, non- restless (193) type, with added consciousness there comes increased knowledge of the soreness of the flesh (166), with restlessness (193), and constant desire to move or to be moved. There would be passive haemorrhages from the nose and bowels (85), offensive involuntary stools and putrid breath (24), bedsores, heat of head and coldness of the lower part of the body. I use Arnica 3d or 30th, according to whether the injury is recent or remote.

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MOUNTAIN ARNICA- “fall-kraut” (“fall-herb”)-“Panacea lapsorum”- should be in every house,and everybody should know of its us. Arnica grows all the world over in mountainous regions. A great- grandson of Nelson,hailing from the Andes,seen once only,years ago, is still remembered because he told the tale of Arnica. He told of the terrible falls in those mountains,and how the people there gather Arnica, pour boiling water on the plant, and give the infusion to drink to the injured men, with astonishing results,. In the scheme of the Almighty, wherever healing is needed, there it is to be found, whether in plant or venom-always at hand. This wonderful remedy comes by hoary tradition from domestic practice. But Hahnemann has made its use scientific, and demonstrated how it falls into line with all the rest, by its power of causing what it can cure. That is to say,he “proved” it, by administering it to nine persons (mostly doctors) besides himself, and then faithfully recording what it can do in the way of altering health and giving rise to abnormal conditions and sensations in healthy provers. Let us glance down the provings of Arnica,and find what they have to tell us in regard to its uses: remembering that what a drug can cause,that it can cure. Felt as if bruised over the whole body. General weakness, weariness,sensation of being bruised. Pain in the back, as after a violent fall. Pain in the heart, as if squeezed,or as if it had got a shock. All the joints, bones and cartilages of chest painful, as if bruised, during motion and breathing. Stitches in chest. Short panting breath. Tightness. Bloody expectoration. Cough, with feeling in ribs,as if they were all bruised. Small of the back painful, as if it had been beaten. Pain in limbs as if joints bruised; pain in all limbs, as if they had been bruised. Pain in arms, as from bruises; arms weary, as if bruised, by blows. Pain as if a sprain in wrist-joint. Pain in balls of thumbs as if they had knocked against something hard. Pain as from a sprain in hips Then some typhoid symptoms with involuntary stool during sleep; foul taste; foul breath; distention of abdomen, etc., and its typical mental state. Then some peculiar symptoms, mental and physical.,. Cold nose. Head burning hot,with cold body. Forgetfulness absent-mindedness,. Sudden horror of instant death., Fear of Being touched. HAHNEMANN says of Arnica, “Hence it is very beneficial” (not only in “injuries caused by severe contusions and lacerations of fibers”) “but also in the most severe wounds by bullets and blunt weapons: in the pains and other ailments consequent on extracting the teeth,and other surgical operations,whereby sensitive parts have been violently stretched: as also after dislocations of joints, after setting fractures of bones,etc. And in some kinds of false pleurisy it is very efficacious, where the symptoms correspond. For internalize he recommends the 30th potency. For external use, the parts are to be kept moistened for twenty-four hours with wine, or brandy and water,in which five to ten drops of Arnica (not the” O” but the “Ic”) has been well mixed (five to ten drops to the pint). Of course,a few doses of Arnica internally, after tooth extraction, is the common practice of us all. KENT(“Materia Medica”) gives some striking little pictures of the action of Arnica, “After railway (or road ) accident, ” “horror of instant death,with cardiac symptoms at night. He goes off into a sleep of terror, jumps up again with this sudden fear of death,and says, ‘Send for a doctor at once.’ And this may happen night after night.” Or, on the other hand, an Arnica case, in desperate sickness, may say, “I am not ill. I do not need a doctor.” (We had such a case in our hospital during the 1914-18 War-a French woman, with a very bad form of typhoid,contracted in France during a virulent epidemic. She relapsed and relapsed. It was a very anxious case. But, at her worse she began to profess herself as “so well!”-“Ca va is bien-si bien, Mademoiselle!” So she got Arnica,and media rapid recovery. Kent gives another little picture of the Arnica condition in old cases of gout. The old grandfather, sitting away in a corner, in terror of touch or approach. He feels that anything coming towards him is going to hurt him,because he is so sore and tender. If he sees little Johnnie running towards him,he says, “Oh, do keep away!-keep away!” “Give him a dose of Arnica.” says Kent, “and he will let Johnnie run all over him.” Then the hard bed sensation. That is such a splendid appeal for Arnica, in all sorts of sicknesses. The patient is restless, but only because the bed feels so hard and lumpy, that he is forced to try for a new position. (It is not the anxious restlessness of Aconite or Arsenicum, or the pains of Rhus, that seem as if movement would help-which it may not.) Another great use for Arnica is in cerebral haemorrhage; generally the first thing to use. This is also foreshadowed in the provings, “Pain as if the head were being distended from within outwards, as if brain were rolled up in a lump. Stitches in 1. frontal eminence, accompanied by the sensation as if an extravasation of blood had taken place.” Illustrative cases in the ken of some of us. (1) She was taken ill one night with stitching pain in the chest that made breathing a proposition. Her husband tried to help her with various remedies, probably Aconite, certainly Bryonia, but in vain. then, in a “Domestic Homoeopathy,” he discovered “bastard pleurisy” with its remedy, Arnica; and he gave her a few globules. They were scarcely swallowed when, with a long sigh,and “That’s the first breath I’ve been able to draw tonight!” she was fast asleep in a moment. (2) He was a doctor who wrote that for than a month he had had distressing difficulty in breathing,since running eighty yards. He would wake at night with oppression in chest, anxiety and fear”. “Heart weakness suggests early death,” he said, yet he was “calm and not anxious”. “Legs heavy; head fuzzy; couldn’t run upstairs. Heart sounds weak, but no disease.” Arnica was suggested and he wrote back,”Arnica had the desired effect! All symptoms went within forty-eighty hours. I’m all right now.” (3) She was carrying awkward things downstairs, slipped and sprained her ankle badly,and put on an Arnica compress, probably rather strong. Ankle was well next day, but there was a brilliant eruption all over the foot, which died away when the Arnica was discontinued. Here, N.B.-Arnica can bring out a very nasty dermatitis,when used externally too long or too strong-even a cellulitis when applied to wounds where the skin is broken; and here it is better always to use Hypericum. Probably Hahnemann’s “Ist centesimal potency” (the “ic”:), would be an improvement always, on the “mother tincture” (“O”) commonly in use. (4) Another doctor, over fatigued mentally and physically, lost all interest in his work. His usual self-confidence disappeared,so that he began to doubt his prescriptions and wonder whether he had prescribed too much of this, or even the wrong medicine. He was nerve sure whether he had shut the door,or turned off the lights: had to go back and see. He was naturally keenly alert,and this change of mentality worried him. Arnica 1,000 put him right in a few days,restoring perfectly his memory and self-confidence. (5) A person who tired very easily, and was knocked up by a day’s shopping in London. Over fatigue always meant a bad night, unless she took Arnica. On one occasion she had been vaccinated, and her arm was swollen and sore, with painful glands in the armpit; on the top of which she has a dragging day in Town; so at night,she took Arnica. To her surprise she has no further discomfort from the vaccination! (Arnica is capable of producing Cellulitis and septic conditions, and here to relieved promptly.) Some of us prescribe it always, with relief to the patient, after a vaccination, Unlike Thuja the discomfort, leaving the pustules to take their usual course. (6) Two small girls, of nine and five, brought into hospital by the police after having been knocked down by taxis. Both comatose and limp. Both were seen by surgeons within a few hours of admission and in both cases the surgeons pronounced them hopeless. Both were given Arnica internally,and both sat up to eat a hearty breakfast next morning. (7) A patient writes from abroad. “May wife has been very ill here, but I am happy to say that all has gone supremely well, and Strasbourg echoes amazement at the effect of Arnica 1,000 taken six hours after a double ovariotomy with complications. Phosphorus prevented all nausea and shock,and the Arnica made morphia entirely unnecessary. A wonderful piece of work.” (8) A very severely sprained ankle on the stairs late one night. The sufferer was too cute to try to walk on it; she sat and wriggled it in every direction, crawled up somehow to bed,and took Arnica. Next day,again, Arnica and wriggling,feeling that bone after bone slipped back into place. It was well in about twenty-four hours. And here, a tip! Don’t go walking on a foot whose jig-saw puzzle of instep joints may be slightly disturbed. They will pinch nerves,and you will get pain and swelling and inflammation,and be laid up more or less,for weeks. Shake the jig-saw bits home. Bend your knee; hold on to something; and with your toes on the ground, roll your foot backwards and forwards and round and round, while the parts slip home. Arnica will took after the rest. Arnica is a short-acting remedy: but PROMPT. INSECT STINGS We forgot to mention the role of Arnica in insect stings. The strong tincture applied to a wasp sting, prevents the pain and swelling,and in a couple of hours the sting is forgotten. Urtica is said to do like worse for bee stings. And Cantharis 200, given internally, quickly cures the inflamed and horrible swellings that may follow gnat bites-ED.
Stupor,with involuntary discharge of faces. Forgetful; what he reads quickly escapes his memory,even the word he is about the speak. Says there is nothing the matter with him. Delirium tremens. Hopelessness; indifference. (After concussion). Fears being struck by those coming towards him;fears even the possibility of being touched (in gout) Violent attacks of anguish. (Angina pectoris). Vertigo when shutting eyes. Pressive headache as if head was being distended from within outward; pain seems to arise from something soft in vertex,with drawing in vertex and occiput, and tearing towards temples. Mechanical injuries; especially with stupor from concussion; fractures of skull, or even compression(apply externally warm cloths saturated with dilute tincture from the root; give also internally). Meningitis after mechanical or traumatic injuries, such as concussions, bruises, falling, concussion of brain, etc., when suspecting exudation of blood, fibrine or pus. In such cases we find great sopor and partial paralysis of tongue., Oculomotors, iris or limbs. Meningitis after lesion or concussion,provided there is no complete want of reaction. Apoplexia sanguinea. Head feels too large. Inflammation of eyes, with suggillations after mechanical injuries. Retinal haemorrhage; expedites absorption of clots. A variety of eye troubles resulting from blows and various injuries;sometimes applied locally (tincture diluted with water) and sometimes given internally. Hard hearing from concussions. Epistaxis. Nosebleed; preceded by tingling;from mechanical causes; whooping cough; typhus. Toothache after operation, plugging, etc. Putrid smell from mouth. Eructations;frequent; empty; bitter. Vomiting of dark red coagula,mouth bitter; generally soreness. After injuries. Foul belching. Dyspepsia; Prolapsus ani. Offensive flatus;smelling like rotten eggs. Stool involuntary during sleep (also urine) Fevers. Apoplexy. etc. Dysentery with ischuria, or tenesmus of neck of bladder with fruitless urging. Most marked indication is long intervals between stools, namely from four to six hours. Bladder affections after mechanical injuries. Tenesmus from spasms of neck of bladder. Constant urging while urine passes involuntarily in drops. Frequent attempts to urinate. Has to wait a long time for urine to pass. Retention of urine from exertion. Ischuria with dysentery. Involuntary urination at night during sleep. Apoplexy. Typhus,.etc. Urine brown with lateritious sediment. Haematuria from mechanical causes. Urine thick, when much pus and some blood globules, but no tubes. Nephritis. Urine very acid, with increase of specific gravity. Penis and testes swollen purple red; after injuries. Phymosis from friction; parts bruised and much swollen. Threatened abortion from falls, shocks, etc.; nervous, excited; feel bruised. Soreness of parts after labor; prevents haemorrhage. Sore nipples. Asthma from fatty degeneration of heart. Whooping cough; child cries before paroxysm as though in fear of soreness it will cause, cough cause bloodshot eYes, nosebleed, expectoration of foaming blood, or clots of blood. Haemorrhage after mechanical injuries; slight spitting of black, thick, viscid blood, or bright red, frothy blood,mixed with mucus and coagula. Haemoptysis. Pleurisy after mechanical injuries; must continually change position, bed feels so hard. Pneumothorax from external injuries. “Strain of the heart” from violent running. Fatty degeneration of heart. Pulse, in rest, below 60, after moving, above 120/. Nephritis. Articulations and cartilaginous connections of chest feel as if beaten, when moving, breathing,or coughing. Hygroma patella. A splinter ran deep into sole a month ago producing a great deal of proud flesh,came out after inner and outer use. Paralytic pains in all joints during motion,as if bruised. Complaints from exertion; hoarse, overusing voice; palpitation; formication, lame; paralysis bruised feeling; sciatica; weary faint; retained urine; nosebleed. Head feels too hot for him, body feels chilly and cold, between frequent attacks of violent convulsions. After acon. General sinking of strength;he can scarcely move a limb. Typhus. While answering, falls into a deep sleep before finishing. Typhus. Frequent violent attacks of chill. Nephritis. Chilly, with heat and redness of one cheek. Head feels too hot to him body chilly and cold: (

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14 years ago

Just to confirm that I honestly believe in this treatment and that my wife really helped a lot.

– Kent J. T.

The Arnica patient is morose, wants to be let alone, does not want to be talked to, does not want to be approached. He does not want to be approached both because he does not wish to enter into conversation, a mental state, and also because he does not wish to be touched on account of the great bodily soreness. These are the two most striking things in this medicine. Irritable, morose, sad, fearful, easily frightened, imagines all sorts of things, especially that he has heart disease, or that he will mortify, or that some deep-seated trouble is upon him. Full of nightmare, dreadful dreams, dreams of muddy water, robbers, etc. Horrors in the night. He frequently rouses up in the night, grasps at the heart, has the appearance of great horror, fears some dreadful thing will happen. A sudden fear of death comes on at this time, rousing him up in the night; he grasps at the heart, and thinks he is going to die suddenly. He is full of dreadful anguish, but finally he comes to himself, lies down and goes off into a sleep of terror, jumps up again with the fear of sudden death and says: “Send for a doctor at once.” This is repeated night after night in persons who are fairly well in the daytime, who have no sympathy because there seems to be no reality in their sickness, only a mental state. It is also seen in persons who have gone through a railroad accident, or through some shock, who are sore and bruised from injury. They rouse up in the night with a fear of sudden death, with an expression of terror; the horrors they really went through are repeated. This is similar to Opium, only the Opium fear remains, even in the day time. Arnica dreams of it.

When sick in bed afflicted with a zymotic disease, with violent fever, or with fever after an accident or injury, he becomes greatly prostrated, stupid and unconscious. He can be aroused and will answer a question correctly, but goes back into a stupor, or he hesitates about a word and is unable to find correct words when trying to answer and goes back into the coma. When roused up, he looks at the doctor and says: “I do not want you; I did not send for you; I am not sick; I don’t need a doctor.” He will say this even when he is seriously ill. I have seen an Arnica patient lie back upon his pillow after emptying the stomach of a black fluid like blood, seriously ill, with the face mottled, in zymotic sickness or such as threaten malignant chill, that one would think he was almost going to die, look up and say: “I am not sick; I did not send for you; go home.” Yet when in a state of health he was friendly, kind-hearted, knew me well, glad to shake hands with me; but now he is irritated at seeing me there and insists there is nothing the matter with him. Such is the “shock” state, almost a delirium. After finishing such a sentence he will lie down in a stupor, will lie in bed drawn up in a heap and merely groan when spoken to. He wants to be left alone, does not want to be bothered, does not want to be talked to. That state ushers in complaints after a shock that has shaken the whole system, that has disturbed the circulation. When a symptomatic typhoid is coming on, i.e., when an intermittent or remittent is taking on symptoms that are typhoid in character, when the tongue becomes shiny, and sores appear about the teeth and lips, when there is sinking, and soreness all over the body, there are times when this mental state that I am describing will appear and the patient must have Arnica. Arnica will interrupt the progress and prevent a typhoid state. Arnica is sometimes suitable to the scarlet fever, when the eruption does not come out, in those severe forms when the body is dusky, mottled and covered with red spots; the patient is constantly turning and that mental state is coming on with moroseness, and stupidity. It is a wonderful remedy, a misunderstood remedy, a misused remedy, because it is almost limited to bruises. It is one of the sheet anchors in certain seasons, in the malarial valleys of the west, for intermittent fever. In congestive chills, in those dreadful attacks with prostration, stupor, mottled skin, with congestion that comes on suddenly, with anxiety. The doctors know these fevers, they dread them, and can only cope with them by using such remedies as Arnica and Lachesis and other deep-acting medicines. It is not true that these patients must have Quinine. For many years I practiced among these cases, and I have seen numerous congestive chills and had no need for Quinine. I would rather have my repertory and a few potencies than all the Quinine in the drug stores. The sugar pills cure safely, permanently and gently, while the () never cures, but suppresses, and there is nothing in the after history of that patient drugged with Quinine and Arsenic but congestion and violence so long as he lives.

“Horror of instant death, with cardiac distress in night.” From that it spreads on throughout the system, but that horror of instant death is a striking feature and it comes on regardless of heart disease. A horror in the night when there is nothing to come upon the patient; a horrible congestion, which affects especially the cerebellum and upper part of the spinal cord.

“Stupor with involuntary discharges.” “Coma, insensibility.” “Lies as if dead.” These symptoms come in the low forms of disease, in the typhoid type of disease. Many of the remittent fevers, if badly treated, or permitted to run their course under bad nursing, will turn into a continued fever. While the true idiopathic typhoid comes on after many weeks of gradual decline, a symptomatic typhoid may come on suddenly, and it has symptoms of graver form than the ordinary typhoid. The idiopathic typhoid will seldom kill and will generally run to a favorable termination, if the doctor stays at home. This remedy is full of delirium in these low types of fever, even delirium like delirium tremens. “Hopelessness; indifference.” “Hypochondriacal anxiety, peevishness.” “Fears being struck by those coming towards him.” That is both bodily and mental.

Now, with this mental state thoroughly in mind, we are prepared to take up the general physical state, which has in all complaints, all over the body a feeling as if bruised. It is not strange that Arnica is used for bruises, but it is very foolish to put it on the outside and to rub it on in the form of the tincture. It produces in its pathogenesis mottled spots, like bruises. If you take Arnica internally, in large doses, you will have mottled spots, bluish spots, which become yellowish, due to ecchymosis, from extravasations of the smaller capillaries. This is, to a certain extent, what takes place in bruising. It is an extravasation of blood from the capillaries, and sometimes from the larger vessels. But all over the body he is sore and bruised, as if he had been beaten. If you watch an Arnica patient in order to get the external manifestations of his state, you will see him turning and moving. You will at once ask yourself, Why is he restless? and if you compare remedies in your mind, you will say, He is like (); he stays in a place a while and then he moves. No matter if he is only semiconscious, you will see him make a little turn, part way over, and then a little further over, and so on until he is over on the other side. Then he commences again, and he will shift a little and a little, and so he turns from side to side the question is, why does he move so, why is he restless? It is an important matter to solve. We notice the awful anxiety of the Arsenicum patient that keeps him moving all the time. We notice the painful uneasiness felt all over the body with the Rhus patient so that he cannot keep still. The Arnica patient is so sore that he can lie on one part only a little while, and then he must get off that part or to the other side. So if we ask him, “Why do you move so?” he will tell us that the bed feels hard. That is one way of telling that the body is sore. A more intelligent individual will say it is because he is so sore and feels as if bruised and beaten, and he wants to get into a new place. This state of soreness is present if it be a symptomatic typhoid, an intermittent fever, a remittent fever, or after an injury when he is really bruised all over. You get the the same continual uneasiness and motion, moving every minute. He moves and thinks that now he will be comfortable, but he is comfortable only for a second. The soreness increases the longer he lies, and becomes so great that he is forced to move. With Rhus tox. the longer he lies the more restless he grows and the more he aches, until he feels as if he will fly if he does not move. With (). the uneasiness passes off after moving, and with Arnica the soreness passes off if he gets into a new place. With Arsenicum you see him moving about and look wild, and he is anxious, and this anxiety forces him to move, and he gets no rest, for he keeps going. The Rhus tox. and Arnica patients get better from every little motion.

The Arnica patient bleeds easily; his blood vessels seem to be relaxed, and extravasation is easy. Blue spots come easily upon the skin, and internally the mucous membranes bleed easily. The parts that are inflammed bleed. He is subject to catarrhal conditions, and if he has a cough he bleeds easily. The parts that are inflammed bleed. He is subject to catarrhal conditions, and if he has a cough he bleeds easily. the mucus that is hawked out of the chest and throat is streaked with blood, or dotted with tiny pin-head blood clots. His urine contains blood and there is bleeding from the various orifices of the body. There is not sufficient tone in the fibers of the vessel to hold the blood within the vessel walls and they ooze.

All over the body there is a lameness, and soreness, and a feeling as if bruised; a rheumatic lameness; the joints are, sore swollen and lame. If an acute disease becomes more severe, we shall find the mental symptoms as described, and there will be an increasing soreness in the muscles. Arnica is very suitable for that sore, bruised condition of the body, therefore Arnica is a very important remedy in injuries, bruises and shocks, injuries of joints, injury of the back with lameness and soreness. In such conditions Arnica becomes one of the first remedies, and unless . there are general decided symptoms calling for other remedies it should be the first remedy. Arnica will very often take all the soreness out of a sprained ankle and permit him in a few days to go walking about, to the surprise of everybody. The black and blue appearance of sprained joints will go away in a surprisingly short time, the soreness will disappear, and he will be able to manipulate that joint with surprising ease. I have seen a sprained ankle when it was black and blue, so swollen that the shoe could not be put on but, after a dose of Arnica, the swelling disappeared in an astonishing way, the discoloration faded out and the patient was able to stand on the foot. No such result can be obtained with the use of Arnica lotion externally. A high potency of Arnica is most satisfactory in bruises, and when no decided contra-indication is present Arnica is the first remedy; but for the weakness of tendons that follows such a condition Arnica is not always sufficient, and then () is its natural follower. If the weakness and tenderness remain in the joints, follow the () with () One will not, of course, give these remedies all on the same day, and not in the same glass, but will wait until all the good has been gotten out of the Arnica before following with () It is quite a common thing for aching and restlessness and weakness to come into a part that has been injured, and () is then a suitable remedy; and it is quite common for a joint that has been badly treated to remain sore and weak, and then () comes in as a natural follower of the () Now and then we have to resort to () () and other remedies, because of some peculiar feature in the case, but these remedies are all related more or less to Arnica, () and () For another class of injuries compare () and ().

Arnica is useful in some chronic cases; especially in old cases of gout. It is quite a common thing for old cases of gout to’ rouse up into a new soreness of joints, with great sensitiveness. You will see the old grand-father sit off in a corner of the room, and if he sees little Johnnie running towards him, he will say, “Oh, do keep away, keep away.” Give him a dose of Arnica and be will let Johnnie run all over him. He does not want to be touched or approached; lie feels that anything that is coming towards him is going to hurt him. He is extremely sensitive, his joints are sore and tender and he is afraid they will be hurt.

This medicine has erysipelatous inflammation. If you have an erysipelas of the face with the mental state described, with soreness, and sore, bruised feeling all over the body, you need not wait longer before prescribing Arnica. The sore, bruised feeling all over the body, and the mental state would decide in favor of Arnica against any medicine. In inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, of the liver, and even in pneumonia, the mental state and the sore, bruised feeling all over the body would enable you to do astonishing work in such cases, even though Arnica has never produced pneumonia. It has all there is of the rusty expectoration, with all the soreness of the chest and catarrhal state, the coughing and gagging, and sore. bruised feeling all over the body, and then add to this the condition of stupor and the mental state that belongs to the inflammatory condition of any organ and is especially strong in this medicine. We do not have to worry about any particular fineness of diagnosis to settle upon Arnica.

Arnica has aversion to meat, broth and milk. There is great thirst at particular times; for instance, () of intermittent fever he has thirst, while at other times he is thirstless. “vomiting of dark-red coagula, mouth bitter; general soreness.” vomiting of black, inky substances.

Arnica is a useful remedy in inflammatory conditions of the abdomen, liver, intestines, with tumefaction, tympanites, prostration, tendency to uneasiness, and so sore that he cannot lie touched. This state also comes with typhoid. Do not forget the symptoms of Arnica in appendicitis. You do not need to run for the surgeon for every case of appendicitis if you know (), Arnica and similar remedies. The homoeopathic remedy will cure these cases, and, if you know it, you need never run after the surgeon in appendicitis except in recurrent attacks. If you do not know your remedies, you will succumb to the prevailing notion that it necessary to open the abdomen and remove the appendix. It is only deplorable ignorance that causes appendicitis to be surrendered to the knife.

Offensiveness is a feature of Arnica; there is offensiveness of the eructations, and of the flatus. The stool is horribly offensive. “Nightly diarrhoea.” “Stool involuntary during sleep.” “Stools of undigested food, purulent; bloody, slimy, mucus.” Dark blood, very foetid stool. Here we see the tendency to oozing from the mucous membranes. block watery stool with black vomit. “Retention of urine from exertion,” from overwork, from injury, from concussion of the brain, from some violent accident. The urine is brown, or inky, dark. “Piercing pains as from knives plunged into the kidneys. “Urine very acid, with increase of specific gravity.” Another feature of Arnica occurs in pregnant women. The extreme sensitiveness, soreness or tenderness throughout the whole body is especially felt in the abdominal viscera, in the uterus and pelvic region. Sensitiveness to the motion of the foetus, sore and bruised; the motions of the foetus are very painful and keep her awake all night. Arnica will remove that soreness and she will not distinguish the motion of the foetus. It is not an increased motion of the foetus, but that she is sensitive to it. “Constant dribbling of urine after labor.”

A general feature also of the remedy is that the body is cold and the head hot; the whole body and the extremities are cold, but the head feels hot. This is a marked condition in sudden congestive attacks, in congestive chill and congestive intermittent fevers. This, sometimes, is the very beginning of a severe attack when there has been almost no warning except a night or two of bad dreams and distress, fearfulness and stupefaction,with soreness in the body. If he comes out of this, an increased soreness in the body comes on, which grows worse and worse until he is sore and bruised all over. Children going into severe attacks of infantile fever may threaten convulsions, the head is hot and the body cold. Most physicians will think of Belladonna, which has such cold extremities and such a hot head. Do not forget Arnica, especially in those children who seem to have an aversion to being touched, and scream out every time the mother takes hold of the leg or arm. Look into the history a little and you will see that this is a soreness. and if you strip the child you may observe dusky spots, which give an added indication of Arnica.

This is a whooping-cough remedy; you can easily conjure up what the indications are for whooping-cough; aggravation from touch, sore, bruised condition, spasmodic cough with expectoration of blood, or dark blood streaked mucus, or little tiny pin-head dots all through the mucus. Vomiting of food with black mucus. The mental state of the child can easily be imagined. The child is cross and fretful. “Cough excited by cries in children when accompanied by anger and tossing about.” “Paroxysms of cough at night.” “Whooping cough; child cries before paroxysms as though in fear of soreness. You can easily apply that which we have seen in the remedy to the various diseases that come on. Stitching pains in whooping cough, pleuritic pains with catarrh of the chest, with pneumonia or pleuritic, inflammatory conditions. It has also more lingering complaints, fatty degeneration of the heart. “Stitches in the cardiac region, stitches from left to right. “Weary, bruised, sore, great weakness, must lie down, yet bed feels too hard.”

It will be well to read over all these symptoms; there are numerous particulars in the remedy, many little symptoms that are of great interest.

It follows well after () and is complementary to () and ().

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– Leopard’s Bane

Nervous women, sanguine plethoric persons, lively expression and very red face. For the bad ef ects resulting from mechanical injuries; even if received years ago. Especialy adapted to those who remain long impressed by even slight mechanical injuries. Sore, lame, bruised feeling al through the body as if beaten; traumatic af ections of muscles. Mechanical injuries, especialy with stupor from concussion; involuntary faeces and urine. After injuries with blunt instruments [Symph. ]. Compound fractures and their profuse suppuration [Calend. ]. Concussions and contusions, results of shock or injury; without laceration of soft parts; prevents suppuration and septic conditions and promotes absorption. Nervous, cannot bear pain; whole body over- sensitive [Cham. , Cof. , Ign. ]. Everything on which he lies seems too hard; complains constantly of it and keeps moving from place to place in search of a soft spot [the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised, Bap. , Pyr. , must move continualy to obtain relief from the pain, Rhus]. Heat of upper part of body; coldness of lower. The face or head and face alone is hot, the body cool. Unconsciousness; when spoken to answers cor ectly, but unconsciousness and delirium at once return [fals asleep in the midst of a sentence, Bap. ]. Says there is nothing the mat er with him. Meningitis after mechanical or traumatic injuries; from fals, concussion of brain, etc. When suspecting exudation of blood, to facilitate absorption. Hydrocephalus; deathly coldness in forearm of children [in diar hoea, Brom. ].

Apoplexy: loss of consciousness, involuntary evacuation from bowels and bladder; in acute at ack, controls haemor hage and aids absorption; should be repeated and alowed to act for days or weeks unless symptoms cal for another remedy. Conjunctival or retinal haemor hage, with extravasation, from injuries or cough [Led. , Nux]. Gout and rheumatism, with great fear of being touched or struck by persons coming near him. Cannot walk erect on account of a bruised sort of feeling in the pelvic region. Tendency to smal, painful boils, one after another, extremely sore [smal boils in crops, Sulph. ]. Paralysis [left sided]; pulse ful, strong; stertor, sighing, mut ering. Belching; eructations; foul, putrid, like rot en eggs.

Dysentery; with ischuria, fruitless urging; long interval between the stools.

Constipation: rectum loaded, faeces wil not come away; ribbon-like stools from enlarged prostate or retroverted uterus. Soreness of parts after labor; prevents post-partum haemor hage and puerperal complications. Retention or incontinence of urine after labor [Op. ].

Complementary: to, Acon. , Hyper. , Rhus. Similar: to, for soreness as if bruised, Bap. , China. Phyt. , Pyr. , Rhus, Ruta, Staph. Arnica folows wel: after, Acon. , Apis, Ham. , Ipec. , Ver. ; is folowed by Sul. ac. In ailments from spirituous liquors or from charcoal vapors, Arn. is often indicated [am. c. , Bov. ]. In spinal concussion, compare Hyper.

At rest; when lying down; from wine.

From contact; motion [Rhus, Ruta].

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